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CSSAMSU Archives

February 2015


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春假有愿意去古巴和墨西哥城的同学么 (1 message)
回复:Re: [CSSAMSU] OPT期间, Visa过期,去加拿大一周 (1 message)
涓ゅ搴婂嚭鍞 (1 message)
涓浗楂樻暀鍑虹増绀 MSU鏂版槬鑼惰瘽浼 (1 message)
涓枃銆佽嫳鏂囷紝0-3宀佸効绔ュ浘涔︼紙$0.5-2.5) (1 message)
浼氭媺浜岃儭鍜屾父娉崇殑鍚屽锛屾眰浜ゆ祦 (1 message)
鍋ヨ韩璇剧▼ (1 message)
鍏嶈垂璧犻侀珮鍘嬮攨涓涓 (1 message)
鍏嶈垂閫佷簲涓狣iscovery淇$敤鍗$殑50鍒鍔炲崱Offer (12 messages)
鍏嶈垂楂樺帇閿単one (1 message)
鍏瘬鍑虹锛屾嫀鍖呭叆浣 (1 message)
鍑哄敭鍔犲窞杩柉灏间箰鍥數瀛愮エ锛2寮狅級 (1 message)
鍑虹鍗曚汉闂 (2 messages)
鍒拌瀹堕暱璇风暀鎰 (1 message)
鍗栨埧锛 $195,500 鏂拌秴浣庝环锛侊紒 (1 message)
鍥炲锛氬浗鍐呯櫧閰掍袱鐡讹紝娆茶喘浠庨 (1 message)
鍥炲锛歝arseat need for new born (1 message)
鍥炲锛歔CSSAMSU] 春假有人有兴趣去古巴和墨西哥城玩的么 (1 message)
鍥藉唴鐧介厭涓ょ摱锛屾璐粠閫 (1 message)
瀵绘壘涓浗淇溅甯堝倕 (1 message)
瀵绘壘濂冲鍙-Ashton Lake Apartment-鍥涙湀鑷冲叚鏈堢煭绉熸垨涔嬪悗闀跨鍧囧彲 (1 message)
鎴戜滑鍋氫簡涓涓煡淇濆仴鍝佷复搴婅瘯楠岀粨鏋滅殑缃戠珯 (1 message)
鎴块棿鍑虹 (1 message)
鎷庡寘鍏ヤ綇 濂藉叕瀵撳嚭绉 1br1bath (1 message)
鎷涘嫙鏄ュ亣鍑烘父灏忎紮浼 (1 message)
鎼鐢╁崠 鍚勭墿鍝佷竴鎶樺嚭鍞(鏇存柊) (1 message)
鎼鐢╁崠 鍚勭墿鍝佷竴鎶樺嚭鍞(鏇存柊2) (1 message)
鎼鐢╁崠 鍚勭鐗╁搧涓鎶樺嚭鍞(鏂) (1 message)
鏈変汉涔熷幓3.28浜旀湀澶╃殑婕斿敱浼氬悧锛 (1 message)
鏈変汉3.5鍙蜂笅鍗堝幓鑺濆姞鍝/3.17鍙蜂粠鑺濆姞鍝ュ洖瀛︽牎鐨勫悧锛 (1 message)
鏈夊湪MSU璇荤爺绌剁敓鐨勫鐢熸垨鑰呭凡缁忔瘯涓氱殑浜哄悧锛熸眰鐢宠缁忛獙锛佽MBA鐨勬渶濂斤紒 (1 message)
姹備竴涓數鍚归 (1 message)
姹備釜鍚稿皹鍣 (1 message)
姹備釜娲楄。鏈 (1 message)
姹傚鍙嬪悎绉焧rappers cove (1 message)
姹傝喘涓涓簩鎵嬪井娉㈢倝 (1 message)
姹傝喘鍏氦鍗 (1 message)
姹傝喘瀹㈠巺椁愬巺鐨勫鍏 (1 message)
娴峰鍗庝汉鏁欒偛瀛﹁ 鏂版槬鑼惰瘽浼氱殑閫氱煡 (1 message)
绌轰綑濂崇敓鎴块棿 (1 message)
缇婂勾蹇箰 (2 messages)
缇庡コ浠紝鏈夎皝鐭ラ亾鍝噷鏈夊珌鎺ョ潾姣涚殑鍦版柟锛 (1 message)
璇氳仒鐮旂┒鐢熷吋鑱 (2 messages)
璇锋帹鑽愮敺鐢熺悊鍙戠殑鍦版柟 (2 messages)
杩欏笘瀛愬氨涓嶈兘璁╀粬娌変簡锛熷ぉ澶╁槻璁藉暐锛熺淇Z涓嶈鍚楅潪瑕佺兢鍙戯紵锛堜俊鐢ㄥ崱offer锛 (6 messages)
閭瘎濂剁矇闂 (1 message)
闈犺氨鍗曡韩鍏瘬锛屽闈犺氨鎴垮 (1 message)
!!! Job available at Chinese Restaurant (1 message)
$500/month/person, subleasing for 2015 fall to 2016 spring (1 message)
一套国内买的CPSM教材出售 (2 messages)
中国高教出版社茶话会通知 (1 message)
中国高等教育出版社 新春茶话会 (1 message)
春假有人有兴趣去古巴和墨西哥城玩的么 (1 message)
春假有人有兴趣去古巴和墨西哥城玩的同学么 (1 message)
租房 (1 message)
豪华大公寓出租 (2 messages)
(Summer or Now) sublease apartment at the Landings $440 (1 message)
0-2宀佸┐鍎跨帺鍏峰強鐢ㄥ搧鍑哄敭锛堟洿鏂帮級 (1 message)
0-2宀佸┐鍎跨帺鍏峰強鐢ㄥ搧鍑哄敭 (1 message)
0-3宀佸効绔ョ帺鍏峰拰鐢ㄥ搧 (1 message)
0-3宀佸効绔ョ帺鍏峰拰鐢ㄥ搧(鏇存柊锛 (1 message)
0-3宀侊紝鍎跨涔 锛坆oard book) 浠锋牸: $0.5-1.5 (1 message)
1鍗1鍗 鎷庡寘鍏ヤ綇 濂藉叕瀵撳嚭绉 (1 message)
1 pm Today "See China in One Hour" event (2 messages)
1-4宀侊紝鐜╁叿锛堥傚悎鐢峰锛 (1 message)
12 Jetta S for sale (1 message)
1bed 1bath Apartment for rent-Brentwood Park (1 message)
2 pm tomorrow Sunday 3/1 "Things my mother taught me" (1 message)
2-6宀佺珛浣撴墜宸ヤ功锛堣嚜甯︽墍鏈夋潗鏂欙紝涓嶉渶瑕佸壀鍒锛夊拰鎷煎浘绉湪 (1 message)
2000 Honda Accord sedan for sale ($2600) (1 message)
2003 Ford Focus Wagon ZTW - $1600 (1 message)
2014 Tax return 绋 鍔 鏈 鍔 (1 message)
6-9pm Wednesday 3/4 TEDx MSU (1 message)
6.5 pm Today "A Night of Swordsmanship with the MSU Fencing Club" event (1 message)
????? (1 message)
???????????????Discovery????????????50?????????Offer (2 messages)
??????????Discovery????????50??????Offer (1 message)
a semester buspass needed (1 message)
Birch Run Premium Outlets tomorrow (2 messages)
bus pass needed ASAP!! (1 message)
buy rice cooker (1 message)
Canada Visa (1 message)
Car fro sale-2000 Nissan Maxima (2 messages)
carseat need for new born (1 message)
carseat needed for newborn (2 messages)
Chinese restaurant in Okemos needing parttime help (1 message)
