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CSSAMSU Archives

CSSAMSU Archives

June 2013


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Table of Contents:

保险咨询 (1 message)
自住house出租 (1 message)
銆屽ぇ鍞愭梾閬娿嶈垑杈︺屽澶滄槦绌恒嶄縿浜ヤ縿宸炲北鏋楁梾閬婃椿鍕(7/4~7/6) (1 message)
涓涓彲浠ユ煡闄勮繎sex offenders鐨勭綉鍧 (1 message)
浠e弸鍑虹college towne twobed room涓殑涓闂达紝浠呴檺鐢风敓 (1 message)
浠e弸鍙戝笘锛氬鎵惧コ鎬у鍙 (1 message)
浠e弸鍙戝笘: [CSSAMSU] 鎵句笅涓骞村鍙 08/2013 to 08/2014 涓変汉闂 in college towne with low rent鈥 (1 message)
浠e弸鐢╁崠 (1 message)
浠e弸鐢╁崠(updated) (1 message)
浠e弸杞彂: [CSSAMSU] [Roommate needed] new 1-year lease available with only $305/month rent (1 message)
鍏湀搴曞緛鍙嬪悓鍘婚粍鐭冲叕鍥 (1 message)
鍏充簬瀵嗚タ鏍归厭搴 (1 message)
鍑虹鎴垮眿 (1 message)
鍑虹鎴垮眿---two bedroom 涓殑涓闂---浠呴檺鐢 (1 message)
鍑虹collegetowne 涓や汉闂翠腑鐨勪竴闂 (1 message)
鍗栧皬鍐扮锛宮oving sale fridge ONLY $35 (1 message)
鍗栧井娉㈢倝 5鍒鑷彇 (1 message)
鍗栬溅锛2012鍏ユ墜鐨勭櫧鑹茬敳澹宠櫕锛乤lmostNew car for sale! white beatle (1 message)
鍗栬溅锛2012鍏ユ墜鐨勭櫧鑹茬敳澹宠櫕锛乻ellcar: white beatle (1 message)
鍗朜etgear鏃犵嚎璺敱鍣 WGR614 (1 message)
鍚屾眰璐姌鍙犳 (1 message)
鍛ㄦ棩涓嬪崍1鐐30Lansing 褰╄泲灏勫嚮 姹傜粍鍥 (1 message)
鍥藉鍏洯绁 (1 message)
瀵绘壘椹村弸锛岀編瑗块粍鐭冲埌鎷夋柉缁村姞鏂部绾匡紙7.25-8.5鍙凤級 (1 message)
瀵绘壘spartan village鐨勬殤鏈焥ublease (1 message)
甯竴鏈嬪弸绉熸埧锛堝コ鎬э級 (1 message)
甯汉鐓х湅灏忓 (1 message)
甯湅鍙嬪嚭绉熶竴闂存埧 (1 message)
寮遍棶涓や釜闂 (1 message)
鎴垮瓙鍑虹08/15/13璧锋瘡鏈$300姘寸數涓嶅寘锛屼粎濂崇敓 (1 message)
鎴垮瓙鍑虹08/15/13璧, $300姣忔湀锛 涓嶅寘姘寸數锛屼粎濂崇敓 (1 message)
鎴垮瓙鍑虹8/15/13寮濮$300姣忔湀锛屾按鐢典笉鍖咃紝浠呭コ鐢 (1 message)
鎴垮瓙鍑虹8/15/13璧锋瘡鏈$300,鍏朵粬璐圭敤80宸﹀彸 浠呭コ鐢 (1 message)
鎴垮眿鍑虹---two bedroom 鐨勪竴闂 (1 message)
鎵句笅涓骞村鍙 08/2013 to 08/2014 涓変汉闂 in college towne with low rent鈥 (2 messages)
鎵惧コ瀹ゅ弸鍚堢鎴垮瓙锛堝崐骞村悎绾︼級 (1 message)
鎵惧鍙嬶紙鐩墠鐢峰コ涓嶉檺锛夊悎绉熸埧瀛 (1 message)
鎵惧鍙.2 BR 2BA銆$380 姣忔湀锛 鎴垮瓙鍦↙akelansing , 婀栨櫙walkout patio (1 message)
鎵緎partan village 瀹ゅ弸 (1 message)
鏆戞湡鐭 (1 message)
鏈変汉8鏈8鍙峰幓搴曠壒寰嬬湅鍚庤鐢峰婕斿敱浼氬悧锛 (1 message)
鏈夋病鏈変汉8鏈堝垵瑕佸幓榛勭煶鍏洯鍛 (1 message)
姣曚笟鍗栬溅 (1 message)
姣曚笟鍚勭被鐗╁搧澶х敥鍗 (1 message)
姣曚笟澶т紭鎯犱箣鍥炲浗鍗栬溅 (1 message)
姣曚笟澶х敥鍗 (2 messages)
姹傚姪锛氳闂湁浜哄姙杩囧叆鍙拌瘉鍚楋紵 (2 messages)
姹傛惌杞﹀幓鍏拌緵鏈哄満6鏈19鏃 (1 message)
姹傝喘浜屾墜car seat锛6宀佸皬瀛╋級 (1 message)
姹傝喘鍙姌鍙犳柟妗 (1 message)
姹傝喘鍥藉鍏洯鑱旂エ (2 messages)
姹傝喘搴娿佹妞呫佹棤绾胯矾鐢卞強缃戠嚎 (1 message)
姹傝喘鐏攨閿 (1 message)
姹傝喘鐢电倰閿 (1 message)
姹傝喘AA (American Airline)鐨勭Н鍒 55k @1.9 obo (1 message)
鐗逛环鍗栧啺绠卞晩锛15鍒鑷彇 (1 message)
鐚尗寰呴鍏 绱ф (2 messages)
鐭湡鍑虹Spartan Village涓涓埧闂($300/鏈) (1 message)
鑷姩涓嬭浇涓婁紶杞欢 (1 message)
璇烽棶澶у鎬庝箞鍘荤湅鐗欙紵 (1 message)
璇烽棶鏈杩戞湁鍥炲寳浜殑浜哄悧锛 (1 message)
杞village apartment 2013-2014 (1 message)
杞AT&T 2Wire DSL Wireless Router Modem 2701HG --$40 (1 message)
棰勫畾鎴戝鐢佃鏌滅殑鍚屽 (1 message)
椁愰璇蜂汉 (1 message)
锛坲pdated)Huge moving sale (1 message)
$300 Sublease apartment in Landings July 1 to August 8 (1 message)
$300 Sublease apartment in Landings July 7 to August 8 (1 message)
$40/week! Sublease one room out of three-bedroom apt in Castle Pointe (1 message)
「大唐旅遊」舉辦「夏夜星空」俄亥俄州山林旅遊活動(7/4~7/6) (1 message)
房间出租 BY Grand River 东方市场 (1 message)
求加入Family Plan (1 message)
紧急!有没有人住hui an lee,Ann的房子 (2 messages)
诚招室友 Looking for a Roommate Aug 2013 - Aug 2014 (1 message)
賣二手車 (1 message)
2 bedroom 2.5 bath deluxe townhome withattached garage (1 message)
