Tzu Chi Foundation USA
/ Chicago Branch / Lansing Office349-9441
Tzu Chi Lansing 2013 Chinese New Year Blessing Tea Ceremony
日期及时间Date and Time: 2/23/2013 (Saturday)
2:00pm –4:00pm
活动地点Location: Spartan
Village Community Center
1460 Middlevale, South Lounge ,East Lansing, MI
衷心感铭过去一年里,您的爱心和护持,使慈济的志业可以在兰莘及世界各贫困区和灾区推动。在此谨代表 证严上人及兰莘全体志工,感恩您的善举!
目前地球面对的天灾人祸愈来愈严重, 证严上人叮咛我们: 灾难不分国界, 我们既是身处在同一片土地, 同一片天空,同一片海洋之间, 更应视天下为一家, 发挥互助互爱的精神, 汇聚善念, 戒慎虔诚, 广聚福缘, 期盼地球上受灾民众能早日离苦得乐。为了感谢您的大爱,美国慈济兰莘联络处诚挚地邀请您参加我们的新春祝福感恩茶会, 并和我们共同欢度欣喜的新年。会中将会有手语表演,竹筒回娘家,慈青手语带动,证严上人福慧红包的发放,慈济大藏经,证严上人的祝福,以及点燃智慧心灯的祈福等活动,慈济志工也于会后备有茶点招待。竭诚地欢迎您拨驾光临。为我们的家人,天下的苍生及我们居住的地球祈祷!
如果您有领养「竹筒」扑满,欢迎您于当天携同竹筒「回娘家」! 让您点滴滙集的善心善行得以发挥最大的力量! 诚心祈愿您 事事如意, 平安吉祥!
慈济兰莘联络处简惟毅暨 全体志工敬邀
Thank you for your support and
contributions in the past years. We would like to invite you joining us for the
blessing tea ceremony to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year. In the ceremony,
a presentation is made to you for what global Tzu Chi and Tzu Chi Lansing
Office have done for last year and what prospects are. Tzu Ching (Tzu Chi
youths) will entertain you with sign language and performances. Red envelopes (红包) blessed by
Ven. Cheng Yen will be offered to you. A ceremony of lighting candles of wisdom
vigil is held. In addition, refreshments are served after the meeting. You are
cordially invited to attend the party. Your family and friends are extremely
Tzu Chi Lansing Office 2001 Valley Brook Dr., Okemos
, MI 48864
, Tel: 517-349-6441
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