Dear ELC students,
We are providing free English conversation classes this spring for a
research purpose. We will meet twice on Fridays (*February 22nd and March
1st*) between *5pm and 7pm in Wells Hall *(*Free dinner*, refreshments, and
beverages will be served). The classroom is TBA.
Before and after the short English conversation class (4 hours in total),
you will be invited to an eye-tracking lab (*B414 in Wells*) where *you
take the pre-and post-listening test and complete survey questionnaires. *You
will take a 30-minuate listening test on a computer screen where an
eye-tracker is attached; your eye movements will be recorded during reading
(there’s no harm to your eyes at all). Stimulated-recall interviews will
follow only after the post-test, and the interview will be audio-taped. It
will take approximately 1hr for the pre-test and 1 hr and 15 minutes for
the post-test to complete the entire procedure in the lab. After completing
the post-test and related tasks, you will get paid $20 for your effort.
If you are interested in this study, please sign up for the class. And
please leave your name and email as well. The researcher (Hyo Jung Lim
[log in to unmask]) will contact you later to arrange the schedule
individually (for the pre-test and the post-test). If you have any
questions, feel free to ask us (Dr. Paula Winke [log in to unmask], Hyo Jung Lim
[log in to unmask]). Thank you!
Best regards,
Dr. Paula Winke & Ms. Hyo Jung Lim
PhD candidate, Second Language Studies
B270 Wells, Michigan State University
Hyojung Lim
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