Dear AIB-Team,
I would be grateful if you could please distribute this information to
the AIB list. Thank you.
*** Apologies for cross-posting ***
Dear colleagues,
Attached you find the call for papers (CfP) seeking article submissions
for a Special Issue of TEAM PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT, titled "Corporate
Masterminds -- Executive Management Teams in Focus." Submission deadline
is November 1, 2013. Authors are welcome to contact the guest editors
Tassilo Schuster and Benjamin Bader with any queries.
Please, feel free to forward this information to your collaborators and
colleagues who may be interested in the CfP.
We are looking forward to receive your high quality submissions.
Tassilo Schuster & Benjamin Bader
Research Assistant
Dr. Benjamin Bader
Chair of Strategic Management
University of Hamburg
Von-Melle-Park 5
20146 Hamburg (Germany)
Tel.: 0049 (0) 40 42838-5507
Email: [log in to unmask]
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