2 couches, $5 & $10. (1 message)
2000 nissan sentra 134,000 miles for sale (with pictures) (1 message)
2001 Ford ZX2 Coupe鈥時educed!$2400 (2 messages)
2002 Volkswagen Beetle (1 message)
2002 Volkswagen Beetle for sale (1 message)
2005 Ford Crown Victoria LX for sale! (1 message)
2005 Scion xA with only 57k+ miles for sale (2 messages)
2007 Honda Accord EX-L (2 messages)
2012 Macbook Air 11.6 inch @ 599 only (1 message)
2013 Fall 鏂扮敓鎺ユ満鎶ュ悕鍙婃帴鏈哄織鎰胯呮嫑鍕熶腑锛2013 Fall new student pick up & call for volunteers (2 messages)
2013 Trans-Pacific University Students Mini Documentary Competition (1 message)
6鏈16鍙锋湁鎵撶畻鍘籦irch run 鐨勫悧锛熸眰鎼溅 (1 message)
7-cup rice cooker for sale (1 message)
<No subject> (1 message)
A bedroom at the Village at Chandler Crossing is available from now to Aug 10, 2014 (2 messages)
A big moving sale. (2 messages)
A female roommate needed in SV (1 message)
A microwave oven and a dust bin for sale (1 message)
About STT 441 (1 message)
already got it-RE: [CSSAMSU] 姹傝喘AA (American Airline)鐨勭Н鍒 55k @1.9 obo (1 message)
An used tennis racket and a set of new badminton rackets for sale (including the cover) (1 message)
Anyone go back to Beijing this weekend? 璇烽棶杩欎釜鍛ㄦ湯鏈夊洖鍖椾含鐨勬垨鑰呭湪鍖椾含杞満鐨勫悧锛 (1 message)
anyone wants a discount on Amway's 瀹夊埄products?contact me! :) (1 message)
anyone wants to buy Amway's 瀹夊埄products? contact me! :) (1 message)
Appeal traffic ticket (2 messages)
Ask for ride from Chicago to Lansing (or East Lansing) (1 message)
AT@T phone needed (1 message)
Baby Stroller and Car Seat for sale (1 message)
Big discount on new mattress and boxing! (1 message)
Big moving sale (1 message)
big sale (4 messages)
Brand new 13-inch Macbook Air for sale (very good deal) (1 message)
Brand new ipad 3 16GB for sale. (1 message)
Bunch of baby stuff on sale. (1 message)
Bunch of household stuff on sale. (1 message)
car for sale (2 messages)
Car for sale (2007 Audi A4) (1 message)
Car Sale 2007 Saturn Ion3 姣曚笟鍗栬溅 (1 message)
Car sale 2007 stature Ion 3 with photos updated (1 message)
Carfax/Auto Check needed (1 message)
Carpool Available From MSU To Purdue (1 message)
Carpool from CHI to East Lansing @23th July is needed (name your price) (1 message)
Carpool from CHI to East Lansing is needed (name your price) (1 message)
CCU Website Promotion Email to Student (1 message)
Chicago Fri. 6/21 (1 message)
Christmas Tree for sale 鍑哄敭鍦h癁鏍 (1 message)
Clothing sale, VERY CHEAP (1 message)
college towne 鎴垮眿鍑虹 (1 message)
Crib needed (1 message)
CSSA-MSU calling for your participation in picking up new students (1 message)
Dinette table and chairs (1 message)
External CD drive needed (1 message)
Final sale $7500 for a Toyota Matrix (1 message)
From Bowen Kou (1 message)
furniture sale ( with free items) (1 message)
Fwd: 2000 nissan sentra 134,000 miles for sale (with pictures) (1 message)
Fwd: big sale (1 message)
Fwd: Fwd: BIG SALE (1 message)
Fwd: Monthly Meditation Class for Beginners, 6/15, 9:00am - 12:00pm at Amitabha Village (1 message)
Fwd: MSU鐣欏鐢熸牎澶栧叕瀵撲紭鎯犱俊鎭 (1 message)
Gillette Fusion Hydra Gel at half price (Moving Sale) (1 message)
