Journal of East West Business (WJEB)
Published By: Routledge
Frequency: 4 issues per year
Print ISSN: 1066-9868
Online ISSN: 1528-6959
Call for papers
Aims and Scope. The Journal of East-West Business is international in scope and treats business issues from functional, regional, comparative, cross-cultural, and cross-national perspectives. It seeks to stimulate the exploration of east-west business relations with topics ranging from market transition and transformation, entrepreneurship and small/medium-size enterprise development, foreign direct investment and trade, development of tourism, organizational dynamics, emerging market strategies, comparative management, and marketing, to industrial development and growth, as well as other emerging topics of critical importance in Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Russia, and other post-Soviet states. The Journal of East-West Business welcomes theoretical and practical articles that are relevant, readable, and credible to advance knowledge in business, management and related functional and regional areas.
Peer Review Policy. All submitted manuscripts undergo peer review based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by at least two referees who are subject experts.
Manuscript Length and Format. All parts of the manuscript should be formatted in the Chicago Manual of Style, typewritten, Times New Roman size 12 font, double-spaced, one-inch margins on all sides, approximately 10,000 words in length (shorter or longer articles may be considered).
Manuscript Submission. All manuscripts must be submitted electronically via the ScholarOne Manuscripts website at ScholarOne Manuscripts allows for rapid submission of original and revised manuscripts. It facilitates the review process and internal communication between authors, editors and reviewers via a web-based platform. ScholarOne Manuscripts technical support for authors can be accessed via<>. Please direct questions and other inquiries to Anatoly Zhuplev, the Journal's editor, at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.
The Journal of East West Business is indexed and abstracted in:
ABI/Inform, EconLit, Electronic, Gale Cengage: Business ASAP, OCLC ArticleFirst & Electronic Collections Online, PAIS International, and EBSCOhost Products.
AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business.
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