> Is there any way to configure a MSU mail account to forward a copy of all
> incoming mail to another address? I'm aware that there is a forwarding
> option on the mail.msu.edu interface, but I assume enabling that would mean
> all mail would be forwarded to the desired address, with no mail getting
> stored on the MSU mail account.
Sure - I do this on a couple accounts. Here is how you set it up:
Log on to mail.msu.edu.
On the "Preferences" tab, be sure to remove any entry under "Forwarding
address", and click on "Update preferences".
On the "Filters" tab, you will enter two filter rules. I call mine
"forward" and "local".
Rule #1: Click on "Add". Rule name: "forward". Next to "Condition:",
click on "Message is [ larger than ]", and enter "0" for the byte count.
Under "Action:", click on "Forward to:" and fill in the forwarding
address. Also click the checkbox "and continue filtering."
Now save this rule with the "Submit" button.
Rule #2: Click on "Add" again. Rule name: "local". Next to "Condition:",
click on "Message is [ larger than ]", and enter "0" for the byte count.
Under "Action:", click on "Save in:" and select the folder desired
(usually "INBOX").
Now save this rule with the "Submit" button. Under the "Existing mail
filters" list, you should now see "forward" followed by "local". If the
filters are in the wrong order, select one and use the Up/Down buttons to
rearrange. When you're all done, click on "Save all changes" near the
top of the screen.
This should do it.
I have also added a "spam" rule to my list, to discard SPAM. This goes
before the "forward" or "local" rules. You can set this up by doing:
Spam rule: Click on "Add". Rule name: "spam". Next to "Condition:",
click on "Header"; in the adjacent drop-down box, select "X-Spam-Level";
in the second drop-down box select "starts with". In the box immediately
below, enter "*****" or your desired spam level (5 stars is the default
spam flagging level - use more stars to be conservative in what you treat
as spam; less stars to get rid of more). For the "Action", I use "Reject
with error:", with text like "This looks like SPAM". Do NOT check the
"and continue filtering" box.
Be sure to click "Submit", and then under the "Existing mail filters"
list, select the "spam" filter and click "Up" until it is at the top of
the list. Then click on "Save all changes".
You can also use this technique to automatically discard spam, combined
with either the local delivery or forwarding rule described above, if
you don't want two copies of your e-mail.
Doug Nelson, Network Manager | [log in to unmask]
Academic Computing and Network Services | Ph: (517) 353-2980
Michigan State University | http://www.msu.edu/~nelson/