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CSSAMSU Archives

July 2015


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独立House的卧室招租,7月� �始入住,另售生活物件� 癎RE等学习资料 (1 message)
銆愪唬鍙嬭浆鍙戙戜复杩憁su鏍″尯鐨凙partment/Two bedroom鎷涚锛屽嵆鏃ュ彲鍏ヤ綇 (1 message)
銆愬叓鏈堣浆绉/Moving sale銆戠敓娲荤敤鍝佺敥鍗栦俊鎭/鐙珛鎴垮崸瀹ゆ嫑绉熷 (1 message)
銆愬洖鍥,杞/Moving sale銆戝府蹇欒浆鍙戠敓娲荤敤鍝佺敥鍗栦俊鎭/鐙珛鎴垮崸瀹ゆ嫑绉熷 (1 message)
銆愭牎鍖哄懆杈广戝嵆灏嗗洖鍥斤紝鍚勭鐢熸椿灏忕墿浠剁敥鍗栦互鍙婄嫭绔嬫埧鍗у鎷涚瀹 (1 message)
銆愯浆绉/Moving sale銆戠敓娲荤敤鍝佺敥鍗栦俊鎭/鐙珛鎴垮崸瀹ゆ嫑绉熷 (1 message)
涔癿odem (1 message)
浠e弸鍗栬溅锛2013 Ford Escape SE SUV with only 20k miles (1 message)
浠e弸鍙戝笘锛氭嫑瀹ゅ弸 (1 message)
浠h喘鏈虹エ甯ぇ瀹剁渷鏈虹エ閽 (1 message)
浠h喘鐗逛环鏈虹エ (1 message)
浣庝环澶勭悊闇茶惀鐢ㄥ搧 (3 messages)
浣忓湪trappers cove 姹傛帹鑽愮綉缁 (1 message)
鍏ㄦ柊 iphone 6 鏃犲悎鍚屾墜鏈 (1 message)
鍑哄敭浜屾墜Full size搴婂灚 $20 (1 message)
鍑哄敭闃叉檼闇滄磥闈钩 (1 message)
鍑哄敭carfax鏌ヨ (1 message)
鍑虹SV涓ゅ涓殑涓闂 (1 message)
鍗栦竴涓柊鐨刡luetooth speaker锛$8) (1 message)
鍗栧簥鍨拰搴婃灦 (1 message)
鍗栬溅 浠e弸杞彂 (1 message)
鍗栬溅 - 2010 Toyota Corolla S (1 message)
鍗杕odem 锛堜笉濂芥剰鎬濓紝鏄崠锛屼笉鏄拱锛 (1 message)
鍝囷綖婕備寒缇庣湁浠敞鎰忓暒 瀹岀編鏃跺皻澶ф斁浠蜂簡锝烇紒锛侊紒 (1 message)
鍥涘紶Cedar Point鍗婁环浼樻儬鍗疯浆璁 (1 message)
鍥炲浗鍓嶆渶鍚庝竴鍗 (1 message)
鍥炲浗鐢╁崠锛堟洿鏂帮級 (1 message)
鍥炲浗鐢╁崠 (3 messages)
澶忓ぉ鏂版姣忓ぉ鏇存柊鍝︼紒~ (1 message)
瀵讳汉鍚簨 (1 message)
瀵讳汉鎺ユ満 (1 message)
瀵诲鍙 (1 message)
瀵诲鍙媐inding roommates (1 message)
瀵荤 (1 message)
瀵昏兘8鏈18鏃ユ櫄涓婃帴鏈虹殑鍚屽 (1 message)
瀵艰埅浠狦PS used less than 1yr (1 message)
灏忔彁鐞村強单绨х锛堥粦绠★級鍑哄敭 (1 message)
甯屾湜鍔犲叆ATT share plan (1 message)
甯ぇ瀹朵唬璐満绁ㄥ暒 (1 message)
甯湅鍙嬪崠杞2002 toyata- carolla for sale (1 message)
鎬ユ眰鐭 (2 messages)
鎯崇湅鐢佃 (1 message)
鎴块棿鐭湡鍑虹 (1 message)
鎴块棿鐭湡鍑虹‏ (1 message)
鎷涚瀛e鍙 (2 messages)
鏈鍚庢満浼氶佹瀛愬拰娌欏彂 (1 message)
鏈夋姤閰瑙夊績鐞嗗瀹為獙 (1 message)
鏈7鏈16鍙峰簳鐗瑰緥椋炰笂娴风殑浜哄悧锛屾眰鍕 (1 message)
鏈嬪弸鍥炲浗锛屽府蹇欒浆鍙戠敓娲荤敤鍝佺敥鍗栦俊鎭/鐙珛鎴垮崸瀹ゆ嫑绉熷 (1 message)
姣曚笟鍗栬溅 2002 Chevrolet Malibu with very low mileage for sale (1 message)
姣曚笟鍗栬溅2002 Chevrolet Malibu with very low mileage for sale (1 message)
姣曚笟澶х敥鍗 浠锋牸瀹炲湪 (1 message)
姣曚笟鐢╁崠 浠锋牸瀹炲湪 鎰熻阿澶у鐨勬敮鎸! (1 message)
姹備竴涓數瑙 (1 message)
姹備竴涓 3-Drawer Cart (1 message)
姹備竴濂楁妞 (1 message)
姹傚姞鍏TT family plan (2 messages)
姹傚姞鍏TTfamily plan (1 message)
姹傚彴鐢甸鎵 (1 message)
姹傜煭绉熸埧 (1 message)
姹傜煭绉8鏈6鏃-9鏈6鏃 (1 message)
姹傜鎴匡紝7鏈堜腑鍏ヤ綇锛屾渶濂藉湪Collage Towne鎴朤rappers cove (1 message)
姹傜 8鏈堜腑鍏ヤ綇 (1 message)
姹傝喘涓鎶婂悏浠 (1 message)
姹傝喘涓杈嗚嚜琛岃溅 (1 message)
姹傝喘浜屾墜鑷杞︼紝鏈濂芥槸閫傚悎灏忎釜瀛愬コ鐢熺殑 (1 message)
姹傝喘浜屾墜杞﹁浇瀵艰埅浠 (1 message)
姹傝喘浜旀枟鏌 (1 message)
姹傝喘鍎跨姹借溅瀹夊叏搴ф锛3宀侊級 (1 message)
姹傝喘璋冨埗瑙h皟鍣ㄥ拰璺敱鍣(modem and router) (1 message)
姹傝喘闊崇寤堕暱绾 (1 message)
姹傞棶闀垮懆鏈檮杩戞湁浠涔堝ソ鍘诲 (4 messages)
鐢锋湅鍙嬫渶鍠滄鐨勭┛琛i鏍硷紒 鏃跺皻娆惧紡锝炶澶村洖澶寸巼鐧惧垎鐧 鍝囷紒 (1 message)
鐣欏畧Lansing鐨勫皬浼欎即浠湪涔堬紵姹傚府蹇欐敹鍖呰9 (1 message)
鐧介佷竴涓袱搴ч暱娌欏彂 (1 message)
缁欒嚜琛岃溅杞﹁儙鎵撴皵 (1 message)
璇氭嫑瀹ゅ弸 (2 messages)
璇氭嫑鑸嶅弸锛堥檺鐢风敓锛 (1 message)
璧板洓鏂规梾娓哥綉璇氳仒缃戠粶宸ョ▼甯 (1 message)
杞彂锛歔CSSAMSU] 杞彂锛歔CSSAMSU]_ Graduation Sale (1 message)
杞彂锛歔CSSAMSU] Graduation Sale (1 message)
杞VLADO GIFT CARD锛堝唴鍚95.35鍒锛 (1 message)
閫佺殑娌欏彂鍦–ollege Towne (1 message)
!!! Job available at Chinese Restaurant (1 message)
!!!King Size Mattress 缁欓挶灏卞崠!!! (1 message)
$250 clean and furnished bedroom available on July 28, 2015 (1 message)
$465/鏈堬紝Block36锛4鍗4鍗叕瀵撻噷鐨勪竴闂达紝8/21鍙叆浣 (1 message)
$465/月 , Block 36, 4室4卫的一间房出租, 8/21入住 (1 message)
$465/月,Block36,4卧4卫公寓里的一间,8/21可入住 (1 message)
$5- IKEA HONEFOSS mirror for sale (1 message)
$600 Farmington Hills 涓ゅ涓鍘呬綆浠疯浆绉,鎴戞彁渚$300琛ュ姪姣忔湀銆 (1 message)
低价处理露营用品 (2 messages)
寻鎵帮蹇欐惉瀹剁殑浜猴紒 鍖呬竴顿饭鍔犳敮浠樹竴澶╅叕劳锛 (1 message)
珍珠奶茶 (1 message)
超值lycamobile sim card! (1 message)
*****SPAM***** 鍥炲浗鍓嶅ぇ鐢╁崠 (2 messages)
*****SPAM***** 鍥炲浗鐢╁崠锛堟洿鏂帮級 (1 message)
*****SPAM***** queen size bed for sale (including mattress, box and frame) (1 message)
*****SPAM***** Sale!!! (2 messages)
----looking for short term rental from 7/26-8/1--- (1 message)
----looking for short term rental from 7/26-8/18--- (1 message)
2003 Toyota RAV4 L SUV for sale (1 message)
2005 Honda Accord LX for SALE (1 message)
2007 Honda Civic 88000 mileage (1 message)
2013 CFA level 2 note and 2013 CMA for free (1 message)
2015Fall鎺ユ満鏂扮敓鎶ュ悕 (1 message)
2015Fall?????????????????? (1 message)
2B2B鏁村$785 杞 (1 message)
2bed 2bath Apartment for Lease at Farmington Hills (1 message)
4th of July Festival (1 message)
8鏈堝垵鍒9鏈堝垵sublease wanted (1 message)
<No subject> (1 message)
????? (1 message)
???????&????? (1 message)
A chair and slow cooker for sale (1 message)
A cheap slow cooker for sale (1 message)
A comfortable chair for sale (1 message)
A room for rent from October 24, 275 D/Month (1 message)
a room for rent in a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom Spartan Village apartment (1 message)
A room for rent in a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom Trappers Cove apartment (2 messages)
a table and a chair for sale (1 message)
At&T (1 message)
ATT family plan 鐜扮┖鍑轰竴涓猯ine锛屽鍚屽鍔犲叆 (2 messages)
Baby Crib for sale (1 message)
Beats HeadPhone for Sale $40 (1 message)
BIG Moving Sale featuring many IKEA furniture (1 message)
big sale (1 message)
Big Sale! (2 messages)
Brand new GRE & GMAT books for sale (1 message)
Can anyone help me jumpstart my car@ Trappers Cove (1 message)
Car pool on highway no.1 to LA涓鍙峰叕璺眰鎷艰溅鈥 (1 message)
Car pool on road no.1 to LA涓鍙峰叕璺眰鎷艰溅 (1 message)
Catching One direction concert Detroit August 29th (1 message)
cheap sale (1 message)
cheap sale: bed, TV, table, rice cooker, toaster (1 message)
Chinese Restaurant need delivery man (1 message)
Comcast Moderm for sale (1 message)
Could the administrator remove this address from mailing list? (1 message)