CUSA鏄ユ櫄绁ㄨ浆璁 SpringFestival Tickets (1 message)
Desk and chair (1 message)
DIA bus trip 2015-03-27 (1 message)
Did anybody happen to see a chain of keys in SV community center? (1 message)
Dress, Tory Burch sweaters, Fendi watch, MiuMiu sunglasses, heels, clutches for sale (1 message)
Earn $10, last chance to participate in a fun research study (1 message)
Earn a quick $10, Only a few research spots remaining (1 message)
ESL Openhouse Events (1 message)
Exhibition OnScreen - "Rembrandt" 02/24 next Tuesday, 7pm @Studio C!, Meridian Mall (1 message)
free-enfamil infant formula (0-3 months) (1 message)
Fw: job openings at MSU (1 message)
heater needed姹傝喘鐢垫殩鍣 (1 message)
HOUSE涓竴涓埧闂村嚭绉 (1 message)
house for sale (1 message)
HP 澧ㄧ洅鍑哄敭 (1 message)
Ice Skating group (1 message)
Ice Skating, much fun (1 message)
Iphone4 charger (1 message)
job opening in Beijing (1 message)
Job Opening of MSU China Office in Beijing (1 message)
job openings at MSU (1 message)
looking for a female roommate in SV (1 message)
Looking for a part time Chinese language tutor...if interested ?...questions ? please respond accordingly.... (2 messages)
Looking for a roommate for fall 2015(trappers cove) (1 message)
Looking for a voltage converter (110v to 220v) (1 message)
looking for ATT family plan group (1 message)
looking for temporary child care (1 message)
LSAT全套考试资料出售 (2 messages)
Mayday's Concert on March, 28th (1 message)
Moving sale (furniture, toys, piano, ...) (1 message)
Moving sale (furniture, toys, piano...) (1 message)
Moving SALE CHEAP! 鎼鐢╁崠銆傚悇绉嶄笢瑗夸竴鎶樺嚭鍞 (1 message)
need a bus pass (1 message)
Need a Rice Cooker (1 message)
Need a Thinkpad power adapter (2 messages)
Need to go! 鏂扮敓鍎垮繀澶囩敤鍝(鐢靛姩鎽囩銆佹憞妞呫佸ザ鐡舵秷姣掑櫒銆丟YM...) (1 message)
Okemos village 鍏瘬鎺ョ (1 message)
OPT期间, Visa过期,去加拿大一周 (1 message)
OPT鏈熼棿, Visa杩囨湡锛屽幓鍔犳嬁澶т竴鍛 (1 message)
OPT????, Visa?????????????????? (1 message)
OPT??????, Visa??????????????????????????? (3 messages)
Paid translator needed from March 9-18 (1 message)
Pierre Bensusan concert 02/20 Friday (2 messages)
Research Help Still Needed (Earn $10 for listening to English speech) (1 message)
Research Request (3 more participants needed, $10 for 60 minutes) (1 message)
Reserved furniture for sale (1 message)
Rice cooker and Food Steamer needed (1 message)
Room for Rent (1 message)
Sale (4 messages)
Sale (pics attached) (1 message)
Samsung TV for sale (1 message)
Sell bus card / 杞鍏氦鍗 (1 message)
Sell stuff (1 message)
Skins A400姊害鍘嬬缉瑁鐮 65鍒 (1 message)
Somerset LV 璺槗濞佺櫥 MSU涓撳満浼樻儬 (3 messages)
Sublease apartment in Landings (1 message)
sublease Landings apartment (1 message)
Sublease one bed room appartment (1 message)
tappers cove鍚堢 (1 message)
tax return seminar (2 messages)
Tax Service (1 message)
test (1 message)
test 2 (1 message)
thinkpad yoga i7, 4600, 8gRAM, 500 G HD new for sale (1 message)
Three items for sale (1 message)
Trappers Cove 姹俿ublease鎴栦竴璧峰悎绉熶袱浜洪棿锛坒emale锛 (1 message)
TV for sale (1 message)
Two bed room apartment in Haslett is available now. (1 message)
Two sets of New Canon SDRL Camera T5/SL1 with two lens for Sale (1 message)
Verizon family plan available (1 message)
Where to buy SUPRA shoes ? (4 messages)
who is studying the master/MBA in MSU (2 messages)
[Sell] Tory Burch bag, Samsung printer, (1 message)





