The College of Business and Economics at Western Washington University has a full time, tenure track position in international businessopen at the assistant or associate professor level, starting September 2012.
We are seeking a new colleague committed to high quality research and teaching in international business. Teaching responsibilities will focus on the international business environment course, with additional courses dependent on the training of the new faculty member. Teaching areas that would be attractive include advanced courses in international business, courses in cross cultural management or courses in institutional economics. Some MBA teaching may be possible, but most teaching will be at the undergraduate level. The person selected should have a commitment to working with a research-active four-person international business group to further develop a strong international business program.
To view the complete position announcement, all required and preferred qualifications, and application instructions, go to
The College and the Department are committed to the University’s strategic goal of recruiting and retaining diverse faculty, and welcome diverse applicants.
Please address any questions about the position to thesearch chair, Dr. Tom Roehl at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> or 360-650-4809.
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