It really depends upon what you consider drastic price cuts and what
you want to license.
With Novell....straight up there is normally a 40% discount off list
prices for Education. So if you are just interested in licensing
Identity Manager then that might be one way to go.
There is the ALA licensing that currently several departments are
taking advantage of as well.
As an example: We have 5 departments under our ALA and we have the
Value Bundle I licensed.
Value Bundle I contains:
NetWare (Now referred to as OES - Open Enterprise Server)
ZENworks Desktop Management
ZENworks Server Management
Account Management for Windows (Now under Identity Manager umbrella)
SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server for X86
Edirectory for the various platforms
Since many of the products can be run on Netware, Windows Server, or
SuSe linux server OS (i.e. GroupWise, Zenworks, Netmail) you can choose
which OS platform you want to host the application services as the
versions to run on each of the platforms are included.
Our licensing is workstation based not user based and it runs $32.80
per workstation per year. That price includes all the
maintenance/patches/updates(major or minor). For example Account
Management for Windows is now being superceeded by Identity Manager so
we are entitled to that.
Furthermore, you can set up as many servers (Netware OES) or SUSE
Linux) as necessary to support the workstations connecting to the
different services (GroupWise, Zenworks, Netmail, file and print, etc.).
No server licensing involved.
This program has saved us a great deal of money over the last 5 years
and because of the fixed costs which are guaranteed for 3 years at a
time, we can budget more easily. Actually we have been at the same
fixed workstation cost for the last five years as Novell did not change
the pricing the last time we renewed. Total cost to us only changed if
we dropped or added workstation counts. In that time major upgrades such
as Netware 6.5, Groupwise 7.0, and ZenWorks 7.0, and SuSe Enterprise
server were all released and we didn't have to pay a dime extra for
In University Services, we have approximately 130 workstations that are
shared amongst some 250 user accounts (many temp and student employees
share workstations and roam from machine to machine).
Take 125 workstations x 32.80 and you get 4100.00 per year for our
Netware Network OS , our GroupWise Email software and our Zenworks
workstation/Server management software (including imaging, application
distribution, remote control, inventory) . All upgrades and maintenance
When newer versions are available, I just go out to Novell's customer
care portal and pull down the software and license certificates soon as
it is released. No waiting for shipping and distribution of the stuff
through snail mail or the like.
It's a great program....especially if you license more than one Novell
product or are looking to upgrade to the newer versions of any of the
Novell products.
I realize this is probably more information than you were asking for,
but it has been some time since I sent this information out to the list
and I wanted to share the details of the ALA program again in case
others might be wondering about alternatives.
Hope this helps.
- Al
Al Bray
Systems Analyst
University Services
Michigan State University
Phone: 517-355-0357 Ext. 161
Fax: 517-353-2024
email: [log in to unmask]
>>> On 2/2/2006 at 2:39:53 pm, in message
<[log in to unmask]>,
David Benjamin <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Does anyone use MS 2003 server with Active Directory along with
Novell 6+ and
> eDirectory? If so, do you use any account management software to
> both directories or just manage two separate servers, user accounts,
> containers, etc.?
> I am trying to find an inexpensive method for managing users in this
> environment so all account management steps do not have to be done
twice for
> user setup, account changes, container change, account removal, and
> authentication against a Windows AND a Novell directory service at
user log
> on.
> I realize that Novell has the Identity Manager and Microsoft has the
> Identity Integration Server. Any drastic price cuts on these offered
to MSU?
> David
FN:Al Bray
EMAIL;WORK;PREF;NGW:[log in to unmask]
TEL;WORK:517-355-0357 Ext. 161
ORG:;University Services
TITLE:Systems Analyst