Dear all,
I am leaving next week and have several items for sale. Please find the
list and pictures below. If you are interested in any one of them, please
call me @ 517-974-3978 to pick it up. I live in Spartan Village.
1. 立式电扇(带遥控器): $10
2. 小号电饭锅(含蒸笼, 饭勺和量杯) : $ 5
3. 小号烧水壶: $ 5
4. 不锈钢炖炒两用锅(带玻璃盖子) $10
5. 不锈钢锅铲, 汤勺,刀具等: 每个$3
6. 不锈钢中式菜刀: $5
7. 木质菜板: $3
8. 附赠衣挂,垃圾桶等小件用品
Thank you, and have a great day!