Dell Desktop for sale (1 message)
Does someone have hair dryer to sell? (1 message)
English Study (1 message)
Expecting Roommate in Ashton Lake Apt (1 message)
Farmington Hills 涓ゅ涓鍘呬綆浠疯浆绉 (1 message)
Final Graduation Sale today only (1 message)
Free ENGLISH Discussion Groups (1 message)
Free ENGLISH Discussion Groups on Thursday (1 message)
free mattress/box spring/frame (1 message)
Free Men's Bicycle (1 message)
Free Men's Bicycle (Picture link included) (1 message)
Free Study Desk Pick Up at East Lansing (1 message)
From: [log in to unmask] (1 message)
Fwd: Monthly Meditation Class for Beginners, Saturday, July 18, 9:00am - 12:00pm at Amitabha Village (1 message)
Fwd:3 Bedroom Condo in Okemos for Rent (1 message)
girl looking for roommate (1 message)
GPS for sale (1 message)
Graduation Sale (2 messages)
Guitar for sale (1 message)
Helmet for 4 yrs old boy (1 message)
House For Rent in Okemos (1 message)
How to type Chinese in mail list (1 message)
How to use my own car for practice drving?求问如何用自己的车练习? (1 message)
How to use my own car for practice drving????????????????????????? (3 messages)
Hunters Ridge 鍏瘬杞锛坰ublease锛 Oct/01/2015 - April/30/2016 (1 message)
King Size Mattress 缁欓挶灏卞崠 (1 message)
last day sale (1 message)
Look for Roommate in College Town 2B/2B (1 message)
Looking for a bicycle (1 message)
Looking for a guitar (1 message)
Looking for a room to rent with private bathroom 6-21 Aug (2 messages)
Looking for a roommate (1 message)
looking for a roommate and 2b2b apartment (1 message)
Looking for a roommate in Spartan Village (2 messages)
looking for roommate (1 message)
Looking for router姹傝喘router (1 message)
looking for summer sublease from Aug. 16th to 29th (1 message)
looking for vacumn and drawer (plastic or wooden)! (1 message)
Makeup (Dior and Guerlain) (1 message)
mattress and bed (1 message)
modem needed锛堟眰璐皟鍒惰В璋冨櫒锛 (1 message)
Moving sale (16 messages)
Moving Sale 鎼鐢╁崠 (1 message)
moving sale 鏈夌収鐗 (1 message)
Moving Sale 锛侊紒锛佹眰甯﹁蛋~~鎰熸仼~ (1 message)
Moving Sale !!! (3 messages)
moving sale 低价处理 (1 message)
moving sale (golf鐞冩潌and鍚変粬锛 (1 message)
moving sale (IKEA 澶х敥鍗栵級 (1 message)
Moving Sale - Furniture/Books/Gym equipment (1 message)
Moving Sale - More Items Lower Prices To be gone by 7/19 (1 message)
moving sale before July 22. (1 message)
Moving Sale Update 鎼鐢╁崠 (1 message)
Moving Sale Updated (1 message)
Moving Sale [All pictures updated]: dining table, small sofa, coffee table and mirror (1 message)
moving sale [with photos] (1 message)
Moving sale! (2 messages)
Moving Sale! Need them gone by next weekend! (1 message)
Moving Sale! Need them gone this week! (2 messages)
Moving Sale!!! (3 messages)
Moving sale- whirlpool washer and dryer (2 messages)
moving sale-updated with pics (1 message)
moving sale-you decide the price (1 message)
Moving Sale: dining table, small sofa, coffee table and mirror (1 message)
moving sales! (1 message)
Need a computer chair (1 message)
Nice baby crib for sale (1 message)
Nice sofa for sale! (1 message)
Okemos涓灏忓尯涓ゅ崸瀹7鏈28鏃ュ埌8鏈30鏃ユ嫑绉 (1 message)
One bedroom spacious condo 1 block from campus (1 message)
One nicki Minaji concert ticket available, July 31 clarkston MI (1 message)
one room for lease from Aug. 2015-July 2016 (1 message)
One room in Spartan Village available from August 1 to the end of the year (1 message)
Pick-up at MSU or DTW on Aug.13th (1 message)
Plates for sale (1 message)
Psychology Paid Study (1 message)
RE锛 Looking for male roommate (1 message)
Refrigerator Sale (1 message)
Room for rent (1 message)
Room for Rent 鎴间鍑虹 (1 message)
Room Needed for Short Term (1 message)
room needed from August 1- August 14th (1 message)
Sale (3 messages)
sale AT&T wireless internet getway (1 message)
Sale of Air Conditioner (1 message)
Sale smart TV (1 message)
sales (1 message)
Seeking driver/mover for moivng (1 message)
sell an air conditioner (1 message)
Sell upright exercise bike--schwinn 125 (1 message)
Selling 2007 Mazda CX-7 (63800 miles) for $6000 (1 message)
Selling 32 inch 1080p TV at 100 (was 254.99) and Sphere Chair (1 message)
selling engineering graduation gown-Master-160-175cm (1 message)
Selling upright exercise --with pictures (1 message)
Share the one of two bed room (1 message)
Slow cooker for sale (1 message)
Spartan village room (1 message)
Stand Fan/ HDTV/slow cooker/rice cooker/tea table for SALE (1 message)
Sublease Trappers Cove Single Room (1 message)
Sublease Wanted (1 message)
sublease wanted form 1st Sep to 15th Sep for me and my wife (1 message)
sublease wanted form 1st Sep to 15th Sep or 1st Sep to 30th Sep (1 message)
Sublease wanted from August 7- Sepetember 7, 2015 (1 message)
sublease wanted/ 瀵荤 (2 messages)
summer 杞鐜板湪鍒8鏈16鍙 (1 message)
Summer sale (3 messages)
Things for sale (1 message)
trappers cove 瀵荤画绉 (1 message)
trappers cove 灏忓尯涓瀹や竴鍘呭缁浜 (1 message)
travel company needed (1 message)
Vacation Bible School (1 message)
very cheap sale (1 message)
Want to join T-mobile family plan (1 message)
Xfinity MODEM SALE (1 message)
[浠e弸杞彂]鎷涘鍙 (1 message)
[鎷涜仒]Alibaba Group 2016 Overseas Campus Recruiting (1 message)
[Moving sale] Mattress, desk lamp, heater....and more (1 message)
[Reminder] Sign up for the 6-Day Retreat with Ven. Chi Chern at Amitabha Village, 8/27-9/1 (1 message)
[Sale] *Negotiable* Soy sauce, desk lamp, heater, luggages, mattress...and more (1 message)
[Update] Moving Sale !!! (1 message)





