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MICH-ORGANIC  August 2008

MICH-ORGANIC August 2008


What's New in Organic (Part 2 of 2)


Katherine Jane Leitch <[log in to unmask]>


Katherine Jane Leitch <[log in to unmask]>


Thu, 14 Aug 2008 15:35:40 -0400





text/plain (468 lines)

9. Can you generate energy on your farm? The answer is blowing in the wind

Contact: Laura Probyn
517-432-1555, ext. 175

EAST LANSING, Mich. -- Farmers interested in finding out whether building a
windmill to generate energy or income might be feasible for their operations
can apply for Michigan State University’s (MSU’s) anemometer loan
Ten anemometers (devices used to measure wind velocity) are available to
qualified agricultural producers from MSU in cooperation with the U.S.
Department of Energy. The anemometer loan is meant to help farmers
determine if they have sufficient wind resources to benefit from the
installation of small wind turbines.
Anemometers usually cost about $4,000, but these devices will be made
available to selected producers for $250. The fee offsets installation
Using the anemometers will help farmers determine the feasibility of setting
up small wind generators that would reduce their dependence on fossil fuels.
To be eligible for the anemometer loan program, the property owner must
approve the installation, and the anemometer must be used in an agricultural
setting in Michigan. MSU Extension will select the borrowers, manage the
lending of the anemometers, and provide technical support for installation,
operation and analysis of the wind speed data collected over the loan
Applications for the loan program are available at; the application deadline is Aug. 31.
For more information, contact Eric Wittenberg, MSU anemometer loan program
coordinator, by e-mail at [log in to unmask] or by phone at 517-355-6650; or
Steve Harsh, MSU professor of agricultural, food and resource economics, at
[log in to unmask] or 517-353-4518.

10. Keep Antibiotics Working! House passes animal drug bill after drug
industry blocks efforts to preserve effectiveness of antibiotics; help KAW
urge the Senate to include provisions to protect public health

ADUFA, the Animal Drug User Fee Act, just passed both the House and Senate
without the important provisions of PAMTA, the Preservation of Antibiotics
for Medical Treatment Act. It is vital for Congress to pass PAMTA to address
the use of antibiotics in livestock, given the serious health implications
and enormous financial cost of antibiotic resistance. If passed, PAMTA will
initiate the review of safety with regards to antibiotic resistance of
existing antimicrobial compounds in drug classes that are used in human and
animal medicine. We are reaching out to Congressman Dingell to ensure that
PAMTA gets passed in this Congress. A phone call and letter on behalf of the
Michigan Association of Local Public Health would be of great help as it is
most important for key organic organizations in Michigan to be heard.
Congressman Dingell can be reached at 202-225-4071. More information on this
legislation is available at

Also, here is a press release of the most recent legislation on ADUFA:
Washington, D.C. – Today the U.S. House of Representatives passed the
Animal Drug User Fee Act (ADUFA) with weak public health provisions
requiring the collection of sales data on antibiotics. The animal drug
industry and a number of livestock groups were successful in blocking
stronger public health provisions urged by Keep Antibiotics Working (KAW)
— a national coalition of health, consumer, progressive agricultural,
environmental, humane, and other advocacy groups with more than ten million

“While we welcome the inclusion of antimicrobial data collection
provisions in the House version of ADUFA and applaud Representatives Henry
Waxman (D-CA), Frank Pallone (D-NJ), and Jim Matheson (D-UT) for their
leadership on this issue, the House bill fails to curb the overuse of
antibiotics that poses an urgent threat to public health and the future of
medicine,” said Margaret Mellon, Senior Scientist at the Union of
Concerned Scientists.

The Senate, which is expected to take up ADUFA soon, must include stronger
public health provisions that require the FDA to reevaluate the safety of
antibiotics that were approved years ago as feed additives for farm animals
that are not sick - before anyone was thinking about the problem of
antibiotic resistance. Such provisions would direct the FDA to pay attention
to what happens after animal drugs are on the market, just as Congress did
last year in the user fee legislation for human pharmaceuticals.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization have
identified antibiotic resistance as the most urgent public health risk we
face. Antibiotics lose their effectiveness when they are overused and
bacteria develop resistance to them. Many essential antibiotics are
routinely laced into feed at industrial farms in order to keep animals in
overcrowded, highly stressful, and unsanitary conditions. The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) has done little to address this problem.

“The Senate should not pass ADUFA without drug reevaluation provisions”
said Dr. David Wallinga, Director of the Food and Health Program at the
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. “It is time for our
legislators to ensure that FDA puts our public health first.”

