Special Courtesy for MSU International Students from Michigan Flyer:
If you're arriving in East Lansing on August 15 or 16 (before Michigan State University residence halls open on August 17), you may stay at MSU's student hostel in Mason-Abbott Halls for $16 per night on those nights.
And if you're planning to take Michigan Flyer from Detroit Metro Airport to East Lansing on August 15 or 16, we can drop you off at the MSU hostel at no extra charge after we arrive at our East Lansing Marriott location. To arrange for this when buying your Michigan Flyer tickets online, just enter the word "hostel" in the Special Needs box of the ticket order form.
More information for MSU international students who are arriving early is available here - http://oiss.isp.msu.edu/students/orientation/earlyarrival.htm
Michigan Flyer's website: http://michiganflyer.com/
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