Subject Sorted by Subject, Chronologically




New Thread

独立House的卧室招租,7月� �始入住,另售生活物件� 癎RE等学习资料

Re: 独立House的卧室招租,7月� �始入住,另售生活物件� 癎RE等学习资料


Wed, 1 Jul 2015 08:41:38 -0400

28 lines

New Thread

銆愪唬鍙嬭浆鍙戙戜复杩憁su鏍″尯鐨凙partment/Two bedroom鎷涚锛屽嵆鏃ュ彲鍏ヤ綇

銆愪唬鍙嬭浆鍙戙戜复杩憁su鏍″尯鐨凙partment/Two bedroom鎷涚锛屽嵆鏃ュ彲鍏ヤ綇


Wed, 1 Jul 2015 17:11:40 -0400

62 lines

New Thread

銆愬叓鏈堣浆绉/Moving sale銆戠敓娲荤敤鍝佺敥鍗栦俊鎭/鐙珛鎴垮崸瀹ゆ嫑绉熷

銆愬叓鏈堣浆绉/Moving sale銆戠敓娲荤敤鍝佺敥鍗栦俊鎭/鐙珛鎴垮崸瀹ゆ嫑绉熷


Tue, 28 Jul 2015 14:09:36 -0400

66 lines

New Thread

銆愬洖鍥,杞/Moving sale銆戝府蹇欒浆鍙戠敓娲荤敤鍝佺敥鍗栦俊鎭/鐙珛鎴垮崸瀹ゆ嫑绉熷

銆愬洖鍥,杞/Moving sale銆戝府蹇欒浆鍙戠敓娲荤敤鍝佺敥鍗栦俊鎭/鐙珛鎴垮崸瀹ゆ嫑绉熷


Fri, 3 Jul 2015 14:15:44 -0400

64 lines

New Thread




Tue, 14 Jul 2015 16:50:28 -0400

72 lines

New Thread

銆愯浆绉/Moving sale銆戠敓娲荤敤鍝佺敥鍗栦俊鎭/鐙珛鎴垮崸瀹ゆ嫑绉熷

銆愯浆绉/Moving sale銆戠敓娲荤敤鍝佺敥鍗栦俊鎭/鐙珛鎴垮崸瀹ゆ嫑绉熷


Sun, 5 Jul 2015 14:44:38 -0400

64 lines

New Thread



Shen Qing

Fri, 3 Jul 2015 09:16:28 +0800

11 lines

New Thread

浠e弸鍗栬溅锛2013 Ford Escape SE SUV with only 20k miles

浠e弸鍗栬溅锛2013 Ford Escape SE SUV with only 20k miles

Paul W

Sun, 12 Jul 2015 11:20:57 -0400

44 lines

New Thread



MSU Mail

Sun, 12 Jul 2015 20:32:32 -0400

52 lines

New Thread



Albert Zhao

Fri, 10 Jul 2015 12:00:50 -0400

14 lines

New Thread



Albert Zhao

Tue, 7 Jul 2015 13:48:24 -0400

15 lines

New Thread




Wed, 8 Jul 2015 12:10:54 -0400

25 lines

Re: 浣庝环澶勭悊闇茶惀鐢ㄥ搧

Zhe Meng

Sat, 4 Jul 2015 12:41:38 -0400

27 lines



Fri, 3 Jul 2015 10:19:17 -0400

25 lines

New Thread

浣忓湪trappers cove 姹傛帹鑽愮綉缁

浣忓湪trappers cove 姹傛帹鑽愮綉缁

Wang Wang

Fri, 3 Jul 2015 11:12:53 -0400

13 lines

New Thread

鍏ㄦ柊 iphone 6 鏃犲悎鍚屾墜鏈

鍏ㄦ柊 iphone 6 鏃犲悎鍚屾墜鏈

Paul W

Wed, 8 Jul 2015 22:38:24 -0400

15 lines

New Thread

鍑哄敭浜屾墜Full size搴婂灚 $20

鍑哄敭浜屾墜Full size搴婂灚 $20

Muyang Li

Mon, 20 Jul 2015 19:58:56 -0400

15 lines

New Thread




Mon, 20 Jul 2015 11:05:58 -0400

26 lines

New Thread



Qiaozhi Sun

Sun, 5 Jul 2015 17:03:09 -0400

12 lines

New Thread



Shuai Zhang

Wed, 1 Jul 2015 23:06:20 +0800

13 lines

New Thread

鍗栦竴涓柊鐨刡luetooth speaker锛$8)

鍗栦竴涓柊鐨刡luetooth speaker锛$8)

Shen Qing

Thu, 9 Jul 2015 05:22:11 +0800

12 lines

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Peng Gao

Tue, 7 Jul 2015 16:03:50 -0400

17 lines

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鍗栬溅 浠e弸杞彂

鍗栬溅 浠e弸杞彂


Sat, 4 Jul 2015 11:24:38 -0500

16 lines

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鍗栬溅 - 2010 Toyota Corolla S

鍗栬溅 - 2010 Toyota Corolla S


Thu, 9 Jul 2015 22:30:29 -0400

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鍗杕odem 锛堜笉濂芥剰鎬濓紝鏄崠锛屼笉鏄拱锛

Re: 鍗杕odem 锛堜笉濂芥剰鎬濓紝鏄崠锛屼笉鏄拱锛

Shen Qing

Fri, 3 Jul 2015 09:17:02 +0800

16 lines

New Thread

鍝囷綖婕備寒缇庣湁浠敞鎰忓暒 瀹岀編鏃跺皻澶ф斁浠蜂簡锝烇紒锛侊紒

鍝囷綖婕備寒缇庣湁浠敞鎰忓暒 瀹岀編鏃跺皻澶ф斁浠蜂簡锝烇紒锛侊紒


Sat, 4 Jul 2015 14:23:37 -0400

35 lines

New Thread

鍥涘紶Cedar Point鍗婁环浼樻儬鍗疯浆璁

鍥涘紶Cedar Point鍗婁环浼樻儬鍗疯浆璁

Jennifer Lee

Tue, 7 Jul 2015 20:15:42 +0000

12 lines

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Sat, 25 Jul 2015 20:10:07 +0800

42 lines

New Thread




Fri, 24 Jul 2015 01:42:51 +0800

55 lines

New Thread


Re: 鍥炲浗鐢╁崠

Robin Clark

Wed, 22 Jul 2015 14:49:58 +0000

78 lines



Tue, 21 Jul 2015 10:42:28 +0800

12 lines



Tue, 21 Jul 2015 10:09:39 +0800

57 lines

New Thread



[log in to unmask]

Thu, 9 Jul 2015 16:19:17 -0700

88 lines

New Thread




Mon, 6 Jul 2015 17:58:47 -0400

18 lines

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Sun, 19 Jul 2015 20:53:37 -0400

31 lines

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Feng Gao

Thu, 2 Jul 2015 08:14:44 +0800

14 lines

New Thread

瀵诲鍙媐inding roommates

瀵诲鍙媐inding roommates


Thu, 9 Jul 2015 01:16:56 -0400

57 lines

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Tue, 21 Jul 2015 06:04:36 -0400

28 lines

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Yingsang Wu

Fri, 24 Jul 2015 20:59:49 -0400

15 lines

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瀵艰埅浠狦PS used less than 1yr

瀵艰埅浠狦PS used less than 1yr

Jiajun Lan

Sun, 19 Jul 2015 21:37:36 -0400

48 lines

New Thread




Mon, 27 Jul 2015 17:16:56 -0400

40 lines

New Thread

甯屾湜鍔犲叆ATT share plan

甯屾湜鍔犲叆ATT share plan

sizhe zhou

Wed, 8 Jul 2015 16:57:25 -0500

15 lines

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Albert Zhao

Sun, 12 Jul 2015 10:45:47 -0400

18 lines

New Thread

甯湅鍙嬪崠杞2002 toyata- carolla for sale

甯湅鍙嬪崠杞2002 toyata- carolla for sale


Sun, 19 Jul 2015 17:00:59 -0400

30 lines

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Shuya Zhang

Wed, 29 Jul 2015 14:14:08 -0400

13 lines



Mon, 27 Jul 2015 14:23:33 -0400

25 lines

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Sun, 19 Jul 2015 17:38:56 +0000

