I'm sharing information of the annual conference and banquet held by
the Detroit Chinese Engineers Association (DCEA) this Sunday. It's a great
opportunity for both technical insights and networking. Please find details
below. Registration is required but free for students. Please let me know
if you'd like to find a carpool between MSU and Troy.
Tech Conference Speakers:
Mr. Martin Murray, Senior Manager,Battery Pack Engineering, General Motors,
keynote speaker, speech topic "Advanced Propulsion Systems"
Dr. Lurun Zhong, Technical Lead,Powertrain Virtual Group, Fiat - Chrysler,
speech topic "Application of Modeling Technology in SI Engine Performance
Dr. Tai Chan, President, Acacia168 LLC, speech topic "Environmental and
Sustainability Issues Facing China¡¯s Automotive Industry"
Dr. WenHsien (Anthony) Yang, President, Moldex3D Northern America, Inc.
speech topic "Optimizing Polymer Matrix Composite Manufacturing with
Simulation Technology"
Alan A. Luo, Professor, Director - Light Metals and Manufacturing
Laboratory,Ohio State University, speech topic "Vehicle Light-Weighting:
Materials, Manufacturing,
and Design Integration"
Simon Xu, Engineering Group Manager, Vehicle Optimization/Architecture
Strategy, General Motors, speech topic "Achieving Fuel Economy through
Vehicle Architecture Design Optimization"
Annual Meeting Keynote Speaker:
Dr. S. Jack Hu £¨ºúÊËÐÂ), J. Reid and Polly Anderson Professor of Manufacturing
Technology, Interim Vice President for Research,University of Michigan
Time: April 6th (Sunday), 2014,
2:00pm - 2:20pm registration
2:20pm ¨C 5:20pm (Tech Conference)
6:00pm ¨C 8:30pm (Banquet and Annual Conference)
Location: Troy Marriot
200 W. Big Beaver Rd, Troy, MI 48084
Ticket: free for DCEA members and students
$35 for non-member
For the meeting registration, please go to the DCEA website:
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