This press release can be downloaded at


11. MSU Student Organic Farm seeks farm crew members
Application due August 15!


Position: Farm Crew Member

Location: MSU Student Organic Farm, located on College Road, ½ mile south
of Jolly Road, about 3 ½ miles south of the main MSU campus

Hours: Part time, 8-20 hours/week

Farm Description: The MSU Student Organic Farm is a 10-acre educational
organic farm. We run a 60-share year-round CSA, a seasonal on-campus farm
stand, and are researching four season organic growing. We grow over 70
types of vegetables, 30 types of cut flowers and raise chickens and
honeybees. We run a yearlong intensive farmer training program as well as
many community outreach and volunteer activities.

Position Description: Crew members work part time during MSU semesters.
Job tasks include all necessary farm labor including seeding, transplanting,
irrigation, weeding, harvest and more. We are looking for hard working,
dependable MSU students to work beginning fall semester of 2008 at least
through spring semester of '09. Farm work can be hot, cold, wet, dirty,
tiring and extremely rewarding. We offer vegetables to bring home and many
amazing learning opportunities. We work in all weather conditions so
applicants must be aware of the weather and must be able to supply proper
clothing (boots, rain gear, hat, etc.).

Qualifications: Applicant should be a hard working, dependable team player.
Previous physical labor experience is preferred. Flexibility and a
willingness to learn is necessary. Availability from the middle to end of
August through April or through next summer. We prefer to hire workers who
are interested in staying on to work on the SOF crew as they continue their
studies at MSU.

Pay: Starting at $7.40/hr with opportunity for raises based on performance
and previous experience.

To Apply: Please answer the following questions and email them to Tomm
Becker at [log in to unmask] Upon reviewing applications we will set up
interviews individually. Application deadline is August 15.

1. What do you know about the Student Organic Farm?
2. Why are you interested in farm work? Why at the SOF?
3. What do you study at MSU? What year are you?
4. What are your previous work experiences and/or relevant non-work
5. What interests you about organic and sustainable food systems?
6. Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?
7. What is your work availability for the fall semester?
8. What is the maximum number of hours you can work per week during fall
semester? The minimum? What is the ideal number of hours you can work
per week?
9. Please list the names and phone numbers for two work references.

12. Cornell University seeks a full-time Senior Project Associate in Ag Sci,
Crop and Soil Sci

Cornell University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences seeks a full
time Senior Project Associate to serve half-time as Assistant Coordinator of
the Agricultural Sciences Major in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
and half-time as a Program Services Specialist for the Agricultural Outreach
and Education (AO&E) Program in the Department of Education.


Coordinate the Agricultural Sciences major: (50%)

  * Provide coordination and support for a multi-department,
multi-disciplinary faculty advisory committee that provides leadership and
direction of the Agricultural Science major.
  * Coordinate the development, implementation, and evaluation of new
courses as part of the overall program curriculum.
  * Facilitate the design and implementation of a senior-level
experiential learning based capstone course.
  * Assist in coordinating Agricultural Service major Seminar Series held
each semester
  * Manage the student internship program providing a wide range of
agricultural opportunities for students both in the U.S. and abroad
  * Communicate with prospective students, including phone/email
correspondence and planning of outreach activities and campus visits.
  * Assist with student and club advising.
  * Organize orientation and team building activities for Ag Science
  * Interpret program policies for students and faculty.

Program Services Specialist for Agriculture Outreach and Education (AO&E)

  * Organize and manage a stakeholder committee of secondary level
agriculture teachers and others to plan and set priorities for recruiting
new and returning agriculture teachers.
  * Prepare and implement a coordinated recruiting campaign for teachers
of agricultural sciences involving appropriate stakeholders and current
  * Develop a comprehensive public relations program for programs
supported by AO&E
  * Prepare and coordinate the operation of program displays at
appropriate venues including Empire Farm Days, the NYS Farm Show, State
Fair, NYSFFA Convention, and others.
  * Prepare and manage web sites for groups served by AO&E.

This is a 1-year term position with renewal contingent on funding.


  * Required: Master's degree in the agricultural sciences, or equivalent;
effective oral and written communications skills; ability to design and
manage web sites; ability to prepare and communicate effective public
relations information; ability to travel within New York State for
recruiting and public relations activities.
  * Preferred: Ability and experience with curriculum design, teaching,
and academic program coordination in the agricultural or environmental

Applicants should submit a cover letter; curriculum vitae; and the names,
addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Toni DiTommaso,
Department of Crop & Soil Sciences, 903 Bradfield Hall, Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY 14853.

Located in Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University is a bold, innovative and
inclusive teaching and research university of academic distinction and
public service where staff, faculty, and students alike are challenged to be
active citizens of the world. Cornell University is an equal opportunity,
affirmative action educator and employer.


