Larry Drzal has arranged for a webcast of a DOE
information meeting on the upcoming DOE- energy storage HUB call.
The webcast will be in 2203A Engineering and starts at 0900am
Friday Oct. 21st.
All are welcome,
Meeting schedule
9:00 am Welcome
Pat Dehmer, Deputy Director for Science Programs, Office of Science
Colin McCormick, Senior Technical Advisor, Office of the Under Secretary
9:15 am Overview
Electrochemical Storage for Transportation Technologies
David Howell, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Vehicle
Technology Program
9:45 am Overview
Electrochemical Storage Technologies for the Grid
Mark Johnson, Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy
10:15 am Break
10:45 am Overview
Fundamental Electrochemical Energy Storage Research
John Vetrano, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences
11:15 am Overview
Batteries and Energy Storage Energy Innovation Hub and R&D Integration
Linda Horton, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences
11:45 am Lunch
(on your own)
1:30 pm Opportunity for Comments:
What is the right balance between science and engineering research in this
2:00 pm Opportunity for Comments:
How can industry best contribute?
2:30 pm Break
3:00 pm Opportunity for Comments:
Is the proposed research distinct compared to other research and
activities supported by the DOE?
3:30 pm Opportunity for Comments:
Are there underpinning scientific issues in electrochemical energy storage
that were not discussed in previous workshops/reports?
4:00 pm Opportunity for Comments:
General comments on the overall DOE program on batteries and energy storage.