Subject Sorted by Subject, Chronologically



New Thread



Tue, 3 Feb 2015 10:37:14 +0800

15 lines

New Thread

回复:Re: [CSSAMSU] OPT期间, Visa过期,去加拿大一周

回复:Re: [CSSAMSU] OPT期间, Visa过期,去加拿大一周

Fri, 6 Feb 2015 03:00:10 +0800

14 lines

New Thread



Thu, 5 Feb 2015 23:53:02 -0500

34 lines

New Thread

涓浗楂樻暀鍑虹増绀 MSU鏂版槬鑼惰瘽浼

涓浗楂樻暀鍑虹増绀 MSU鏂版槬鑼惰瘽浼

Wed, 18 Feb 2015 13:15:32 -0500

12 lines

New Thread



Wed, 18 Feb 2015 20:50:39 -0500

14 lines

New Thread



Sat, 7 Feb 2015 23:17:09 +0000

15 lines

New Thread



Thu, 19 Feb 2015 15:32:47 -0500

24 lines

New Thread



Mon, 23 Feb 2015 23:05:54 -0500

114 lines

New Thread


Re: 鍏嶈垂閫佷簲涓狣iscovery淇$敤鍗$殑50鍒鍔炲崱Offer

Tue, 24 Feb 2015 12:06:27 +0800

107 lines

Re: 鍏嶈垂閫佷簲涓狣iscovery淇$敤鍗$殑50鍒鍔炲崱Offer

Mon, 23 Feb 2015 17:07:45 -0500

115 lines

Re: 鍏嶈垂閫佷簲涓狣iscovery淇$敤鍗$殑50鍒鍔炲崱Offer

Mon, 23 Feb 2015 16:49:46 -0500

83 lines

Re: 鍏嶈垂閫佷簲涓狣iscovery淇$敤鍗$殑50鍒鍔炲崱Offer

Tue, 24 Feb 2015 04:21:47 +0800

75 lines

Re: 鍏嶈垂閫佷簲涓狣iscovery淇$敤鍗$殑50鍒鍔炲崱Offer

Mon, 23 Feb 2015 09:57:26 -0500

91 lines

Re: 鍏嶈垂閫佷簲涓狣iscovery淇$敤鍗$殑50鍒鍔炲崱Offer

Mon, 23 Feb 2015 00:08:54 -0500

77 lines

Re: 鍏嶈垂閫佷簲涓狣iscovery淇$敤鍗$殑50鍒鍔炲崱Offer

Sun, 22 Feb 2015 23:30:13 -0500

74 lines

Re: 鍏嶈垂閫佷簲涓狣iscovery淇$敤鍗$殑50鍒鍔炲崱Offer

Sun, 22 Feb 2015 22:40:46 -0500

65 lines

Re: 鍏嶈垂閫佷簲涓狣iscovery淇$敤鍗$殑50鍒鍔炲崱Offer

Sun, 22 Feb 2015 21:45:40 -0500

65 lines

Re: 鍏嶈垂閫佷簲涓狣iscovery淇$敤鍗$殑50鍒鍔炲崱Offer

Sun, 22 Feb 2015 21:31:25 -0500

47 lines

Re: 鍏嶈垂閫佷簲涓狣iscovery淇$敤鍗$殑50鍒鍔炲崱Offer

Sun, 22 Feb 2015 20:38:54 -0500

57 lines


Fri, 20 Feb 2015 06:04:20 +0000

27 lines

New Thread



Tue, 24 Feb 2015 08:28:47 -0500

14 lines

New Thread



Mon, 23 Feb 2015 19:49:04 -0500

20 lines

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Tue, 24 Feb 2015 13:26:19 -0500

18 lines

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Tue, 17 Feb 2015 03:44:35 +0800

