Asia Pacific Journal of Management (APJM) is the official journal of the Asia Academy of Management, a regional affiliate of the Academy of Management. APJM would like to announce its first issue of 2011. It is a new special issue on corporate governance in Asia Pacific:
Special Issue: Managing corporate governance globally: An Asia Pacific perspective
Special Issue Editors: Steven Globerman, Mike W. Peng and Daniel M. Shapiro
Please see or your library website for access to these articles and other select content. The table of contents of the current APJM special issue on corporate governance appear below in this email.
--David Ahlstrom
Editor-in-Chief -- Asia Pacific Journal of Management
Asia Pacific Journal of Management
Volume 28 Number 1 March 2011
Special Issue: Managing corporate governance globally: An Asia Pacific perspective
Special Issue Editors: Steven Globerman, Mike W. Peng and Daniel M. Shapiro
Corporate governance and Asian companies
S. Globerman I M.W. Peng I D.M. Shapiro 1
Are family ownership and control in large firms good, bad, or irrelevant?
Y. Jiang I M.W. Peng 15
The role of informal institutions in corporate governance: Brazil, Russia, India,
and China compared
S. Estrin I M. Prevezer 41
Multiple agency perspective, family control, and private information abuse in an emerging economy
I. Filatotchev I X. Zhang I J. Piesse 69
The effects of ownership concentration and corporate debt on corporate divestitures
in Chinese listed firms
J. Wu I D. Xu I P.H. Phan 95
Are OECD-prescribed "good corporate governance practices" really good in an emerging economy?
V.Z. Chen I J. Li I D.M. Shapiro 115
Effects of governance on investment decisions and perceptions of reporting credibility:
Investment experience of Taiwanese individual investors
R.-D. Chang I J.-T. Wei 139
Governance and capabilities: Asia's entrepreneurial performance and stock of venture forms
M. Wielemaker I E. Gedajlovic 157
Adoption and policy implications of Japan's new corporate governance practices after the reform
M. Nakamura 187
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