Gillette Fusion Shaving Gel (1 message)
Graco Baby Stroller to Sale $20====Graco濠村効鎺ㄨ溅鍑哄敭==== (1 message)
Help Wanted with AutoCAD (1 message)
House for rent (1 message)
Hueiwen Tang (1 message)
Ipad Mini Leather Stand Folio Magnetic Case +Pen (1 message)
Is it safe to walk from CHI union bus station to CTA Clinton station in the middle night(5-min walking distance)???? (2 messages)
items for sale (2 messages)
ITPA 12 .NET position Available with the State of Michigan (1 message)
Job Opening: System (Algorithm) Engineer (1 message)
King size memory foam mattress for sale (1 message)
Lease takeover with low rent, free furniture (2 messages)
Leasing my apartment for the next school year (1 message)
Light Bulbs for Sale (1 message)
Look for a bedroom/studio (1 message)
Look for a room (1 message)
looking for a bedroom (1 message)
Looking for a bedroom from July in SV or Glenwood (1 message)
Looking for a bedroom from July or August (1 message)
Looking for a female roommate from now till December 2013 or January 2014, move in and move out dates negotiable (1 message)
looking for a female roommate in ashton lake apartment (2 messages)
Looking for a female roommate to stay in my two-bedroom apartment (1 message)
Looking for a male to join a lakeshore trip (1 message)
Looking for a Memory Foam Mattress Topper - 闇瑕佷竴寮犳斁搴婂灚涓婄殑璁板繂妫夊灚 (1 message)
Looking for a mini washing machine (1 message)
looking for a room (1 message)
looking for a room from 2013.6.27 (1 message)
Looking for a room in spartant village (1 message)
Looking for a room to stay from July 16th to August 11th (1 message)
Looking for an used bike (1 message)
Looking for furnished bedroom or female roommate in Spartan village from August (1 message)
Looking for one male person to join a lakeshore trip (1 message)
Looking for room (2 messages)
Looking for sublease from July 20th to the end of August (2 messages)
looking for temporary housing from Aug 12th to 25th (1 message)
Looking for two female roommate (1 message)
mattress and box for sale (1 message)
Mattress for sale (3 messages)
mini refrigerator, laser printer, and microwave for sale (1 message)
model+wifi for sale, logitech 2-speaker for sale (1 message)
Moving sale (7 messages)
Moving sale (4905 Dunckel Rd APT-306) (1 message)
Moving sale (GPS, rice cooker...and some free stuff) (1 message)
MOVING SALE - New items (1 message)
MOVING SALE - New items unopened (1 message)
Moving Sale 6/18/2013 (1 message)
moving sale update (1 message)
Moving Sale updated 4905 Dunckel Rd 306 (1 message)
Moving Sale-Desks/dining table/sofa/microwave/shoe cabinet/bed/vaccum cleaner and more (1 message)
Moving sale: (Matress, car lock, Texas poker, luggage, storage boxes...) (1 message)
Moving Sales (1 message)
Moving/Garage sale this Saturday (9:00am to 3:00pm, 6/29, rain or shine) (1 message)
MSU涓浗瀛︾敓鑱氫細锛岃佺敓浠兘鏉ュ噾鍑戠儹闂瑰惂锛屾湰鍛ㄤ簲鏅氫笂6鐐瑰紑濮嬶紝鎻愪緵鎺ラ佹湇鍔 (1 message)
MSU鐣欏鐢熸牎澶栧叕瀵撲紭鎯10%off 淇℃伅 (1 message)
National park annual pass for sale鍑哄敭鍥藉鍏洯骞寸エ (1 message)
need a car (2 messages)
Need a Car Pool to Detroit Airport on June 12 (1 message)
