Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite you to take part in the 1st International Workshop titled The Evolution of Knowledge in International Entrepreneurship (IWIE) organised by the University of Edinburgh Business School.
The aim of our workshop is to enable a debate between scholars from the International Business (IB) and Entrepreneurship field. Please check our website for further information.
Time: 26th April 2013- 27th April 2013
Venue: The University of Edinburgh Business school
Keynote speakers:
Professor Patricia McDougall-Covin (Indiana University Bloomington - Kelley Business School)
Professor Harry Sapienza (University of Minnesota - Carlson Management School)
Professor Marian Jones (University of Glasgow - Adam Smith Business School)
Professor Svante Andersson (Halmstad University - School of Business and Engineering)
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: If you wish to present your research at the workshop, please send a copy of your abstract to Spiros Batas: [log in to unmask] or Yang-pei Lin: [log in to unmask] Paper abstracts and PhD proposals related to our tracks are welcome. Please check our website for guidelines. The deadline for submission is 18 March 2013.
HOW TO REGISTER? Participation is free but you must register, please follow the web-link below. The closing date is the 5th of April 2013.
Kind regards,
Spiros Batas
Spyridon (Spiros) Batas
PhD Candidate in Strategy and International Business
Room 2.23
29 Buccleuch Place
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