12 lines

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Wed, 1 Jul 2015 10:32:23 -0400

24 lines

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Thu, 2 Jul 2015 10:23:07 -0400

24 lines

New Thread




Tue, 28 Jul 2015 01:15:45 +0800

18 lines


Ed Lee

Tue, 21 Jul 2015 02:25:48 -0400

29 lines

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Thu, 2 Jul 2015 13:27:50 -0400

16 lines

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Cheng Stella QIAN

Sun, 19 Jul 2015 23:21:11 -0400

70 lines

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Yuanchao Liu (MSU)

Wed, 8 Jul 2015 19:07:39 -0400

33 lines

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Thu, 2 Jul 2015 17:08:42 -0400

65 lines

New Thread

姣曚笟鍗栬溅 2002 Chevrolet Malibu with very low mileage for sale

姣曚笟鍗栬溅 2002 Chevrolet Malibu with very low mileage for sale


Fri, 17 Jul 2015 13:54:50 -0400

63 lines

New Thread

姣曚笟鍗栬溅2002 Chevrolet Malibu with very low mileage for sale

Re: 姣曚笟鍗栬溅2002 Chevrolet Malibu with very low mileage for sale

Mingzhao Wang

Fri, 17 Jul 2015 18:19:05 -0400

87 lines

New Thread

姣曚笟澶х敥鍗 浠锋牸瀹炲湪

姣曚笟澶х敥鍗 浠锋牸瀹炲湪


Thu, 2 Jul 2015 03:39:01 +0800

30 lines

New Thread

姣曚笟鐢╁崠 浠锋牸瀹炲湪 鎰熻阿澶у鐨勬敮鎸!

姣曚笟鐢╁崠 浠锋牸瀹炲湪 鎰熻阿澶у鐨勬敮鎸!


Fri, 3 Jul 2015 09:26:34 +0800

33 lines

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Feng Gao

Thu, 2 Jul 2015 05:50:35 +0800

12 lines

New Thread

姹備竴涓 3-Drawer Cart

姹備竴涓 3-Drawer Cart

Feng Gao

Thu, 30 Jul 2015 21:03:51 +0800

12 lines

New Thread




Thu, 30 Jul 2015 07:40:06 -0400

27 lines

New Thread

姹傚姞鍏TT family plan

姹傚姞鍏TT family plan


Mon, 20 Jul 2015 08:18:39 -0400

12 lines

姹傚姞鍏TT family plan


Mon, 20 Jul 2015 08:27:11 -0400

13 lines

New Thread

姹傚姞鍏TTfamily plan

姹傚姞鍏TTfamily plan


Mon, 20 Jul 2015 08:16:46 -0400

12 lines

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yuzhen lu

Mon, 27 Jul 2015 17:37:59 -0500

11 lines

New Thread



Yueyu Zhang

Mon, 27 Jul 2015 17:41:03 -0400

29 lines

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Shuyao Lang

Sun, 5 Jul 2015 19:00:21 -0400

31 lines

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姹傜鎴匡紝7鏈堜腑鍏ヤ綇锛屾渶濂藉湪Collage Towne鎴朤rappers cove

姹傜鎴匡紝7鏈堜腑鍏ヤ綇锛屾渶濂藉湪Collage Towne鎴朤rappers cove


Thu, 2 Jul 2015 19:04:18 -0400

28 lines

New Thread

姹傜 8鏈堜腑鍏ヤ綇

姹傜 8鏈堜腑鍏ヤ綇


Thu, 16 Jul 2015 10:11:47 -0400

12 lines

New Thread



Haoling Chang

Tue, 28 Jul 2015 17:22:58 -0400

14 lines

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Wed, 29 Jul 2015 13:56:32 -0400

27 lines

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Chen Stacia

Fri, 24 Jul 2015 00:17:43 -0400

16 lines

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Fri, 17 Jul 2015 22:29:40 -0400

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Wed, 22 Jul 2015 07:35:09 +0800

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Sat, 18 Jul 2015 18:55:47 -0400

22 lines

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姹傝喘璋冨埗瑙h皟鍣ㄥ拰璺敱鍣(modem and router)

姹傝喘璋冨埗瑙h皟鍣ㄥ拰璺敱鍣(modem and router)

Ivan G

Thu, 23 Jul 2015 22:55:24 -0400

15 lines

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Sun, 12 Jul 2015 18:20:45 -0400

21 lines

New Thread


Re: 姹傞棶闀垮懆鏈檮杩戞湁浠涔堝ソ鍘诲


Wed, 1 Jul 2015 20:12:09 -0500

38 lines

Re: 姹傞棶闀垮懆鏈檮杩戞湁浠涔堝ソ鍘诲


Wed, 1 Jul 2015 18:43:15 -0400

37 lines

Re: 姹傞棶闀垮懆鏈檮杩戞湁浠涔堝ソ鍘诲


Thu, 2 Jul 2015 06:01:36 +0800

35 lines



Wed, 1 Jul 2015 14:43:27 +0000

13 lines

New Thread

鐢锋湅鍙嬫渶鍠滄鐨勭┛琛i鏍硷紒 鏃跺皻娆惧紡锝炶澶村洖澶寸巼鐧惧垎鐧 鍝囷紒

鐢锋湅鍙嬫渶鍠滄鐨勭┛琛i鏍硷紒 鏃跺皻娆惧紡锝炶澶村洖澶寸巼鐧惧垎鐧 鍝囷紒


Thu, 2 Jul 2015 12:36:23 -0400

27 lines

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Chen Stacia

Fri, 17 Jul 2015 23:46:09 -0400

15 lines

New Thread




Wed, 1 Jul 2015 09:33:27 -0400

16 lines

New Thread



Shuya Zhang

Wed, 29 Jul 2015 15:58:28 -0400

12 lines

New Thread



lu xun

Thu, 9 Jul 2015 12:27:57 -0400

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lu xun

Thu, 9 Jul 2015 12:15:49 -0400

17 lines

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yuzhen lu

Sat, 25 Jul 2015 09:18:26 -0500

24 lines

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Zhou Iris

Thu, 23 Jul 2015 13:43:22 -0700

52 lines

New Thread

杞彂锛歔CSSAMSU] 杞彂锛歔CSSAMSU]_ Graduation Sale

杞彂锛歔CSSAMSU] 杞彂锛歔CSSAMSU]_ Graduation Sale


Sun, 5 Jul 2015 10:13:35 +0800

25 lines

New Thread

杞彂锛歔CSSAMSU] Graduation Sale

杞彂锛歔CSSAMSU] Graduation Sale


Sun, 5 Jul 2015 10:11:07 +0800

20 lines

New Thread

杞VLADO GIFT CARD锛堝唴鍚95.35鍒锛

杞VLADO GIFT CARD锛堝唴鍚95.35鍒锛


Tue, 7 Jul 2015 22:47:30 +0800

14 lines

New Thread

閫佺殑娌欏彂鍦–ollege Towne

閫佺殑娌欏彂鍦–ollege Towne


Wed, 1 Jul 2015 09:35:28 -0400

18 lines

New Thread

!!! Job available at Chinese Restaurant

!!! Job available at Chinese Restaurant

Lan Yang

Sun, 12 Jul 2015 22:10:28 -0400

37 lines

New Thread

!!!King Size Mattress 缁欓挶灏卞崠!!!

!!!King Size Mattress 缁欓挶灏卞崠!!!


