South Asian Journal of Human Resource Management (SAJHRM)
Special Issue on Gender (in)equalities in South Asia
Submission deadline June 30, 2014
Guest Editors:
· Professor Glenda Strachan, Griffith University:
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· Dr. Pavithra Kailasapathy, University of Colombo:
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· Dr. Arosha Adikaram, University of Colombo: [log in to unmask]
Gender (in)equalities in workplaces have emerged as a key concern in the
contemporary world of work with concepts and practices such as diversity
management, equal treatment, equal opportunity, human rights and human
dignity having gained immense popularity and advocacy. Gender (in)equality
has become a main item in the HRM agenda (Dickens, 1998) with HRM
professionals, policy makers, and educators being very attentive and mindful to
the diverse and complex issues related to gender (in)equality in organisations.
While areas and issues of gender (in)equality have been in discussion to a great
extent in the West, there is a critical need to bring this pressing subject to the
forefront and provide space for broader discussion in the South Asian context
(which is defined by SAJHRM as comprising of eight countries, namely, India,
Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal and Afghanistan). The
aim of this special issue is to provide a platform for research examining gender
(in)equalities in South Asia. Researchers and scholars can identify and examine
common issues in South Asia as well as highlight country or society specific
gender issues.
South Asian countries’ unique traditions, beliefs, work settings and
organisational practices present diverse and distinctive gender issues. In
addition, cultures in these countries, masculinity for example, play an important
role. The incessant increase in women’s participation in the labour market, their
upward progress in organisations, their move into non-traditional occupations
and industries also pose interesting avenues for exploration. South Asia also
has a large number of migrant workers, both women and men. There are issues
related to workers in Free Trade Zones, dramatically highlighted by recent
deaths of workers due to fires at Bangladesh garment factories and low wages.
Business Process Outsourcing (BPOs) and call centers have become a popular
trend changing traditional work norms and practices in many South Asian
countries. These work settings and trends have created diverse gender issues
that need deeper discussion and debate.
The special issue seeks to address relevant issues in this regard, such as,
· What are the impacts of these different trends on gender in
organisations and other social settings?
· What are the gender issues that these trends give rise to?
· Is equal treatment practiced in organisations?
· Is equal employment opportunity provided?
· Does occupational segregation, ‘sticky floors’, the ‘glass ceiling’ and so
on still exist?
· Does gender impact on leadership?
· How does culture impact on gender (in)equalities?
· How does the legislation system support/hinder gender (in)equality?
· What policy formulation and implementation challenges do gender issues
pose to human resource management (HRM)? What are the likely strategies to
address these challenges?
The papers selected for this special issue will be published in SAJHRM in 2015.
Potential research topics
To fulfil the purpose of the special issue the topics of potential contributions
may include, but are not limited to the following subject areas:
· Equal employment opportunities
· Gender pay gap
· Gender/Sexual harassment
· Work-family conflict/balance
· ‘Glass ceiling’/‘glass cliff’/’sticky floors’
· Migrant labour
· Free trade zone workers
· Gender and leadership
· Gender (in)equality in employment law
· Gender in unorganised/informal sector
· Gender and organisational size and profile (such as ownership structure)
· Gender and Corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives
· Gender and HRM disciplines, such as HR planning, HR strategy,
recruitment and selection, performance management, rewards management,
career management, industrial/employment relations (IR/ER), occupational
health & safety (OHS)
Research based on a single South Asian country or comparative/multi-country
studies on South Asia (as defined in the aims and scope section of SAJHRM
web site) are welcome.
Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished research papers that
provide frameworks for understanding gender (in)equalities in South Asia.
Research papers may employ a wide variety of methodologies and analyses
including qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods approaches, or be
conceptual in nature. Authors are also invited to submit interviews,
essays/commentaries/case studies and book reviews on the subject.
For more information about the journal, please go to
Please read through the author guidelines on this site before submitting your
paper. Submissions to South Asian Journal of Human Resource Management are
made through [log in to unmask]
Manuscripts should be between 6,000 to 9,000 words and follow the format
specified in the submission guidelines. The word limit for interviews, case
studies, commentaries and book reviews should be between 2,000 and 5,000
words. Papers submitted will be subject to double-blind peer review process to
ensure that this special issue adheres to the journal’s quality standards.
Authors are encouraged to contact the guest editors to seek further
clarifications at the email addresses provided at the top.
Mohan Thite, PhD
Editor-in-Chief, South Asian Journal of HRM (forthcoming, June 2014)
Associate Professor in HRM
Griffith Business School, Griffith University
Brisbane, Australia
Ph: +61 7 3735 7643
Fax: +61 7 3735 7177
Email: [log in to unmask]
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