16 lines


Sun, 15 Feb 2015 09:54:24 +0800

16 lines

New Thread



Thu, 12 Feb 2015 14:45:09 -0500

25 lines

New Thread

鍗栨埧锛 $195,500 鏂拌秴浣庝环锛侊紒

鍗栨埧锛 $195,500 鏂拌秴浣庝环锛侊紒

Tue, 3 Feb 2015 11:03:24 -0500

25 lines

New Thread



Wed, 25 Feb 2015 21:46:30 +0800

15 lines

New Thread

鍥炲锛歝arseat need for new born

鍥炲锛歝arseat need for new born

Sat, 14 Feb 2015 23:12:39 +0800

16 lines

New Thread

鍥炲锛歔CSSAMSU] 春假有人有兴趣去古巴和墨西哥城玩的么

鍥炲锛歔CSSAMSU] 春假有人有兴趣去古巴和墨西哥城玩的么

Sat, 21 Feb 2015 00:04:44 +0800

13 lines

New Thread



Wed, 18 Feb 2015 00:26:15 +0800

13 lines

New Thread



Sat, 7 Feb 2015 17:03:42 -0600

11 lines

New Thread

瀵绘壘濂冲鍙-Ashton Lake Apartment-鍥涙湀鑷冲叚鏈堢煭绉熸垨涔嬪悗闀跨鍧囧彲

瀵绘壘濂冲鍙-Ashton Lake Apartment-鍥涙湀鑷冲叚鏈堢煭绉熸垨涔嬪悗闀跨鍧囧彲

Sun, 1 Feb 2015 10:42:13 -0500

80 lines

New Thread



Sun, 15 Feb 2015 22:27:48 -0500

21 lines

New Thread



Thu, 12 Feb 2015 10:14:35 -0500

16 lines

New Thread

鎷庡寘鍏ヤ綇 濂藉叕瀵撳嚭绉 1br1bath

鎷庡寘鍏ヤ綇 濂藉叕瀵撳嚭绉 1br1bath

Mon, 23 Feb 2015 01:52:23 -0500

20 lines

New Thread



Sun, 22 Feb 2015 12:32:01 -0500

13 lines

New Thread

鎼鐢╁崠 鍚勭墿鍝佷竴鎶樺嚭鍞(鏇存柊)

鎼鐢╁崠 鍚勭墿鍝佷竴鎶樺嚭鍞(鏇存柊)

Thu, 26 Feb 2015 22:48:22 -0500

95 lines

New Thread

鎼鐢╁崠 鍚勭墿鍝佷竴鎶樺嚭鍞(鏇存柊2)

鎼鐢╁崠 鍚勭墿鍝佷竴鎶樺嚭鍞(鏇存柊2)

Sat, 28 Feb 2015 10:42:31 -0500

77 lines

New Thread

鎼鐢╁崠 鍚勭鐗╁搧涓鎶樺嚭鍞(鏂)

鎼鐢╁崠 鍚勭鐗╁搧涓鎶樺嚭鍞(鏂)

Tue, 24 Feb 2015 12:40:47 -0500

94 lines

New Thread



Mon, 16 Feb 2015 14:52:23 -0500

21 lines

New Thread



Mon, 16 Feb 2015 12:36:59 -0500

17 lines

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Tue, 10 Feb 2015 13:37:32 -0500

15 lines

New Thread



Mon, 2 Feb 2015 21:59:02 +0800

11 lines

New Thread



Mon, 23 Feb 2015 15:49:33 -0500

12 lines

New Thread



Mon, 23 Feb 2015 13:57:02 -0500

19 lines

New Thread

姹傚鍙嬪悎绉焧rappers cove

姹傚鍙嬪悎绉焧rappers cove

Tue, 17 Feb 2015 13:56:58 -0500

32 lines

New Thread



Fri, 20 Feb 2015 09:31:05 -0500

20 lines

New Thread



Tue, 3 Feb 2015 16:48:25 -0500

25 lines

New Thread



Tue, 3 Feb 2015 01:29:12 +0800

13 lines

New Thread

娴峰鍗庝汉鏁欒偛瀛﹁ 鏂版槬鑼惰瘽浼氱殑閫氱煡

娴峰鍗庝汉鏁欒偛瀛﹁ 鏂版槬鑼惰瘽浼氱殑閫氱煡

Wed, 18 Feb 2015 13:30:02 -0500

32 lines

New Thread



Wed, 11 Feb 2015 14:47:19 -0500

12 lines

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Re: 缇婂勾蹇箰

Wed, 18 Feb 2015 22:50:47 -0500

19 lines


Wed, 18 Feb 2015 22:45:40 -0500

12 lines

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Wed, 18 Feb 2015 13:03:36 -0500