Sun, 19 Jul 2015 19:12:16 -0400

29 lines

New Thread

$250 clean and furnished bedroom available on July 28, 2015

$250 clean and furnished bedroom available on July 28, 2015

Helen Huang

Tue, 21 Jul 2015 07:44:47 -0400

34 lines

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Yiqing Yang

Wed, 22 Jul 2015 21:25:11 -0400

47 lines

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$465/&#26376; , Block 36, 4&#23460;4&#21355;&#30340;&#19968;&#38388;&#25151;&#20986;&#31199;, 8/21&#20837;&#20303;

$465/&#26376; , Block 36, 4&#23460;4&#21355;&#30340;&#19968;&#38388;&#25151;&#20986;&#31199;, 8/21&#20837;&#20303;

Yiqing Yang

Wed, 22 Jul 2015 21:02:58 -0400

64 lines

New Thread



Yiqing Yang

Wed, 22 Jul 2015 21:15:19 -0400

51 lines

New Thread

$5- IKEA HONEFOSS mirror for sale

$5- IKEA HONEFOSS mirror for sale

Snow Ji

Mon, 27 Jul 2015 11:38:27 -0400

33 lines

New Thread

$600 Farmington Hills 涓ゅ涓鍘呬綆浠疯浆绉,鎴戞彁渚$300琛ュ姪姣忔湀銆

$600 Farmington Hills 涓ゅ涓鍘呬綆浠疯浆绉,鎴戞彁渚$300琛ュ姪姣忔湀銆


Sat, 4 Jul 2015 23:40:29 -0400

17 lines

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Yali Du

Thu, 2 Jul 2015 17:18:34 -0400

28 lines


Yali Du

Thu, 2 Jul 2015 17:11:55 -0400

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&#23547;鎵&#24110;蹇欐惉瀹剁殑浜猴紒 鍖呬竴&#39039;&#39277;鍔犳敮浠樹竴澶╅叕&#21171;锛

&#23547;鎵&#24110;蹇欐惉瀹剁殑浜猴紒 鍖呬竴&#39039;&#39277;鍔犳敮浠樹竴澶╅叕&#21171;锛


Sat, 25 Jul 2015 14:12:02 -0400

39 lines

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Tea Chat

Wed, 1 Jul 2015 00:02:26 -0400

29 lines

New Thread

&#36229;&#20540;lycamobile sim card!

&#36229;&#20540;lycamobile sim card!

Sha Liu

Fri, 24 Jul 2015 19:10:37 -0400

84 lines

New Thread

*****SPAM***** 鍥炲浗鍓嶅ぇ鐢╁崠

Re: *****SPAM***** 鍥炲浗鍓嶅ぇ鐢╁崠

Lily Li

Fri, 10 Jul 2015 09:02:53 -0400

108 lines

*****SPAM***** 鍥炲浗鍓嶅ぇ鐢╁崠


Fri, 10 Jul 2015 11:47:18 +0800

76 lines

New Thread

*****SPAM***** 鍥炲浗鐢╁崠锛堟洿鏂帮級

*****SPAM***** 鍥炲浗鐢╁崠锛堟洿鏂帮級


Fri, 17 Jul 2015 22:50:05 +0800

67 lines

New Thread

*****SPAM***** queen size bed for sale (including mattress, box and frame)

*****SPAM***** queen size bed for sale (including mattress, box and frame)

Mingquan Yuan

Mon, 20 Jul 2015 01:10:03 +0800

18 lines

New Thread

*****SPAM***** Sale!!!

Re: *****SPAM***** Sale!!!


Fri, 24 Jul 2015 23:22:13 -0400

22 lines

*****SPAM***** Sale!!!

Zheng Chen

Thu, 23 Jul 2015 13:04:05 -0400

29 lines

New Thread

----looking for short term rental from 7/26-8/1---

----looking for short term rental from 7/26-8/1---


Wed, 8 Jul 2015 11:34:46 -0400

38 lines

New Thread

----looking for short term rental from 7/26-8/18---

----looking for short term rental from 7/26-8/18---


Mon, 13 Jul 2015 08:50:17 -0400

43 lines

New Thread

2003 Toyota RAV4 L SUV for sale

2003 Toyota RAV4 L SUV for sale


Sun, 26 Jul 2015 20:53:06 -0400

25 lines

New Thread

2005 Honda Accord LX for SALE

2005 Honda Accord LX for SALE

Shams Reaz

Thu, 30 Jul 2015 00:05:47 -0400

25 lines

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2007 Honda Civic 88000 mileage

2007 Honda Civic 88000 mileage

Ming Liu

Wed, 15 Jul 2015 10:56:05 -0400

45 lines

New Thread

2013 CFA level 2 note and 2013 CMA for free

2013 CFA level 2 note and 2013 CMA for free

Will Zhang

Wed, 29 Jul 2015 16:22:10 -0400

21 lines

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Wed, 8 Jul 2015 07:32:47 -0400

38 lines

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Re: 2015Fall??????????????????

Jerry McAllister

Thu, 23 Jul 2015 13:02:42 -0400

90 lines

New Thread

2B2B鏁村$785 杞

2B2B鏁村$785 杞

Qi Tian

Wed, 1 Jul 2015 09:50:14 -0700

31 lines

New Thread

2bed 2bath Apartment for Lease at Farmington Hills

2bed 2bath Apartment for Lease at Farmington Hills


Sat, 4 Jul 2015 22:33:58 -0400

62 lines

New Thread

4th of July Festival

Re: 4th of July Festival

Lei Zhou

Sat, 4 Jul 2015 10:51:02 -0400

107 lines

New Thread

8鏈堝垵鍒9鏈堝垵sublease wanted

8鏈堝垵鍒9鏈堝垵sublease wanted

Faran Zhou

Tue, 28 Jul 2015 03:31:58 +0800

13 lines

New Thread

<No subject>

<No subject>


Sat, 11 Jul 2015 12:21:20 -0400

20 lines

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Yang Luo

Sat, 18 Jul 2015 20:42:01 -0400

25 lines

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Yijia Hong

Mon, 6 Jul 2015 19:56:58 -0400

21 lines

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A chair and slow cooker for sale

A chair and slow cooker for sale

Hui Yang

Sun, 19 Jul 2015 12:51:11 -0400

25 lines

New Thread

A cheap slow cooker for sale

A cheap slow cooker for sale

Hui Yang

Fri, 17 Jul 2015 16:50:48 -0400

23 lines

New Thread

A comfortable chair for sale

A comfortable chair for sale

Hui Yang

Thu, 16 Jul 2015 12:44:43 -0400

23 lines

New Thread

A room for rent from October 24, 275 D/Month

A room for rent from October 24, 275 D/Month

Qian Li

Mon, 27 Jul 2015 22:59:18 +0800

21 lines

New Thread

a room for rent in a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom Spartan Village apartment

a room for rent in a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom Spartan Village apartment

Hui Yang

Mon, 13 Jul 2015 12:37:56 -0400

27 lines

New Thread

A room for rent in a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom Trappers Cove apartment

Re: A room for rent in a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom Trappers Cove apartment

May Yan

Thu, 23 Jul 2015 01:06:37 -0400

80 lines

A room for rent in a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom Trappers Cove apartment

Wei Liao

Wed, 22 Jul 2015 23:33:58 -0400

62 lines

New Thread

a table and a chair for sale

a table and a chair for sale


Tue, 28 Jul 2015 10:14:20 -0400

28 lines

New Thread




Sun, 12 Jul 2015 11:44:05 +0000

12 lines

New Thread

ATT family plan 鐜扮┖鍑轰竴涓猯ine锛屽鍚屽鍔犲叆

Re: ATT family plan 鐜扮┖鍑轰竴涓猯ine锛屽鍚屽鍔犲叆

Jing Kong

Sun, 19 Jul 2015 02:36:31 +0000

59 lines

ATT family plan 鐜扮┖鍑轰竴涓猯ine锛屽鍚屽鍔犲叆


Sat, 18 Jul 2015 03:37:40 +0800

23 lines

New Thread

Baby Crib for sale

Baby Crib for sale

Yang Liu

Mon, 20 Jul 2015 17:10:26 -0400

34 lines

New Thread

Beats HeadPhone for Sale $40

Beats HeadPhone for Sale $40

Mingwu Barton Gao

Thu, 30 Jul 2015 01:09:00 +0000

32 lines

New Thread

BIG Moving Sale featuring many IKEA furniture

BIG Moving Sale featuring many IKEA furniture


Thu, 16 Jul 2015 12:27:38 -0400

29 lines

New Thread

big sale

big sale

Na Liu

Sun, 12 Jul 2015 04:27:59 -0400

23 lines

New Thread

Big Sale!

Big Sale!

Zheng Chen

Sun, 19 Jul 2015 18:51:25 -0400

32 lines

Big Sale!

