We are pleased to share some recent highlights from the Journal of
International Business Studies (JIBS), the official publication of the
Academy of International Business. All AIB members receive a print
subscription to JIBS as part of their membership, as well as online access
to the complete archive and current issues of JIBS from its inception in
Login for your member access here: http://bit.ly/JIBS_AIBlogin
New - featured articles
The JIBS editorial team is pleased to highlight the following articles as
recent examples of the journal’s commitment to advancing interdisciplinary
* Do country-level institutional frameworks and interfirm governance
arrangements substitute or complement in international business
relationships?, by Majid Abdi and Preet S Aulakh
Read the article HERE: http://bit.ly/VtqpBc
* The liability of foreignness in capital markets: Sources and remedies, by
R Greg Bell, Igor Filatotchev and Abdul A Rasheed
Read the article HERE: http://bit.ly/TeGNUf
* Selling, resistance and reconciliation: A critical discursive approach
to subsidiary role evolution in MNEs, by Julia Balogun, Paula Jarzabkowski
and Eero Vaara
Read the article HERE: http://bit.ly/VNGhnX
These articles are available free-to-view through December 31, 2012. We
hope you will also share them with colleagues who may be interested!
There is still time to submit your papers for the following
JIBS special issue calls:
* The Multifaceted Role of Language in International Business: Unpacking the
Forms, Functions and Features of a Critical Challenge to MNC Theory and
Editors: Mary Yoko Brannen, Rebecca Piekkari, and Susanne Tietze
Submission deadline: November 23, 2012
Read full details at: http://bit.ly/QU5PXw
* Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in International Business:
Integrative Knowledge and Transformative Theories
Editors: Joseph L. C. Cheng, Julian Birkinshaw, Donald Lessard, and David C.
Submission deadline: January 15, 2013
Read full details at: http://bit.ly/NXfp13
Is JIBS in your library?
If JIBS is not yet in your library, you can recommend the journal to your
librarian or buyer to help bring access to this essential resource to your
colleagues. It's quick and easy using our online form:
Keep up-to-date with the latest news from JIBS:
* Visit the journal website: http://www.jibs.net
* Sign up for free table of contents e-alerts: http://bit.ly/JIBSe-alert
* Follow @JIBSupdates on Twitter: http://bit.ly/JIBSupdates
* ‘Like’ JIBS on Facebook: http://bit.ly/JIBS_FB
Anne Hoekman
Managing Editor, Journal of International Business Studies
JIBS Editorial Office
Academy of International Business
Michigan State University
Tel: +1-517-481-3518
Fax: +1-517-432-1009
Email: [log in to unmask]
Web: www.jibs.net
Want to stay up-to-date on JIBS? Follow @JIBSupdates on Twitter!
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