Hello friends,
The global peak water crisis is easily solved by filtering
greywater and capturing rain while saving money for the homeowners.
With the launch of SmartWater, the definitive how-to video guide
to rainwater catchment and greywater, we're taking on the global
drinking water crisis with a unique message that echoes with
mainstream America. More details @ http://igg.me/at/smartwater
Check out the short animated video explaining greywater + rainwater
catchment and please support the campaign
@ http://igg.me/at/smartwater
SmartWater is being created as a definitive how-to video guide to
building your own greywater and rainwater systems, thus literally
eliminating your municipal water bill. Our intention is to get
the average Joe at Walmart in Kearney, Nebraska to understand that
sustainability can directly save his family money, and isn't just
something only good for some of the latte-drinking liberals. Both
the message and the product itself are truly revolutionary.
We need your help. We're ready to offer you a huge discount off
the SmartWater instructional four DVD video guide to thank you for
pre-ordering SmartWater through our crowdfunding campaign.
More @ http://igg.me/at/smartwater
You get to take seventy dollars off, we get to produce a truly
world-changing educational product, and some day we may all look
back on this campaign as the beginning of something very, very
big - the shift towards a more sane, sustainable, beautiful world.
Help get this campaign off the ground - pre-order your
instructional video guide today @ http://igg.me/at/smartwater
We need your support NOW to make this happen! Thank you for
making this world-changing project a reality.
Together for a greener, saner, beautiful, thriving world,
Vladislav Davidzon, Founder & CEO
Regenerative Leadership Institute | regenerative.com | 800.376.3775
The Nation's Sustainable Living, Leadership and Permaculture School
14525 SW Millikan Way, Suite 17760, Beaverton, OR 97005
Join our 60,000+ Friends: http://facebook.com/regenerativeleader
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