Zheng Chen

Sun, 19 Jul 2015 18:48:09 -0400

31 lines

New Thread

Brand new GRE & GMAT books for sale

Brand new GRE & GMAT books for sale

Yang Liu

Sat, 18 Jul 2015 18:19:10 -0400

51 lines

New Thread

Can anyone help me jumpstart my car@ Trappers Cove

Can anyone help me jumpstart my car@ Trappers Cove


Mon, 6 Jul 2015 13:13:36 -0400

24 lines

New Thread

Car pool on highway no.1 to LA涓鍙峰叕璺眰鎷艰溅鈥

Car pool on highway no.1 to LA涓鍙峰叕璺眰鎷艰溅鈥

Flora Yang

Thu, 16 Jul 2015 20:11:26 +0000

20 lines

New Thread

Car pool on road no.1 to LA涓鍙峰叕璺眰鎷艰溅

Car pool on road no.1 to LA涓鍙峰叕璺眰鎷艰溅

Flora Yang

Tue, 7 Jul 2015 16:03:15 +0000

18 lines

New Thread

Catching One direction concert Detroit August 29th

Catching One direction concert Detroit August 29th

Lei Zhou

Tue, 28 Jul 2015 20:45:15 -0400

30 lines

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cheap sale

cheap sale

Lan Sun

Sat, 18 Jul 2015 13:19:28 -0400

27 lines

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cheap sale: bed, TV, table, rice cooker, toaster

cheap sale: bed, TV, table, rice cooker, toaster

Lan Sun

Sun, 19 Jul 2015 16:32:09 -0700

30 lines

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Chinese Restaurant need delivery man

Chinese Restaurant need delivery man

Ning Wang

Wed, 15 Jul 2015 13:08:31 -0400

26 lines

New Thread

Comcast Moderm for sale

Comcast Moderm for sale

Xiaoyun Zheng

Fri, 24 Jul 2015 16:01:48 -0400

31 lines

New Thread

Could the administrator remove this address from mailing list?

Could the administrator remove this address from mailing list?


Fri, 3 Jul 2015 18:11:30 -0400

46 lines

New Thread

Dell Desktop for sale

Dell Desktop for sale


Sat, 11 Jul 2015 11:24:54 +0800

17 lines

New Thread

Does someone have hair dryer to sell?

Does someone have hair dryer to sell?

Ying Liu

Mon, 27 Jul 2015 18:36:12 -0400

25 lines

New Thread

English Study

English Study


Tue, 7 Jul 2015 21:18:16 -0400

25 lines

New Thread

Expecting Roommate in Ashton Lake Apt

Expecting Roommate in Ashton Lake Apt

Xingzhi Zhang

Sat, 25 Jul 2015 21:56:58 -0400

29 lines

New Thread

Farmington Hills 涓ゅ涓鍘呬綆浠疯浆绉

Farmington Hills 涓ゅ涓鍘呬綆浠疯浆绉


Thu, 2 Jul 2015 23:01:27 -0400

15 lines

New Thread

Final Graduation Sale today only

Final Graduation Sale today only


Sun, 19 Jul 2015 20:19:35 +0800

20 lines

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Free ENGLISH Discussion Groups

Free ENGLISH Discussion Groups

Nick Setterington

Tue, 7 Jul 2015 12:53:23 -0400

45 lines

New Thread

Free ENGLISH Discussion Groups on Thursday

Free ENGLISH Discussion Groups on Thursday

Nick Setterington

Tue, 14 Jul 2015 14:00:09 -0400

46 lines

New Thread

free mattress/box spring/frame

free mattress/box spring/frame

Zhewei Dai

Tue, 21 Jul 2015 07:20:03 -0400

23 lines

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Free Men's Bicycle

Free Men's Bicycle

James Darius Salehi

Thu, 9 Jul 2015 12:11:43 -0400

29 lines

New Thread

Free Men's Bicycle (Picture link included)

Free Men's Bicycle (Picture link included)

James Darius Salehi

Thu, 9 Jul 2015 12:26:52 -0400

33 lines

New Thread

Free Study Desk Pick Up at East Lansing

Free Study Desk Pick Up at East Lansing

Qinhua Huang

Tue, 7 Jul 2015 20:47:36 -0400

26 lines

New Thread

From: [log in to unmask]

From: [log in to unmask]

[log in to unmask]

Sun, 5 Jul 2015 22:03:09 +0200

28 lines

New Thread

Fwd: Monthly Meditation Class for Beginners, Saturday, July 18, 9:00am - 12:00pm at Amitabha Village

Fwd: Monthly Meditation Class for Beginners, Saturday, July 18, 9:00am - 12:00pm at Amitabha Village

Lina Wu

Sun, 12 Jul 2015 20:01:18 -0400

94 lines

New Thread

Fwd:3 Bedroom Condo in Okemos for Rent

Fwd:3 Bedroom Condo in Okemos for Rent

Hui Xu

Mon, 13 Jul 2015 13:26:39 -0400

31 lines

New Thread

girl looking for roommate

girl looking for roommate


Tue, 7 Jul 2015 11:48:24 -0400

32 lines

New Thread

GPS for sale

GPS for sale


Sun, 19 Jul 2015 23:43:30 +0800

11 lines

New Thread

Graduation Sale

Graduation Sale


Fri, 10 Jul 2015 12:11:21 +0800

17 lines

Graduation Sale


Sat, 4 Jul 2015 11:04:07 +0800

14 lines

New Thread

Guitar for sale

Guitar for sale


Thu, 2 Jul 2015 17:15:52 -0400

33 lines

New Thread

Helmet for 4 yrs old boy

Helmet for 4 yrs old boy

Mars Huang

Thu, 30 Jul 2015 12:39:03 -0400

19 lines

New Thread

House For Rent in Okemos

House For Rent in Okemos

Xiaochun Bian

Mon, 13 Jul 2015 13:52:52 -0400

19 lines

New Thread

How to type Chinese in mail list

How to type Chinese in mail list

X. Leo

Mon, 20 Jul 2015 19:06:28 -0400

24 lines

New Thread

How to use my own car for practice drving?求问如何用自己的车练习?

How to use my own car for practice drving?求问如何用自己的车练习?


Fri, 10 Jul 2015 03:57:30 +0800

20 lines

New Thread

How to use my own car for practice drving?????????????????????????

Re: How to use my own car for practice drving?????????????????????????

Jerry McAllister

Thu, 9 Jul 2015 12:07:59 -0400

87 lines

Re: How to use my own car for practice drving?????????????????????????


Thu, 9 Jul 2015 22:07:29 -0400

36 lines

Re: How to use my own car for practice drving?????????????????????????

Jerry McAllister

Thu, 9 Jul 2015 09:03:23 -0400

43 lines

New Thread

Hunters Ridge 鍏瘬杞锛坰ublease锛 Oct/01/2015 - April/30/2016

Hunters Ridge 鍏瘬杞锛坰ublease锛 Oct/01/2015 - April/30/2016


Tue, 28 Jul 2015 00:10:05 +0800

19 lines

New Thread

King Size Mattress 缁欓挶灏卞崠

King Size Mattress 缁欓挶灏卞崠


Sun, 19 Jul 2015 19:05:21 -0400

26 lines

New Thread

last day sale

last day sale

Lan Sun

Wed, 22 Jul 2015 07:27:49 -0700

29 lines

New Thread

Look for Roommate in College Town 2B/2B

Look for Roommate in College Town 2B/2B

Ed Lee

Tue, 21 Jul 2015 02:42:11 -0400

29 lines

New Thread

Looking for a bicycle

Looking for a bicycle


Tue, 7 Jul 2015 08:17:58 -0400

28 lines

New Thread

Looking for a guitar

Looking for a guitar


Fri, 10 Jul 2015 09:52:01 -0400

28 lines

New Thread

Looking for a room to rent with private bathroom 6-21 Aug

Looking for a room to rent with private bathroom 6-21 Aug

Zongzhe Ying

Sun, 12 Jul 2015 00:41:28 -0400

39 lines

Looking for a room to rent with private bathroom 6-21 Aug

Zongzhe Ying

Sun, 12 Jul 2015 00:34:19 -0400

35 lines

New Thread

Looking for a roommate

Looking for a roommate

Cheng Yu

Mon, 20 Jul 2015 00:18:04 -0400

33 lines

New Thread

looking for a roommate and 2b2b apartment

looking for a roommate and 2b2b apartment

Yingmin Li

Tue, 21 Jul 2015 19:30:28 -0400

27 lines

New Thread

Looking for a roommate in Spartan Village

Looking for a roommate in Spartan Village

Cheng Yu

Thu, 9 Jul 2015 11:02:28 -0400

33 lines

Looking for a roommate in Spartan Village

Cheng Yu

Tue, 7 Jul 2015 11:28:58 -0400

32 lines

New Thread

looking for roommate

looking for roommate


Thu, 9 Jul 2015 14:51:20 -0400

29 lines

New Thread

Looking for router姹傝喘router

Looking for router姹傝喘router

Ying Liu

Sat, 25 Jul 2015 17:35:18 -0400

25 lines

New Thread

looking for summer sublease from Aug. 16th to 29th

looking for summer sublease from Aug. 16th to 29th

Yang Liu

Sun, 26 Jul 2015 21:04:43 -0400

17 lines

New Thread

looking for vacumn and drawer (plastic or wooden)!

looking for vacumn and drawer (plastic or wooden)!