12 lines

New Thread


Re: 璇氳仒鐮旂┒鐢熷吋鑱

Sun, 22 Feb 2015 22:43:19 +0000

58 lines


Sun, 22 Feb 2015 20:38:15 +0000

18 lines

New Thread


Re: 璇锋帹鑽愮敺鐢熺悊鍙戠殑鍦版柟

Fri, 20 Feb 2015 10:11:58 -0500

41 lines

Re: 璇锋帹鑽愮敺鐢熺悊鍙戠殑鍦版柟

Thu, 19 Feb 2015 23:43:11 -0500

18 lines

New Thread


Re: 杩欏笘瀛愬氨涓嶈兘璁╀粬娌変簡锛熷ぉ澶╁槻璁藉暐锛熺淇Z涓嶈鍚楅潪瑕佺兢鍙戯紵锛堜俊鐢ㄥ崱offer锛

Tue, 24 Feb 2015 09:37:57 -0500

166 lines

Re: 杩欏笘瀛愬氨涓嶈兘璁╀粬娌変簡锛熷ぉ澶╁槻璁藉暐锛熺淇Z涓嶈鍚楅潪瑕佺兢鍙戯紵锛堜俊鐢ㄥ崱offer锛

Mon, 23 Feb 2015 23:24:42 -0500

155 lines

Re: 杩欏笘瀛愬氨涓嶈兘璁╀粬娌変簡锛熷ぉ澶╁槻璁藉暐锛熺淇Z涓嶈鍚楅潪瑕佺兢鍙戯紵锛堜俊鐢ㄥ崱offer锛

Tue, 24 Feb 2015 12:14:26 +0800

77 lines

Re: 杩欏笘瀛愬氨涓嶈兘璁╀粬娌変簡锛熷ぉ澶╁槻璁藉暐锛熺淇Z涓嶈鍚楅潪瑕佺兢鍙戯紵锛堜俊鐢ㄥ崱offer锛

Mon, 23 Feb 2015 22:50:47 -0500

130 lines

Re: 杩欏笘瀛愬氨涓嶈兘璁╀粬娌変簡锛熷ぉ澶╁槻璁藉暐锛熺淇Z涓嶈鍚楅潪瑕佺兢鍙戯紵锛堜俊鐢ㄥ崱offer锛

Mon, 23 Feb 2015 21:33:27 -0500

72 lines


Tue, 24 Feb 2015 09:44:16 +0800

27 lines

New Thread



Sat, 7 Feb 2015 09:54:59 -0500

14 lines

New Thread



Fri, 27 Feb 2015 16:05:44 -0500

21 lines

New Thread

!!! Job available at Chinese Restaurant

!!! Job available at Chinese Restaurant

Thu, 19 Feb 2015 18:50:44 -0500

37 lines

New Thread

$500/month/person, subleasing for 2015 fall to 2016 spring

$500/month/person, subleasing for 2015 fall to 2016 spring

Sat, 28 Feb 2015 23:36:19 -0500

36 lines

New Thread


Re: 一套国内买的CPSM教材出售

Mon, 23 Feb 2015 17:13:23 -0500

33 lines


Mon, 23 Feb 2015 15:05:43 -0500

27 lines

New Thread



Tue, 17 Feb 2015 21:06:59 -0500

80 lines

New Thread

中国高等教育出版社 新春茶话会

中国高等教育出版社 新春茶话会

Wed, 11 Feb 2015 15:51:16 -0500

84 lines

New Thread



Mon, 2 Feb 2015 21:24:45 -0500

32 lines

New Thread



Mon, 2 Feb 2015 21:30:39 -0500

33 lines

New Thread


Re: 租房

Mon, 23 Feb 2015 21:00:28 -0500

31 lines

New Thread


Re: 豪华大公寓出租

Sun, 1 Feb 2015 11:54:29 -0500

60 lines


Sun, 1 Feb 2015 10:26:26 -0500

54 lines

New Thread

(Summer or Now) sublease apartment at the Landings $440

(Summer or Now) sublease apartment at the Landings $440

Sat, 14 Feb 2015 22:05:13 -0500

36 lines

New Thread



Sun, 22 Feb 2015 09:18:13 -0500

16 lines

New Thread



Sun, 22 Feb 2015 08:47:17 -0500

14 lines

New Thread



Wed, 18 Feb 2015 13:30:54 -0500

14 lines

New Thread



Wed, 18 Feb 2015 15:51:11 -0500

14 lines

New Thread

0-3宀侊紝鍎跨涔 锛坆oard book) 浠锋牸: $0.5-1.5

0-3宀侊紝鍎跨涔 锛坆oard book) 浠锋牸: $0.5-1.5

Wed, 18 Feb 2015 16:33:57 -0500

16 lines

New Thread

1鍗1鍗 鎷庡寘鍏ヤ綇 濂藉叕瀵撳嚭绉

1鍗1鍗 鎷庡寘鍏ヤ綇 濂藉叕瀵撳嚭绉

Mon, 9 Feb 2015 23:54:20 -0500

19 lines

New Thread

1 pm Today "See China in One Hour" event

Re: 1 pm Today "See China in One Hour" event

Wed, 25 Feb 2015 11:04:18 -0500

31 lines

1 pm Today "See China in One Hour" event

Wed, 25 Feb 2015 10:53:26 -0500

31 lines

New Thread



Mon, 23 Feb 2015 18:22:13 -0500

14 lines

New Thread

12 Jetta S for sale

12 Jetta S for sale

Tue, 24 Feb 2015 11:41:04 -0500

29 lines

New Thread

1bed 1bath Apartment for rent-Brentwood Park

1bed 1bath Apartment for rent-Brentwood Park

Mon, 2 Feb 2015 20:56:16 -0500

29 lines

New Thread

2 pm tomorrow Sunday 3/1 "Things my mother taught me"

2 pm tomorrow Sunday 3/1 "Things my mother taught me"

Sat, 28 Feb 2015 21:54:17 -0500

14 lines

New Thread



Mon, 23 Feb 2015 22:34:54 -0500

18 lines

New Thread

2000 Honda Accord sedan for sale ($2600)

2000 Honda Accord sedan for sale ($2600)

Sat, 21 Feb 2015 22:46:00 -0500

52 lines

New Thread

2003 Ford Focus Wagon ZTW - $1600

2003 Ford Focus Wagon ZTW - $1600

Fri, 6 Feb 2015 03:02:20 -0500

36 lines

New Thread

2014 Tax return 绋 鍔 鏈 鍔

2014 Tax return 绋 鍔 鏈 鍔

Sat, 28 Feb 2015 00:15:14 +0000

68 lines

New Thread



Fri, 27 Feb 2015 22:04:24 -0500

53 lines

New Thread

6-9pm Wednesday 3/4 TEDx MSU

6-9pm Wednesday 3/4 TEDx MSU

Sat, 28 Feb 2015 21:57:00 -0500

13 lines

New Thread

6.5 pm Today "A Night of Swordsmanship with the MSU Fencing Club" event

6.5 pm Today "A Night of Swordsmanship with the MSU Fencing Club" event

Wed, 25 Feb 2015 11:04:02 -0500

40 lines

New Thread



Tue, 3 Feb 2015 16:45:10 -0500

21 lines

New Thread


Re: ???????????????Discovery????????????50?????????Offer

Sun, 22 Feb 2015 23:21:59 -0500

105 lines

Re: ???????????????Discovery????????????50?????????Offer

Sun, 22 Feb 2015 23:10:37 -0500

49 lines

New Thread


Re: ??????????Discovery????????50??????Offer

Sun, 22 Feb 2015 23:11:27 -0500

57 lines

New Thread

a semester buspass needed

a semester buspass needed

Thu, 5 Feb 2015 23:09:41 +0800

13 lines

New Thread

Birch Run Premium Outlets tomorrow

Re: Birch Run Premium Outlets tomorrow

Fri, 13 Feb 2015 15:56:07 -0800

33 lines

Birch Run Premium Outlets tomorrow

Sat, 14 Feb 2015 06:29:31 +0800

12 lines

New Thread

bus pass needed ASAP!!

bus pass needed ASAP!!

