Call for Papers for a Special Issue
Submission Deadline: April 30, 2011
Guest Editor:
Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, University of South Carolina
Supervising Editor:
Torben Pedersen, Copenhagen Business School
Special Issue Purpose
Developing-Country Multinational Companies (DMNCs) have gained notoriety and attention in recent times. The ascendancy of some DMNCs to the leadership in their industries, like the Mexican cement firm Cemex, has been widely acknowledged and discussed in newspapers and analyzed by consulting companies and investment banks. This interest has been accompanied by an increase in the academic literature devoted to the topic and a debate has emerged regarding the contribution of DMNCs to theory. Some researchers argue that these firms are a new phenomenon that requires new theories, while others argue that their behavior can be easily explained with existing theories. Hence, this special issue aims to add clarity to the debate by providing a better understanding of DMNCs and their role in advancing theory.
This special issue welcomes studies on DMNCs that seek to advance our understanding of this phenomenon and the theories explaining it. Papers submitted to this special issue should aim to identify the limits of existing theories and extend them. They can do this by providing novel explanations that advance theory and our understanding of this phenomenon, in particular focusing on how the country of origin of the firms affects their behavior abroad and how their behavior differ from that of advanced economy multinational companies (AMNCs). The special issue particularly welcomes theoretical papers that can shed light on the relevance of DMNCs for theory and open new avenues of theoretical inquiry.
Developing countries are countries that are not advanced economies. As such, developing countries include emerging economies (high-growth developing countries) as well as transition countries (countries that used to follow a communist economic system). For the purpose of this special issue, we follow the classification of the International Monetary Fund and consider advanced economies to be the following: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and United States. Hence, papers that only study firms from advanced economies are not appropriate for this special issue.
Research Questions
These are some of the questions and topics that articles submitted to the special issue can analyze; this list is not intended to be comprehensive but merely indicative:
1. What are the sources of competitive advantage of DMNCs? How do DMNCs build their competitive advantage? How do DMNCs deploy their competitive advantage in other countries? How do their sources of competitive advantage vary across locations? How do these advantages differ from the advantages traditionally discussed in existing theory?
2. What are the sources of competitive disadvantage of DMNCs? How do DMNCs solve their competitive disadvantages? How do their sources of competitive disadvantage vary across locations? How do these disadvantages differ from the disadvantages commonly analyzed in existing theory?
3. How does the country of origin of DMNCs affect their competitive advantages? How does the country of origin of DMNCs result in a competitive disadvantage? How does the country of origin affect DMNCs different from the way it is discussed in existing analyses?
4. How do DMNCs compete against AMNCs? What strategies do DMNCs follow in their competition against AMNCs? What are their sources of relative advantage and how do they reinforce them? What are their sources of relative competitive disadvantage and how do they solve them?
5. What are the internationalization processes followed by DMNCs? What are the entry modes used by DMNCs? How do their internationalization processes and entry modes differ from received wisdom?
6. What are the determinants of the performance of DMNCs? How do they differ from commonly discussed sources of performance?
7. What is the role of corporate governance in DMNCs? How does the country of origin affect corporate governance in DMNCs? How does corporate governance in DMNCs vary from existing understanding of corporate governance?
8. How do DMNCs innovate? What type of innovations do DMNCs create? How do DMNCs transfer innovations across countries? How do DMNCs create and transfer knowledge across countries? How does innovation and knowledge management in DMNCs differ from traditional studies of innovation?
Deadlines and Submission Instructions
The deadline for submission of papers is April 15th, 2011. More information on the special issue as well as guidelines for authors appear at the Global Strategy Journal website:
Review Process
The Guest Editor is seeking reviewers for this special issue, soliciting nominations and volunteers to participate in the review process. Authors of submitted papers will automatically be included as reviewers. Papers will be reviewed following the regular Global Strategy Management Journal double-blind review process.
More Information:
For additional information, please contact the special issue editor: Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, [log in to unmask],
For questions about submitting to the special issue contact the GSJ managing editor, Lois Gast, [log in to unmask]
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Associate Professor
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