Zhang Qiaoni

Wed, 1 Jul 2015 10:19:39 -0400

13 lines

New Thread




Thu, 30 Jul 2015 23:52:55 +0800

24 lines

New Thread

Makeup (Dior and Guerlain)

Makeup (Dior and Guerlain)


Tue, 7 Jul 2015 12:07:56 -0400

21 lines

New Thread

mattress and bed

mattress and bed


Sat, 18 Jul 2015 10:55:22 +0800

13 lines

New Thread

modem needed锛堟眰璐皟鍒惰В璋冨櫒锛

modem needed锛堟眰璐皟鍒惰В璋冨櫒锛


Mon, 27 Jul 2015 20:01:13 -0400

13 lines

New Thread

Moving sale

Moving sale


Thu, 30 Jul 2015 08:49:51 +0800

14 lines

Moving sale

Yimu Zhao

Wed, 29 Jul 2015 10:14:08 -0400

19 lines

moving sale

Li Ke

Tue, 21 Jul 2015 22:59:09 -0400

29 lines

moving sale

Lan Sun

Mon, 20 Jul 2015 17:38:10 -0700

27 lines

moving sale

Lan Sun

Sun, 19 Jul 2015 15:03:06 -0700

29 lines

Moving Sale

Peng Gao

Fri, 17 Jul 2015 12:27:32 -0400

48 lines

moving sale

Na Liu

Fri, 17 Jul 2015 06:36:08 -0400

24 lines

moving sale


Mon, 13 Jul 2015 11:38:58 +0800

20 lines

moving sale

Lan Sun

Wed, 8 Jul 2015 20:41:19 -0400

26 lines

Moving sale

Jinhui Du

Wed, 8 Jul 2015 10:58:00 -0400

41 lines

moving sale

Lan Sun

Tue, 7 Jul 2015 17:57:17 -0400

21 lines

Moving sale


Sat, 4 Jul 2015 16:04:30 -0400

43 lines

Moving sale

Xiaowen Liu

Fri, 3 Jul 2015 18:54:06 -0400

15 lines

Moving sale


Thu, 2 Jul 2015 21:21:20 -0400

61 lines

Re: Moving sale

Yiyan LIN

Thu, 2 Jul 2015 08:45:20 -0400

54 lines

moving sale

Na Liu

Thu, 2 Jul 2015 07:04:44 -0400

23 lines

New Thread

Moving Sale 鎼鐢╁崠

Moving Sale 鎼鐢╁崠


Wed, 22 Jul 2015 09:20:39 +0800

47 lines

New Thread

moving sale 鏈夌収鐗

moving sale 鏈夌収鐗

Mingquan Yuan

Thu, 16 Jul 2015 04:56:25 +0800

25 lines

New Thread

Moving Sale 锛侊紒锛佹眰甯﹁蛋~~鎰熸仼~

Moving Sale 锛侊紒锛佹眰甯﹁蛋~~鎰熸仼~


Tue, 21 Jul 2015 06:27:59 +0800

16 lines

New Thread

Moving Sale !!!

Moving Sale !!!

Yueyu Zhang

Mon, 27 Jul 2015 23:43:34 -0400

51 lines

Re: Moving Sale !!!


Tue, 28 Jul 2015 10:57:14 +0800

75 lines

Moving Sale !!!

Yueyu Zhang

Mon, 27 Jul 2015 22:53:17 -0400

51 lines

New Thread

moving sale &#20302;&#20215;&#22788;&#29702;

moving sale &#20302;&#20215;&#22788;&#29702;

Lan Sun

Tue, 7 Jul 2015 17:45:30 -0400

26 lines

New Thread

moving sale (golf鐞冩潌and鍚変粬锛

moving sale (golf鐞冩潌and鍚変粬锛

Jing Ning

Sat, 25 Jul 2015 19:50:55 -0400

22 lines

New Thread

moving sale (IKEA 澶х敥鍗栵級

moving sale (IKEA 澶х敥鍗栵級


Thu, 16 Jul 2015 20:31:46 -0400

43 lines

New Thread

Moving Sale - Furniture/Books/Gym equipment

Moving Sale - Furniture/Books/Gym equipment

Andrea Xu

Tue, 7 Jul 2015 21:37:10 -0400

165 lines

New Thread

Moving Sale - More Items Lower Prices To be gone by 7/19

Moving Sale - More Items Lower Prices To be gone by 7/19

Andrea Xu

Fri, 17 Jul 2015 18:15:00 -0400

43 lines

New Thread

moving sale before July 22.

moving sale before July 22.

Lan Sun

Tue, 21 Jul 2015 08:37:17 -0700

29 lines

New Thread

Moving Sale Update 鎼鐢╁崠

Moving Sale Update 鎼鐢╁崠


Sat, 25 Jul 2015 03:25:39 +0800

22 lines

New Thread

Moving Sale Updated

Moving Sale Updated

Andrea Xu

Sun, 12 Jul 2015 18:05:31 -0400

29 lines

New Thread

Moving Sale [All pictures updated]: dining table, small sofa, coffee table and mirror

Moving Sale [All pictures updated]: dining table, small sofa, coffee table and mirror


Fri, 31 Jul 2015 23:41:31 -0400

40 lines

New Thread

moving sale [with photos]

moving sale [with photos]


Wed, 15 Jul 2015 16:52:24 -0400

57 lines

New Thread

Moving sale!

Moving sale!

Whitney Green

Sat, 11 Jul 2015 22:26:51 -0400

31 lines

Moving Sale!

Whitney Green

Sat, 11 Jul 2015 21:03:46 -0400

25 lines

New Thread

Moving Sale! Need them gone by next weekend!

Moving Sale! Need them gone by next weekend!

Lin Baihong

Fri, 24 Jul 2015 02:42:45 -0400

33 lines

New Thread

Moving Sale! Need them gone this week!

Moving Sale! Need them gone this week!

Lin Baihong

Mon, 27 Jul 2015 23:44:49 -0400

40 lines

Moving Sale! Need them gone this week!

Lin Baihong

Sun, 26 Jul 2015 20:40:09 -0400

29 lines

New Thread

Moving Sale!!!

Moving Sale!!!

Zheng Chen

Mon, 27 Jul 2015 16:03:36 -0400

40 lines

Moving sale!!!


Mon, 6 Jul 2015 11:13:00 +0800

25 lines

Moving sale!!!


Mon, 6 Jul 2015 11:07:03 +0800

23 lines

New Thread

Moving sale- whirlpool washer and dryer

Moving sale- whirlpool washer and dryer

Snow Ji

Sat, 25 Jul 2015 16:19:47 -0400

33 lines

Moving sale- whirlpool washer and dryer

Snow Ji

Fri, 24 Jul 2015 13:29:06 -0400

33 lines

New Thread

moving sale-updated with pics

moving sale-updated with pics

Li Ke

Wed, 22 Jul 2015 10:37:25 -0400

39 lines

New Thread

moving sale-you decide the price

moving sale-you decide the price


Thu, 16 Jul 2015 01:00:10 +0800

19 lines

New Thread

Moving Sale: dining table, small sofa, coffee table and mirror

Moving Sale: dining table, small sofa, coffee table and mirror


Fri, 31 Jul 2015 22:11:14 -0400

38 lines

New Thread

moving sales!

moving sales!


Mon, 6 Jul 2015 11:37:42 -0400

37 lines

New Thread



Sarah Lin

Wed, 22 Jul 2015 17:38:53 -0700

78 lines

New Thread

Need a computer chair

Need a computer chair


Wed, 8 Jul 2015 11:44:40 -0400

27 lines

New Thread

Nice baby crib for sale

Nice baby crib for sale

Dave Carlo

Thu, 30 Jul 2015 13:20:37 -0400

32 lines

New Thread

Nice sofa for sale!

Nice sofa for sale!

