CSSA第二届MSU校园非诚勿扰将于*11月10日周日晚6点30分,在BCC N130*举行。CSSA成员将于*今天(周二)、明天(周三)和周四的中午
12:00---1:30在international center 进行免费派票*。届时请同学们凭*student
为配合“非诚勿扰”活动的进行,CSSA还将于*明日(周三)晚7点*,在著名的*“The MSU Rock”进行涂鸦*,敬请关注。
CSSA will be giving out tickets for "if you are the one(非诚勿扰)" today (Tue),
tomorrow (Wed) and Thursday from 12:00 to 1:30 pm at International Center!
They are FREE and all we need are your MSU ID and msu email address. We
will give out maximum of 3 tickets per person.
"If you are the one(非诚勿扰) of MSU" is a Chinese dating game show hosted the
Chinese Students and Scholars Association of MSU (CSSAMSU). It experienced
great popularity on campus in March 2013. There are 5-6 gentleman as
challengers, and they will be challenged by 15 pretty single ladies via
various questions that might be personal and private. The survivor from the
challengers will get the chance to date the lady who still keep the
interest in him.
Mark your calendars !Begins today! If you are planning on getting tickets
for your friends, make sure you have their email addresses and IDs ready!
(Only one ticket will be given with one ID and one email address. three
tickets per person :D )
Other activities are coming. Thanks for your attention.
2013--2014 CSSA-MSU Committee
Email: [log in to unmask]
Homepage: www.cssamsu.com/