Please take note: ATTRA is often the first fact sheets a perspective
organic farmer reads. This is too valuable of a resource to loose. This
is much more serious then in the past when the Farm Bill doesn't
include funding until the last minute. THIS TIME they are talking NO
Please help if you can!
The ATTRA project, NCAT's sustainable agriculture information
service, is in a serious funding crunch. The project normally is funded
by a federal grant from the US Department of Agriculture. Unfortunately,
this year, Congress has been delayed in passing its budget bills,
including the Agriculture Appropriations bill which has provided funds
for the ATTRA project. There is no funding in sight for this NCAT
project until Congress completes its budget work. Please consider
clicking the button on the right, which will lead you to a donation site
where you can contribute to NCAT strictly for helping fund the ATTRA
project. Please select "//Help the ATTRA project//" under donation type.
We've also posted more information on our Home Page
Thank you
Also: The ATTRA project hosts this website and its national toll free
phone line provides thousands of farmers and agricultural organizations
with information gathered and provided by seasoned sustainable
agriculture project staff. Staff answer the phone and respond to
questions directly, guide callers to relevant ATTRA publications, or
provide written answers after thorough research. This service also
provides more than 250 publications on sustainable agriculture topics
which may be downloaded here on this website. 670,000 publications were
downloaded last year and 40,000 were mailed to our clients. In past
years, our staff have also traveled across the country giving
sustainable agriculture presentations and workshops to farmers, ranchers
and farm groups./
We are unable to continue the program without additional funding. In
the short term, we will only be answering the phones for four hours
during the day - from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Central Time. Our
specialists will not be able to answer any client questions which
require research. We will not be able to write or update ATTRA
publications. Our staff will not be speaking at any workshops or
conferences. The ATTRA website will receive minimal updating. There will
be no additions or updates made to any of our online databases. Our
ATTRA newsletter has been suspended. NCAT will continue to email its
online newsletter, Weekly Harvest, to electronic subscribers./
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