Need a car pool to Detroit Airport on June 13 (1 message)
Need a Dehumidifier (1 message)
need a female bike (1 message)
Need a ride to Birch run outlet after July 9 (1 message)
Need a ride to Birch Run Outlet on June 15 (this Saturday) (1 message)
Need a ride to Detroit Airport on June 19 (1 message)
Need a ride to Detroit Airpot on June 19 (1 message)
need a room convienent to campus from July 1 to Aug 15 (1 message)
Need a room for a female student (1 message)
Need help for moving (1 message)
need sublease in spartan village from now to the end of July (1 message)
nice house for rent (2 messages)
Oil change with tire rotation coupon and Wildlife Park coupons for sale (1 message)
Panasonic UHS-1 Class 10 4GB SDHC Memory Card, 90MB/s Transfer Speed (1 message)
Piano tutor (1 message)
Prepaid SIM card needed (1 message)
Price reduction: dinette table and 4 chairs (1 message)
Refrigerator for sale. (1 message)
renting (1 message)
Replacement bulbs for desk lamp needed (1 message)
Research Technologist Position at MSU (1 message)
ride offered to Columbus OH on 06/04 (1 message)
Roommate needed (1 message)
Roommate needed. 2br/2baths. Lake view. Only $380. (1 message)
Sale a KOBO Vox eReader (new) for 50$ (2 messages)
Sell magazines 鍗栨潅蹇 $1 for 5 issue (1 message)
Sell magazines/periodicals 鍗栨潅蹇 (1 message)
Sell my car: 2000 Mazda Protege LX Sedan 4D (1 message)
sell refrigerator and microwave (1 message)
sell slow cooker, rice cooker, microwave oven, night stand (1 message)
Sell TV, couch, microwave, dining table and study desks. (1 message)
Selling 2008 smart coupe (1 message)
Several office/bedroom items for sale (1 message)
Share gas with someone to outlet (2 messages)
Short-term sublease from now until June 26 (1 message)
sofa bed $50 (1 message)
sofa for sale $ 50 (1 message)
sublease $1345 deluxe townhome 2-bed 2.5-bath with garage (1 message)
SUBLEASE $1345, luxury 1200ft townhome with garage (1 message)
sublease a nice bedroom (1 message)
sublease a room starting from July or August in college Towne (2 messages)
Sublease from Jul.18-Aug.14 needed (1 message)
Sublease from July 18 to Aug.14 (1 message)
sublease from June 30 to Aug 20, super close to campus! (1 message)
sublease my apt from July10th to Aug 20 (1 message)
Sublease one bedroom apartment near Meijer (1 message)
summer room lease (1 message)
summer sublease- apartment with privacy bathroom (3 messages)
table with chairs, wireless modem for sale (2 messages)
Update: College Towne sublease from July or August (1 message)
Upright piano for free. (2 messages)
Urgent!!!有没有人住hui an Lee,Ann 的房子? (1 message)
Used IP4 or IP4s needed. (1 message)
Vacuum needed (1 message)
Verizon Family Plan members needed (2 messages)
wanna buy a small fridge (1 message)
Want to buy a small refrigerator (1 message)
wireless router and cable modem for sale (1 message)
Yoga mat for sale 10$ (1 message)
[ VERY URGENT !!! ] Looking for one female/male roomate (1 message)
[Roommate needed] new 1-year lease available with only $305/month rent (1 message)