Tue, 10 Feb 2015 13:45:50 -0500

25 lines

New Thread

buy rice cooker

buy rice cooker

Sat, 28 Feb 2015 22:17:54 -0500

24 lines

New Thread

Canada Visa

Canada Visa

Mon, 9 Feb 2015 05:26:39 +0000

13 lines

New Thread

Car fro sale-2000 Nissan Maxima

Car fro sale-2000 Nissan Maxima

Fri, 6 Feb 2015 09:43:57 +0800

21 lines

Car fro sale-2000 Nissan Maxima

Tue, 3 Feb 2015 21:16:20 +0800

21 lines

New Thread

carseat need for new born

carseat need for new born

Thu, 12 Feb 2015 10:28:19 +0800

12 lines

New Thread

carseat needed for newborn

Re: carseat needed for newborn

Fri, 6 Feb 2015 14:40:53 -0500

45 lines

carseat needed for newborn

Fri, 6 Feb 2015 21:36:20 +0800

12 lines

New Thread

Chinese restaurant in Okemos needing parttime help

Chinese restaurant in Okemos needing parttime help

Mon, 9 Feb 2015 20:09:20 -0500

26 lines

New Thread

CUSA鏄ユ櫄绁ㄨ浆璁 SpringFestival Tickets

CUSA鏄ユ櫄绁ㄨ浆璁 SpringFestival Tickets

Sun, 15 Feb 2015 22:00:54 -0500

29 lines

New Thread

Desk and chair

Desk and chair

Fri, 13 Feb 2015 11:33:29 -0500

23 lines

New Thread

DIA bus trip 2015-03-27

Re: DIA bus trip 2015-03-27

Fri, 27 Feb 2015 14:53:45 -0500

61 lines

New Thread

Did anybody happen to see a chain of keys in SV community center?

Did anybody happen to see a chain of keys in SV community center?

Sun, 22 Feb 2015 12:02:16 -0500

25 lines

New Thread

Dress, Tory Burch sweaters, Fendi watch, MiuMiu sunglasses, heels, clutches for sale

Dress, Tory Burch sweaters, Fendi watch, MiuMiu sunglasses, heels, clutches for sale

Thu, 5 Feb 2015 15:54:08 -0500

31 lines

New Thread

Earn $10, last chance to participate in a fun research study

Earn $10, last chance to participate in a fun research study

Mon, 16 Feb 2015 12:06:04 -0500

28 lines

New Thread

Earn a quick $10, Only a few research spots remaining

Earn a quick $10, Only a few research spots remaining

Mon, 16 Feb 2015 09:50:11 -0500

43 lines

New Thread

ESL Openhouse Events

ESL Openhouse Events

Tue, 24 Feb 2015 18:24:48 -0500

65 lines

New Thread

Exhibition OnScreen - "Rembrandt" 02/24 next Tuesday, 7pm @Studio C!, Meridian Mall

Exhibition OnScreen - "Rembrandt" 02/24 next Tuesday, 7pm @Studio C!, Meridian Mall

Mon, 16 Feb 2015 18:39:01 -0500

17 lines

New Thread

free-enfamil infant formula (0-3 months)

free-enfamil infant formula (0-3 months)

Sun, 15 Feb 2015 15:38:04 -0500

25 lines

New Thread

Fw: job openings at MSU

Fw: job openings at MSU

Sun, 8 Feb 2015 19:50:27 +0000

45 lines

New Thread

heater needed姹傝喘鐢垫殩鍣

heater needed姹傝喘鐢垫殩鍣

Sun, 22 Feb 2015 14:35:24 +0800

12 lines

New Thread



Sun, 22 Feb 2015 16:46:34 -0500

19 lines

New Thread

house for sale

house for sale

Sun, 8 Feb 2015 00:08:32 -0500

24 lines

New Thread

HP 澧ㄧ洅鍑哄敭

HP 澧ㄧ洅鍑哄敭

Sun, 1 Mar 2015 10:26:25 +0800

14 lines

New Thread

Ice Skating group

Ice Skating group

Sun, 15 Feb 2015 20:49:23 -0500

42 lines

New Thread

Ice Skating, much fun

Ice Skating, much fun

Tue, 17 Feb 2015 16:49:12 -0500

54 lines

New Thread

Iphone4 charger

Iphone4 charger

Mon, 2 Feb 2015 11:31:37 -0500

29 lines

New Thread

job opening in Beijing

job opening in Beijing

Sun, 8 Feb 2015 19:45:52 +0000

78 lines

New Thread

Job Opening of MSU China Office in Beijing

Job Opening of MSU China Office in Beijing

Fri, 6 Feb 2015 15:13:06 +0000

78 lines

New Thread

job openings at MSU

job openings at MSU

Sun, 8 Feb 2015 19:47:57 +0000

44 lines

New Thread



Sat, 14 Feb 2015 16:20:12 -0500

21 lines

New Thread

looking for a female roommate in SV

looking for a female roommate in SV

Thu, 5 Feb 2015 10:59:56 -0500

20 lines

New Thread

Looking for a part time Chinese language tutor...if interested ?...questions ? please respond accordingly....

