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MICH-ORGANIC  April 2008



Michig Organic Listserve News for Apr 14-28 part 1:4


Vicki Morrone <[log in to unmask]>


Vicki Morrone <[log in to unmask]>


Mon, 28 Apr 2008 16:18:35 -0400





text/plain (1 lines)

Last time is a charm!!

What’s New in Michigan Organic Ag?
April 14 -28, 2008

Events on Crop Production and Marketing

1. Holistic Care Approach 10th Anniversary - April 18th.

2. Spring Garden Festival. May 18. At the Findlay Market in Cincinnati, OH.

3. Taste of Summer Festival. July 13. At the Findlay Market in Cincinnati, OH.

4. Michigan Grocers Association presents the MGA
'all things food and new products' Show. Sept. 15th.

5. Fall Harvest Festival. October 19. At the Findlay Market in Cincinnati, OH.

6. Join the Holt Farmers Market!

7. Join the Williamston Farmers Market!

8. Join the Mason Farmers Market!

9. MIFMA supports Farmers Markets and Green products at Plymouth Market-May 3-4.

10. Cover Crops for Vegetable Workshop, June 12 at Kellogg Biological Station. Register by June 6, for early bird discount.

Organic Crop Production Information

11. ALMar Orchards gains national attention for use of pigs, not pesticide.
12. Now is a good time to monitor for mummy berry in blueberries.

13. New Science Supports Old Advice "Eat a Variety of Foods" and Highlights the Need to Increase Nutrient Density.

14. When the growing season begins, the Crop Advisory Team Alert follows

15. Agriculture Policy and Government Updates-

Job and Internship Opportunities
16. Communications Director – Organic Farming Research Foundation. Santa Cruz, CA.
17. Wallace Research Intern – Arlington, VA

Collected and Prepared for you by:
Vicki Morrone
Organic Vegetable and Crop Outreach Specialist
Michigan State University
C.S. Mott Group for Sustainable Food Systems
303 Natural Resources Bldg.
East Lansing, MI 48824
517-282-3557 (cell)
517-353-3834 (fax)
For information on organic agriculture production please visit:
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1. Holistic Care Approach 10th Anniversary - April 18th
Celebrate with us at our Open House with great food, music, gifts, door prizes, and the opportunity to experience our many services!

Friday April 18th 2-6 p.m. & Saturday April 19 10-3 p.m.
Holistic Care Approach 3368 Beltline Ct Grand Rapids

• 15 minute sessions include facials, massage, chair massage, craniosacral therapy, reiki, ear candling, paraffin dips, eyebrow waxing, acupuncture, healing touch, NAET, Pilates (you may pick 2 sessions per ticket)

• $20 donation, proceeds go to Mixed Greens/Bland ford Nature Center
• You may purchase your ticket by calling 361-9221 or email:[log in to unmask]
• See our website for more details at

2. Spring Garden Festival. May 18. At the Findlay Market in Cincinnati, OH.
From 9-4 you will find:
o Vendors selling bedding plants, vegetable starts, potted herbs, garden furniture, & much more!
o Spring crops will be available
o Information on gardening
o Music and cooking demos
o For more information visit:

3. Taste of Summer Festival. July 13. At the Findlay Market in Cincinnati, OH.
From 9-4 happenings include:
o Marilou Susko signing her book From Garden Gate to Dinner Plate
o Salsa tasting and competition
o Summer produce available
o Music and cooking demos
o For more information visit:

4. Michigan Grocers Association presents the MGA
'all things food and new products' Show
Monday September 15th 11.30am - 2.30pm
Crystal Mountain resort
Supermarkets & grocery stores in the business of selling food! …Help them capture new sales with:

NEW items in the marketplace, Locally Sourced, Fresh, Natural & Organics, Value-added & Ready-to-eat

Healthy, Whole Grain & Allergen-free, Kitchen gear for the Home Chef ,'GREEN' Packaging, Supplies & Equipment, Services

Who will attend? Consumer- and foodie-focused Retailers that want to grow and succeed like Meijer, Kroger, Spartan (D&W Fresh, Family Fare, Glen’s, Felpausch) and top independents: Busch’s, VG’s, Martin’s, Polly’s, Village Mkts., L & L, Plumb’s, Oleson’s, Duthler’s, Ric’s, Leppink’s, Orchard Mkts., Shop-N-Save and many more…

What do you get? You get quality face time with the decision-makers (owners, buyers, management) that represent stores like these and others. It’s a one-stop shop to present your products to many of the state’s best food retailers. MGA wants to be your partner in securing new markets. We will deliver quality customers; all you have to do is sell them.

The right-sized show with the right customers to build your business.
Supermarkets & grocery stores in the business of selling food!

…Help them capture new sales with:
NEW items in the marketplace, Locally Sourced, Fresh, Natural & Organics, Value-added & Ready-to-eat

Healthy, Whole Grain & Allergen-free, Kitchen gear for the Home Chef ,'GREEN' Packaging, Supplies & Equipment, Services

Show, sample, and sell to a top-shelf audience of retailers. Former FMI Sr.VP Michael Sansolo will emcee the show floor with attention-grabbing commentary and conversation.

Special $950?? per booth *incl. space in the NEW PRODUCT display
This is less than half the cost that returning exhibitors pay!

*Why such a great deal? At the 2008 Michigan Grocers conference, it’s all about the SHOW, focusing on NEW products, MORE exhibitors, and especially those with Michigan-made and eco-friendly products that consumers are clamoring for. This one-time, limited-benefit rate is for NEW exhibitors only (incl. those who haven’t been with MGA for 5 years or more).

All Information and questions
Call Mike Hamlin
Michigan Grocers Association
221 N. Walnut Street ? Lansing, MI 48933-1121
(800) 947-6237 x 20

5. Fall Harvest Festival. October 19. At the Findlay Market in Cincinnati, OH.
From 9-4 there will be events including:
o An apple pie baking contest
o A pumpkin decorating contest
o A pumpkin carving contest
o Fall squashes and apples for sale
o Music and cooking demos
o For more information visit:

6. Join the Holt Farmers Market!
The Holt Farmers Market will be opening on July 12th and has openings for
farmers/producers and artisans. We have 15 indoor facilities with electricity,
and a minimum of 15 outdoor stations.

We are located at 2150 Cedar Street, Holt (the former Delhi Township Fire
Station). This is a great location: Easy in and out, and plenty of parking.

We are looking forward to our first season!
For more information contact:

Chuck Grinnell, Market Manager
(517) 694-4048 or (517) 930-2655

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