Subject Sorted by Subject, Chronologically




New Thread




Wed, 26 Jun 2013 07:30:33 +0800

14 lines

New Thread




Wed, 5 Jun 2013 23:09:52 -0400

70 lines

New Thread


Re: 銆屽ぇ鍞愭梾閬娿嶈垑杈︺屽澶滄槦绌恒嶄縿浜ヤ縿宸炲北鏋楁梾閬婃椿鍕(7/4~7/6)

Jin & Wang

Tue, 4 Jun 2013 12:57:01 -0400

90 lines

New Thread

涓涓彲浠ユ煡闄勮繎sex offenders鐨勭綉鍧

涓涓彲浠ユ煡闄勮繎sex offenders鐨勭綉鍧

Mengtian Jiang

Tue, 4 Jun 2013 16:39:11 -0400

20 lines

New Thread

浠e弸鍑虹college towne twobed room涓殑涓闂达紝浠呴檺鐢风敓

浠e弸鍑虹college towne twobed room涓殑涓闂达紝浠呴檺鐢风敓


Thu, 27 Jun 2013 00:35:43 -0400

26 lines

New Thread




Thu, 27 Jun 2013 11:19:59 -0400

29 lines

New Thread

浠e弸鍙戝笘: [CSSAMSU] 鎵句笅涓骞村鍙 08/2013 to 08/2014 涓変汉闂 in college towne with low rent鈥

浠e弸鍙戝笘: [CSSAMSU] 鎵句笅涓骞村鍙 08/2013 to 08/2014 涓変汉闂 in college towne with low rent鈥


Fri, 14 Jun 2013 22:18:30 +0800

47 lines

New Thread




Thu, 6 Jun 2013 11:20:04 +0800

19 lines

New Thread




Sun, 16 Jun 2013 10:38:20 +0800

17 lines

New Thread

浠e弸杞彂: [CSSAMSU] [Roommate needed] new 1-year lease available with only $305/month rent

浠e弸杞彂: [CSSAMSU] [Roommate needed] new 1-year lease available with only $305/month rent