13. Farmers’ Market at the Ann Arbor Antiques Market

The Manchester Farmers' Market has started a Farmers' Market at the Ann
Arbor Antiques Market located at the Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds. The
first time a Vendor attends the Market, whether for one day or for the
entire weekend, admission to the Market is free. The next Market is this
weekend August 16th & 17th from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. All of the other
information for the Market is contained in the Rules and Regulations form,
which can be found at:

If you have any additional questions, please email or call David Brown at
(734) 926-1206.

14. Annual Soil Building Workshop’s early-bird deadline extended!

The early-bird deadline for our annual soil-building workshop (Innovations
to Build Soils to Feed Sustainable Communities) has been extended. The
registration discount now will be available until Monday, August 18. Please
visit to access the online registration
form. This is a secure, easy way to register for either or both days of the
workshop by check, credit card, or MSU account.

This event will be held at Morgan Composting in Sears, MI on August 20 and
21 from 9:00 to 4:30 each day.

There is much more info on this workshop available at

If you have ANY questions about this event, contact Vicki Morrone. We’d
love to see you in Sears next week.

Vicki Morrone
Organic Vegetable and Crop Outreach Specialist
Michigan State University
C.S. Mott Group for Sustainable Food Systems
303 Natural Resources Bldg.
East Lansing, MI 48824
517-282-3557 (cell)
517-353-3834 (fax)

15. Mid-Michigan Pasture Walk at Straub Dairy


The next Mid-Michigan Pasture Walk will be held at the Straub Dairy
located at 3800 Essex Center Rd., St. Johns on August 21, 2008 at 6:00
p.m. Please RSVP for this event by August 18 by calling Connie at
517-676-7207 or Email: [log in to unmask]

A PDF version of the promotional flyer can be found at:

Howard and Mary Jo Straub have been in the dairy business for 33 years
in St. Johns, Michigan. In 1993 they started rotationally grazing the
dairy herd and the following year heifers and calves were also put on
pasture. Howard saw the profit potential with grazing and became an
advocate of rotational grazing and seasonal dairying. Howard has been
involved with many organizations including the Michigan Forage Council,
Michigan Food and Farming Systems and the American Forage and Grasslands
Council. He also helped organize and is serving as chairman of the
Michigan Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative. Howard and Mary Jo have
four children, three of which have their own grazing dairy herds in
Michigan and Ohio. Currently, the Straub’s have 109 cows and a
“chicken tractor” on 130 acres of rotationally grazed pasture.

As usual, we will cover a range of topics from optimizing pasture
quality and productivity on intensively managed pastures to renovation
strategies for “sacrificed” paddocks.

Accommodations for persons with disabilities may be requested by
calling Connie at 676-7207 by August 14, 2008 to ensure sufficient time
to make arrangements. Requests received after this date will be met when

16. Hoophouse Building Workshop
With Growing Hope
Friday & Saturday
August 22-23, 2008
Ypsilanti, MI (Build Days will occur at the Growing Hope Center, 922 W.
Michigan Ave, Ypsilanti, MI 48197. Potluck & Presentation at the Ypsilanti
Senior Center, 1015 N. Congress, Ypsilanti, MI 48197.)

Learn from the experts Dr. John Biernbaum, MSU Professor of Horticulture,
and Jeremy Moghtader, MSU Student Organic Farm Manager and Organic Farming
Certification Instructor, as they lead a two-day learn & build workshop.

For more details, see the event program at:

Friday afternoon, August 22nd, and Saturday, August 23rd, learn how to do it
as you help build Growing Hopes first hoophouse- a 30 x 96 foot greenhouse
with plastic sides that will provide 2000 square feet of growing space and
allow us to grow up to 48 weeks of the year! On Friday evening, Biernbaum
and Moghtader will make a public presentation about hoophouses and season
extension during a potluck supper at the Ypsilanti Senior Center.
Come and be inspired about the potential for growing local, sustainable food
in Michigan throughout the year. Learn about our instructors’ work at

The workshop build is free, thanks to support from the USDA’s Farm
Services Administration; however, donations to Growing Hope are always
appreciated to support our work. Please register by August 18, so we can
plan for labor and educational material volume. Reserve your spots by
calling Growing Hope at 734-786-8401 or emailing us at [log in to unmask]

17. University of Wisconsin-Madison organic workshop and field tour

September 4, 2008, 1:00- 5:30 pm
Arlington Agricultural Research Station

This event will include three workshops held indoors featuring speakers
discussing issues concerning weed management, soil fertility management, and
minimal till organic agricultural using cover crops. Fields stops will
include research investigating the relationship between soil fertility and
insect feeding, as well as feature research projects focusing on the crimped
rye/soybean production system. Please contact Erin Silva (608-890-1503,
[log in to unmask]) for further information.

