sorry to bother those
hey everyone, I have a iphone 4 to hand over for free. I have signed the contract for almost 2 years (only three months left). Because I am leaving in May and therefore I have to hand over someone this phone. Benefits you have: unlimited messgae and call; after three months, you can get iphone 4s for free and stay in this contract to get iphnoe 5 (for $ 99); or iphne 5s (for $ 199). Right now you only need to pay around $45 per month (only for three months for the contract to be full). I will give you this iphone 4 for free. 因回国有手机卡及iphone 4 免费转让,该手机卡是在Verizon 的Plan里的: unlimited text & call,每月流量为7个人用2G, 话费为每月$47. 如果take over该手机卡,可以免费送你iphone 4,但是你需要使用该手机卡及该plan三个月(两年的contract 现在只差三个月就满)。三个月后可以直接免费拿iphone 4s, 或者继续留在这个Plan里花99 (买ihone5); 花199 (买iPhone5 s)。plan 里的人都特别好,我们还经常一起吃饭。 有意者请联系[log in to unmask]。谢谢大家!