Li Ke

Wed, 29 Jul 2015 21:11:53 -0400

36 lines

New Thread




Fri, 24 Jul 2015 04:24:19 +0800

15 lines

New Thread

One bedroom spacious condo 1 block from campus

One bedroom spacious condo 1 block from campus

Xiaobing Yang

Wed, 1 Jul 2015 13:49:26 -0400

31 lines

New Thread

One nicki Minaji concert ticket available, July 31 clarkston MI

One nicki Minaji concert ticket available, July 31 clarkston MI


Sun, 26 Jul 2015 12:06:57 -0400

23 lines

New Thread

one room for lease from Aug. 2015-July 2016

one room for lease from Aug. 2015-July 2016

Qing Xia

Mon, 27 Jul 2015 16:36:58 +0000

21 lines

New Thread

One room in Spartan Village available from August 1 to the end of the year

One room in Spartan Village available from August 1 to the end of the year

Hui Yang

Mon, 13 Jul 2015 12:09:48 -0400

28 lines

New Thread

Pick-up at MSU or DTW on Aug.13th

Pick-up at MSU or DTW on Aug.13th

Weijing Liu

Thu, 30 Jul 2015 08:24:27 -0400

31 lines

New Thread

Plates for sale

Plates for sale

Hui Yang

Tue, 21 Jul 2015 12:59:16 -0400

23 lines

New Thread

Psychology Paid Study

Psychology Paid Study

Cheng Stella QIAN

Thu, 9 Jul 2015 16:25:28 -0400

64 lines

New Thread

RE锛 Looking for male roommate

RE锛 Looking for male roommate

Athena Warner

Mon, 27 Jul 2015 20:49:39 +0000

43 lines

New Thread

Refrigerator Sale

Refrigerator Sale

Fiona Chen

Sun, 26 Jul 2015 13:49:34 -0400

17 lines

New Thread

Room for rent

Room for rent

Bruce Jeffries

Thu, 9 Jul 2015 16:04:09 -0400

35 lines

New Thread

Room for Rent 鎴&#38388;鍑虹

Room for Rent 鎴&#38388;鍑虹


Mon, 27 Jul 2015 17:12:09 -0400

43 lines

New Thread

Room Needed for Short Term

Room Needed for Short Term


Sun, 19 Jul 2015 16:47:25 -0400

29 lines

New Thread

room needed from August 1- August 14th

room needed from August 1- August 14th

Lian Lian

Sun, 5 Jul 2015 20:16:56 -0400

31 lines

New Thread



Hui Yang

Wed, 22 Jul 2015 12:48:37 -0400

34 lines

Re: Sale

Raji Subbu

Thu, 9 Jul 2015 15:24:48 +0000

86 lines


Raji Subbu

Thu, 9 Jul 2015 14:46:22 +0000

73 lines

New Thread

sale AT&T wireless internet getway

sale AT&T wireless internet getway


Thu, 23 Jul 2015 11:36:31 -0400

25 lines

New Thread

Sale of Air Conditioner

Sale of Air Conditioner

Yang Liu

Wed, 22 Jul 2015 10:03:06 -0400

40 lines

New Thread

Sale smart TV

Sale smart TV

Ziqi Mao

Tue, 21 Jul 2015 14:45:07 -0400

25 lines

New Thread



Hui Yang

Thu, 16 Jul 2015 12:32:49 -0400

24 lines

New Thread

Seeking driver/mover for moivng

Seeking driver/mover for moivng


Sat, 25 Jul 2015 14:18:19 -0400

33 lines

New Thread

sell an air conditioner

sell an air conditioner

Sarah Lin

Sat, 25 Jul 2015 06:47:31 -0700

24 lines

New Thread

Sell upright exercise bike--schwinn 125

Sell upright exercise bike--schwinn 125

Ruiqiong Guo

Tue, 14 Jul 2015 11:29:36 -0400

16 lines

New Thread

Selling 2007 Mazda CX-7 (63800 miles) for $6000

Selling 2007 Mazda CX-7 (63800 miles) for $6000

Will Zhang

Thu, 23 Jul 2015 15:51:33 -0400

28 lines

New Thread

Selling 32 inch 1080p TV at 100 (was 254.99) and Sphere Chair

Selling 32 inch 1080p TV at 100 (was 254.99) and Sphere Chair

Will Zhang

Thu, 9 Jul 2015 10:40:44 -0400

71 lines

New Thread

selling engineering graduation gown-Master-160-175cm

selling engineering graduation gown-Master-160-175cm

Jing Kong

Sat, 18 Jul 2015 22:45:33 -0400

33 lines

New Thread

Selling upright exercise --with pictures

Selling upright exercise --with pictures

Ruiqiong Guo

Tue, 14 Jul 2015 12:06:18 -0400

43 lines

New Thread

Share the one of two bed room

Share the one of two bed room

Xuefen Zhang

Mon, 20 Jul 2015 13:01:03 -0400

24 lines

New Thread

Slow cooker for sale

Slow cooker for sale

Hui Yang

Fri, 24 Jul 2015 11:56:56 -0400

24 lines

New Thread

Spartan village room

Spartan village room

Carolina Santos

Wed, 8 Jul 2015 11:00:00 -0400

31 lines

New Thread

Stand Fan/ HDTV/slow cooker/rice cooker/tea table for SALE

Stand Fan/ HDTV/slow cooker/rice cooker/tea table for SALE

dorothy C

Mon, 6 Jul 2015 18:02:01 -0400

15 lines

New Thread

Sublease Trappers Cove Single Room

Sublease Trappers Cove Single Room

[log in to unmask]

Wed, 8 Jul 2015 20:37:05 -0400

25 lines

New Thread

Sublease Wanted

Sublease Wanted


Tue, 14 Jul 2015 10:56:58 +0800

28 lines

New Thread

sublease wanted form 1st Sep to 15th Sep for me and my wife

sublease wanted form 1st Sep to 15th Sep for me and my wife


Tue, 28 Jul 2015 01:47:36 +0800

16 lines

New Thread

sublease wanted form 1st Sep to 15th Sep or 1st Sep to 30th Sep

sublease wanted form 1st Sep to 15th Sep or 1st Sep to 30th Sep


Wed, 29 Jul 2015 06:05:41 +0800

16 lines

New Thread

Sublease wanted from August 7- Sepetember 7, 2015

Sublease wanted from August 7- Sepetember 7, 2015


Tue, 21 Jul 2015 16:08:21 -0400

39 lines

New Thread

sublease wanted/ 瀵荤

sublease wanted/ 瀵荤


Tue, 21 Jul 2015 05:57:05 -0400

29 lines

sublease wanted/ 瀵荤


Tue, 21 Jul 2015 05:21:47 -0400

32 lines

New Thread

summer 杞鐜板湪鍒8鏈16鍙

summer 杞鐜板湪鍒8鏈16鍙

Xie He

Sat, 4 Jul 2015 20:53:02 -0400

22 lines

New Thread

Summer sale

Summer sale

Raji Subbu

Mon, 27 Jul 2015 23:42:06 +0000

57 lines

Summer sale

Raji Subbu

Wed, 22 Jul 2015 18:03:12 +0000

56 lines

Summer sale

Raji Subbu

Fri, 17 Jul 2015 21:10:22 +0000

64 lines

New Thread

Things for sale

Things for sale

Raji Subbu

Sun, 12 Jul 2015 18:44:58 +0000

63 lines

New Thread

trappers cove 瀵荤画绉

trappers cove 瀵荤画绉


Sat, 18 Jul 2015 01:46:50 +0800

21 lines

New Thread

trappers cove 灏忓尯涓瀹や竴鍘呭缁浜

trappers cove 灏忓尯涓瀹や竴鍘呭缁浜


Sat, 11 Jul 2015 09:23:14 +0800

22 lines

New Thread

travel company needed

travel company needed


Mon, 13 Jul 2015 13:37:31 +0000

21 lines

New Thread

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School

Nick Setterington

Mon, 20 Jul 2015 14:05:42 -0400

59 lines

New Thread

very cheap sale

very cheap sale

Lan Sun

Sat, 18 Jul 2015 10:06:09 -0700

27 lines

New Thread

Want to join T-mobile family plan

Want to join T-mobile family plan

Yijia Hong

Mon, 6 Jul 2015 09:01:39 -0400

22 lines

New Thread




Sat, 25 Jul 2015 12:41:10 -0400

30 lines

New Thread




Thu, 9 Jul 2015 12:34:24 -0400

18 lines

New Thread

[鎷涜仒]Alibaba Group 2016 Overseas Campus Recruiting

[鎷涜仒]Alibaba Group 2016 Overseas Campus Recruiting


Tue, 21 Jul 2015 14:10:16 -0400

112 lines

New Thread

[Moving sale] Mattress, desk lamp, heater....and more

[Moving sale] Mattress, desk lamp, heater....and more


Wed, 8 Jul 2015 18:02:14 -0400

63 lines

New Thread

[Reminder] Sign up for the 6-Day Retreat with Ven. Chi Chern at Amitabha Village, 8/27-9/1

[Reminder] Sign up for the 6-Day Retreat with Ven. Chi Chern at Amitabha Village, 8/27-9/1

Lina Wu

Sat, 25 Jul 2015 18:39:53 -0400

215 lines

New Thread

[Sale] *Negotiable* Soy sauce, desk lamp, heater, luggages, mattress...and more

[Sale] *Negotiable* Soy sauce, desk lamp, heater, luggages, mattress...and more


Sun, 12 Jul 2015 23:18:00 -0400

67 lines

New Thread

[Update] Moving Sale !!!

[Update] Moving Sale !!!

Yueyu Zhang

Tue, 28 Jul 2015 15:35:34 -0400

53 lines

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