You can read more about the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Center for
Integrated Agricultural Systems at their website,

18. Entrepreneurial Farm Tour
September 9-11, 2008
Tour area: Indiana & Western Ohio

If you would like to register, please call 989-875-5233 or e-mail
[log in to unmask] If you would just like more information, you can email
[log in to unmask] call Dan Hudson at 517-676-7207.

A three-day, entrepreneurial farm tour is planned for Sept. 9-11, 2008.
This tour will be similar to past multi-day farm tours to Iowa, Pennsylvania
and other states. This year's tour will showcase farm families who have
successfully explored and seized opportunities to enhance the profitability
of their operations. The stops will possibly feature sustainable farming
systems, diversified enterprises, bio-energy projects, organic operations,
alternative energy generation, fruit and vegetable production, greenhouses,
farmer-owned processing facilities, livestock for specialty markets,
farmer-owned retail markets, cooperative ventures, value-added enterprises,
manure and compost utilization, cover crops, strip tillage and no-till
systems, and direct marketing strategies, as well as many other examples of
how family farmers are finding ways to be more profitable while enjoying it
as well. We are working on getting the cost for this program well below
$200/person (including meals, lodging, transportation) for this three day

Indiana Farm Tour
Tentative Stops

Tuesday September 9, 2008
7:00 am leave 27/57 park and ride
8:00 am leave Charlotte park and ride
10:00 am arrive at an Amish Vegetable Auction in LaGrange County Indiana,
meet with organizers and selected producers and buyers.
12:00 noon arrive at Cooks Bison Ranch in LaGrange County. and eat chuck
wagon lunch, tour ranch (bison)
4:00 pm arrive Shuter Sunset farm Madison County. Strip tillage, certified
freezer beef, rotational grazing, precision ag tech, efficiencies in grain
6:00pm Smith farm and supper, agri-tourism, dairy replacements, pumpkins,
3000 acres cash crop
8:00pm Hotel in Area

Wednesday September 10, 2008
7:00am breakfast at Hotel
8:00am board bus
8:30 am Moody Meats, Adam Moody, Lone Pine farm pastured poultry and beef on
250 acres plus processing and unique market.
10:30 am Langeland Farms, Decatur County. Organic corn, soybean, dry bean,
wheat & popcorn production and processing plus 249 acres of intensive
grazing of cattle, chickens, and goats.
12:00 noon Shane Meier Farm, Columbus: long-term continuous no-till corn;
building soils with cover crops
2:30pm Dale Brown, Cover Crops
4:00pm Strangers Hill Vegetable Farm and Market, Bloomington area
6:00pm Swiss Connection, Clay County. Chuck wagon style supper, Creamery,
cheese production, pastured based dairy
8:30pm Hotel

Thursday, September 11, 2008
7:00 am Breakfast Hotel
8:00 am board bus
8:30 am Wind Energy Farm, Benton County
9:45am Biodiesel on farm production, White County
11:00am Biotown USA, Reynolds, Indiana, lunch with participating farmers
2:00pm Fair Oaks Farm, Large Dairy, Tourism, Ag Promotion, Methane Digester
4:00pm leave for home
6:00pm supper somewhere
8:00pm arrive Charlotte
9:00pm arrive 27/57

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dan Hudson:
Daniel Hudson
Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator
Ingham County MSU Extension
121 E. Maple Street
P.O. Box 319
Mason, MI 48854
Office Phone: 517-676-7207 ext 729

19. Intro to Permaculture: Ecological Edible Landscapes
An OEFFA workshop

Saturday, Sept 20 - 9am-5pm

Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Classroom A
1 Wade Oval Drive, University Circle, Cleveland OH 44106-1767

Join us as we explore the basics of permaculture, a system of design
that uses principles and processes found in nature to create food, fuel,
and fiber for people, while caring for the earth and its inhabitants.
We’ll focus on edible forest gardens; gardens which look and function
like forests and provide food for people in urban and rural homes alike.

 From the design through planting and care, expert designers Josh
Beniston of Habitats Landscaping and Brett Joseph of Conneaut Creek Farm
will teach us how to create such a garden anywhere. We’ll top it all off
by getting our hands dirty and installing a garden within walking
distance of the workshop. $45 OEFFA members/ $60 non-members. Class size
is limited so sign up early! Please bring your own brown bag lunch.

To register, send your check, along with your name, address, phone
number and email to: OEFFA Workshops, 41 Croswell Road, Columbus OH
43214. Questions can be directed to [log in to unmask] or 614-421-2022.

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