Looking for a part time Chinese language tutor...if interested ?...questions ? please respond accordingly....

Mon, 16 Feb 2015 09:58:22 -0500

62 lines

Looking for a part time Chinese language tutor...if interested ?...questions ? please respond accordingly....

Fri, 13 Feb 2015 16:26:20 -0500

54 lines

New Thread

Looking for a roommate for fall 2015(trappers cove)

Looking for a roommate for fall 2015(trappers cove)

Tue, 17 Feb 2015 14:02:38 -0500

33 lines

New Thread

Looking for a voltage converter (110v to 220v)

Looking for a voltage converter (110v to 220v)

Tue, 24 Feb 2015 17:04:43 -0500

27 lines

New Thread

looking for ATT family plan group

looking for ATT family plan group

Mon, 23 Feb 2015 22:36:09 -0500

24 lines

New Thread

looking for temporary child care

looking for temporary child care

Mon, 9 Feb 2015 08:16:56 -0500

17 lines

New Thread


Re: LSAT全套考试资料出售

Sun, 8 Feb 2015 15:10:23 -0500

32 lines


Sun, 8 Feb 2015 13:31:05 -0500

25 lines

New Thread

Mayday's Concert on March, 28th

Mayday's Concert on March, 28th

Mon, 16 Feb 2015 10:58:03 -0500

38 lines

New Thread

Moving sale (furniture, toys, piano, ...)

Moving sale (furniture, toys, piano, ...)

Sun, 22 Feb 2015 13:11:21 -0500

52 lines

New Thread

Moving sale (furniture, toys, piano...)

Moving sale (furniture, toys, piano...)

Sun, 22 Feb 2015 12:59:13 -0500

48 lines

New Thread

Moving SALE CHEAP! 鎼鐢╁崠銆傚悇绉嶄笢瑗夸竴鎶樺嚭鍞

Moving SALE CHEAP! 鎼鐢╁崠銆傚悇绉嶄笢瑗夸竴鎶樺嚭鍞

Tue, 24 Feb 2015 11:56:01 -0500

83 lines

New Thread

need a bus pass

need a bus pass

Fri, 20 Feb 2015 15:33:34 -0500

23 lines

New Thread

Need a Rice Cooker

Need a Rice Cooker

Sun, 1 Feb 2015 19:08:52 -0500

25 lines

New Thread

Need a Thinkpad power adapter

Re: Need a Thinkpad power adapter

Sun, 22 Feb 2015 06:02:40 +0800

24 lines

Need a Thinkpad power adapter

Sun, 22 Feb 2015 01:08:54 +0800

18 lines

New Thread

Need to go! 鏂扮敓鍎垮繀澶囩敤鍝(鐢靛姩鎽囩銆佹憞妞呫佸ザ鐡舵秷姣掑櫒銆丟YM...)

Need to go! 鏂扮敓鍎垮繀澶囩敤鍝(鐢靛姩鎽囩銆佹憞妞呫佸ザ鐡舵秷姣掑櫒銆丟YM...)

Thu, 19 Feb 2015 22:02:19 -0500

18 lines

New Thread

Okemos village 鍏瘬鎺ョ

Okemos village 鍏瘬鎺ョ

Sun, 8 Feb 2015 05:07:54 +0800

17 lines

New Thread

OPT期间, Visa过期,去加拿大一周

OPT期间, Visa过期,去加拿大一周

Fri, 6 Feb 2015 00:10:15 +0800

14 lines

New Thread

OPT鏈熼棿, Visa杩囨湡锛屽幓鍔犳嬁澶т竴鍛

Re: OPT鏈熼棿, Visa杩囨湡锛屽幓鍔犳嬁澶т竴鍛

Thu, 5 Feb 2015 12:52:26 -0500

79 lines

New Thread

OPT????, Visa??????????????????

Re: OPT????, Visa??????????????????

Thu, 5 Feb 2015 06:23:34 -0500

32 lines

New Thread

OPT??????, Visa???????????????????????????

Re: OPT??????, Visa???????????????????????????

Thu, 5 Feb 2015 07:47:33 -0500

132 lines

Re: OPT??????, Visa???????????????????????????

Thu, 5 Feb 2015 18:47:47 -0500

112 lines

Re: OPT??????, Visa???????????????????????????

Thu, 5 Feb 2015 06:29:24 -0500

93 lines

New Thread

Paid translator needed from March 9-18

Paid translator needed from March 9-18

Fri, 20 Feb 2015 10:54:08 -0500

29 lines

New Thread

Pierre Bensusan concert 02/20 Friday

Re: Pierre Bensusan concert 02/20 Friday

Mon, 16 Feb 2015 21:42:31 -0500

257 lines

Pierre Bensusan concert 02/20 Friday

Mon, 16 Feb 2015 10:09:56 -0500

198 lines

New Thread

Research Help Still Needed (Earn $10 for listening to English speech)

Research Help Still Needed (Earn $10 for listening to English speech)

Sun, 8 Feb 2015 18:29:15 -0500

45 lines

New Thread

Research Request (3 more participants needed, $10 for 60 minutes)

Research Request (3 more participants needed, $10 for 60 minutes)

