Good news from the President's Council. The University President's
Council recently distributed the attached article. I know that there
has been a lot of discussion regarding credit transfer. I'm pleased to
see just how many community colleges and universities have populated the
Transfer Wizard under construction
In 2004, the Cherry Commission recommended to
Governor Jennifer Granholm the creation of a web-based
tool to help students identify which college credits from
one institution would transfer for comparable credit at
another institution. The Transfer Wizard
concept has been adopted by other states as well,
including Ohio. Michigan State University in partnership
with the Michigan Association of College Registrars and
Admissions Officers (MACRAO) has created an
interactive tool designed to be user-friendly to students
and academic advisors.
Previously, MACRAO hosted the
Michigan College Mall
identifies all participating institutions across the state. One feature
of the mall was a transfer equivalency tool which provided transfer
credit policy statements from each of the
institutions. The Transfer Wizard, by contrast,
will allow students to identify specific courses from the
sending institution and discern whether comparable
courses are available and if credits will transfer.
Currently, there are 12 institutions with data available and
an additional 12 in the process. The tool includes both
public and private, two- and four-year institutions and will
be formally announced in the near future.