Tue, 24 Feb 2015 09:33:26 -0500

35 lines

New Thread

Reserved furniture for sale

Reserved furniture for sale

Mon, 2 Feb 2015 12:57:39 -0500

24 lines

New Thread

Rice cooker and Food Steamer needed

Rice cooker and Food Steamer needed

Tue, 3 Feb 2015 19:41:09 -0500

15 lines

New Thread

Room for Rent

Room for Rent

Mon, 9 Feb 2015 20:46:52 -0500

36 lines

New Thread



Sat, 28 Feb 2015 21:06:17 -0500

34 lines


Mon, 23 Feb 2015 21:17:45 -0500

36 lines


Mon, 16 Feb 2015 10:15:15 -0500

34 lines


Thu, 12 Feb 2015 18:32:56 -0500

34 lines

New Thread

Sale (pics attached)

Sale (pics attached)

Fri, 13 Feb 2015 02:38:54 -0500

36 lines

New Thread

Samsung TV for sale

Samsung TV for sale

Thu, 26 Feb 2015 14:54:48 -0500

43 lines

New Thread

Sell bus card / 杞鍏氦鍗

Sell bus card / 杞鍏氦鍗

Fri, 13 Feb 2015 10:50:48 +0800

12 lines

New Thread

Sell stuff

Sell stuff

Sun, 22 Feb 2015 21:54:14 -0500

39 lines

New Thread

Skins A400姊害鍘嬬缉瑁鐮 65鍒

Skins A400姊害鍘嬬缉瑁鐮 65鍒

Sun, 1 Mar 2015 03:29:06 +0000

34 lines

New Thread

Somerset LV 璺槗濞佺櫥 MSU涓撳満浼樻儬

Re: Somerset LV 璺槗濞佺櫥 MSU涓撳満浼樻儬

Mon, 9 Feb 2015 09:55:28 -0500

45 lines

Re: Somerset LV 璺槗濞佺櫥 MSU涓撳満浼樻儬

Sun, 8 Feb 2015 15:03:12 -0500

21 lines

Somerset LV 璺槗濞佺櫥 MSU涓撳満浼樻儬

Sat, 7 Feb 2015 22:36:22 -0500

18 lines

New Thread

Sublease apartment in Landings

Sublease apartment in Landings

Fri, 6 Feb 2015 16:28:20 -0500

23 lines

New Thread

sublease Landings apartment

sublease Landings apartment

Thu, 5 Feb 2015 00:32:42 -0500

15 lines

New Thread

Sublease one bed room appartment

Sublease one bed room appartment

Thu, 26 Feb 2015 15:23:23 +0000

30 lines

New Thread

tappers cove鍚堢

tappers cove鍚堢

Sat, 21 Feb 2015 00:43:50 +0800

12 lines

New Thread

tax return seminar

Re: tax return seminar

Mon, 16 Feb 2015 17:24:31 -0500

53 lines

tax return seminar

Mon, 16 Feb 2015 16:53:52 -0500

26 lines

New Thread

Tax Service

Tax Service

Thu, 12 Feb 2015 10:45:09 -0800

27 lines

New Thread



Sat, 21 Feb 2015 11:47:08 -0500

19 lines

New Thread

test 2

test 2

Sat, 21 Feb 2015 11:48:33 -0500

17 lines

New Thread

thinkpad yoga i7, 4600, 8gRAM, 500 G HD new for sale

thinkpad yoga i7, 4600, 8gRAM, 500 G HD new for sale

Fri, 6 Feb 2015 20:25:18 -0500

53 lines

New Thread

Three items for sale

Three items for sale

Sat, 21 Feb 2015 11:59:13 -0500

40 lines

New Thread

Trappers Cove 姹俿ublease鎴栦竴璧峰悎绉熶袱浜洪棿锛坒emale锛

Trappers Cove 姹俿ublease鎴栦竴璧峰悎绉熶袱浜洪棿锛坒emale锛

Mon, 2 Feb 2015 15:56:15 -0500

29 lines

New Thread



Sun, 22 Feb 2015 13:16:10 -0500

20 lines

New Thread

TV for sale

TV for sale

Tue, 24 Feb 2015 08:51:00 -0500

30 lines

New Thread

Two bed room apartment in Haslett is available now.

Two bed room apartment in Haslett is available now.

Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:42:04 -0500

52 lines

New Thread

Two sets of New Canon SDRL Camera T5/SL1 with two lens for Sale

Two sets of New Canon SDRL Camera T5/SL1 with two lens for Sale

Mon, 9 Feb 2015 13:18:17 -0500

34 lines

New Thread

Verizon family plan available

Verizon family plan available

Fri, 6 Feb 2015 09:09:24 +0800

15 lines

New Thread

Where to buy SUPRA shoes ?

Re: Where to buy SUPRA shoes ?

Fri, 13 Feb 2015 20:59:35 +0000

51 lines

Re: Where to buy SUPRA shoes ?

Fri, 13 Feb 2015 20:59:09 +0000

42 lines

Re: Where to buy SUPRA shoes ?

Fri, 13 Feb 2015 20:59:03 +0000

33 lines

Where to buy SUPRA shoes ?

Sat, 14 Feb 2015 04:48:35 +0800

12 lines

New Thread

who is studying the master/MBA in MSU

Re: who is studying the master/MBA in MSU

Tue, 10 Feb 2015 23:30:43 -0500

28 lines

who is studying the master/MBA in MSU

Tue, 10 Feb 2015 13:33:12 -0500

21 lines

New Thread

[Sell] Tory Burch bag, Samsung printer,

[Sell] Tory Burch bag, Samsung printer,

Sun, 22 Feb 2015 14:36:36 -0500

46 lines

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