Fri, 14 Jun 2013 22:07:50 +0800

53 lines

New Thread




Mon, 10 Jun 2013 13:19:31 -0400

33 lines

New Thread




Sat, 8 Jun 2013 23:11:56 -0400

26 lines

New Thread




Sat, 8 Jun 2013 17:52:02 -0400

32 lines

New Thread

鍑虹鎴垮眿---two bedroom 涓殑涓闂---浠呴檺鐢

鍑虹鎴垮眿---two bedroom 涓殑涓闂---浠呴檺鐢


Sat, 8 Jun 2013 18:09:43 -0400

30 lines

New Thread

鍑虹collegetowne 涓や汉闂翠腑鐨勪竴闂

鍑虹collegetowne 涓や汉闂翠腑鐨勪竴闂


Sat, 29 Jun 2013 13:24:16 -0400

25 lines

New Thread

鍗栧皬鍐扮锛宮oving sale fridge ONLY $35

鍗栧皬鍐扮锛宮oving sale fridge ONLY $35

qianying hu

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 22:11:54 -0400

12 lines

New Thread

鍗栧井娉㈢倝 5鍒鑷彇

鍗栧井娉㈢倝 5鍒鑷彇

qianying hu

Sun, 30 Jun 2013 17:54:27 -0400

20 lines

New Thread

鍗栬溅锛2012鍏ユ墜鐨勭櫧鑹茬敳澹宠櫕锛乤lmostNew car for sale! white beatle

鍗栬溅锛2012鍏ユ墜鐨勭櫧鑹茬敳澹宠櫕锛乤lmostNew car for sale! white beatle

Sophie Li

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 22:00:50 -0400

31 lines

New Thread

鍗栬溅锛2012鍏ユ墜鐨勭櫧鑹茬敳澹宠櫕锛乻ellcar: white beatle

鍗栬溅锛2012鍏ユ墜鐨勭櫧鑹茬敳澹宠櫕锛乻ellcar: white beatle

Sophie Li

Sat, 15 Jun 2013 14:14:18 -0400

30 lines

New Thread

鍗朜etgear鏃犵嚎璺敱鍣 WGR614

鍗朜etgear鏃犵嚎璺敱鍣 WGR614


Thu, 27 Jun 2013 20:54:34 +0800

13 lines

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 20:42:29 -0400

25 lines

New Thread

鍛ㄦ棩涓嬪崍1鐐30Lansing 褰╄泲灏勫嚮 姹傜粍鍥

鍛ㄦ棩涓嬪崍1鐐30Lansing 褰╄泲灏勫嚮 姹傜粍鍥

Jingwei Kong

Wed, 26 Jun 2013 21:43:27 -0400

33 lines

New Thread




Wed, 26 Jun 2013 10:31:27 -0500

15 lines

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Wed, 19 Jun 2013 18:12:08 -0400

22 lines

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瀵绘壘spartan village鐨勬殤鏈焥ublease

瀵绘壘spartan village鐨勬殤鏈焥ublease


Sat, 8 Jun 2013 20:34:33 -0400

26 lines

New Thread




Sat, 8 Jun 2013 11:55:00 -0400

13 lines

New Thread



Haiming Wen

Fri, 7 Jun 2013 22:05:02 -0500

14 lines

New Thread




Tue, 4 Jun 2013 22:24:33 -0400

38 lines

New Thread




Sun, 9 Jun 2013 03:16:56 -0400

38 lines

New Thread



LiQi Chen

Tue, 11 Jun 2013 22:22:52 +0800

15 lines

New Thread

鎴垮瓙鍑虹08/15/13璧, $300姣忔湀锛 涓嶅寘姘寸數锛屼粎濂崇敓

鎴垮瓙鍑虹08/15/13璧, $300姣忔湀锛 涓嶅寘姘寸數锛屼粎濂崇敓

LiQi Chen

Fri, 28 Jun 2013 02:42:19 +0800

15 lines

New Thread



LiQi Chen

Mon, 3 Jun 2013 12:23:56 +0800

15 lines

New Thread

鎴垮瓙鍑虹8/15/13璧锋瘡鏈$300,鍏朵粬璐圭敤80宸﹀彸 浠呭コ鐢

鎴垮瓙鍑虹8/15/13璧锋瘡鏈$300,鍏朵粬璐圭敤80宸﹀彸 浠呭コ鐢

LiQi Chen

Fri, 7 Jun 2013 11:34:27 +0800

15 lines

New Thread

鎴垮眿鍑虹---two bedroom 鐨勪竴闂

鎴垮眿鍑虹---two bedroom 鐨勪竴闂


Sun, 9 Jun 2013 20:55:35 -0400

30 lines

New Thread

鎵句笅涓骞村鍙 08/2013 to 08/2014 涓変汉闂 in college towne with low rent鈥

鎵句笅涓骞村鍙 08/2013 to 08/2014 涓変汉闂 in college towne with low rent鈥


Thu, 20 Jun 2013 09:45:24 -0400

40 lines

鎵句笅涓骞村鍙 08/2013 to 08/2014 涓変汉闂 in college towne with low rent鈥


Thu, 6 Jun 2013 14:42:04 -0400

40 lines

New Thread



Hui Yang

Fri, 21 Jun 2013 09:16:57 -0400

25 lines

New Thread



Hui Yang

Sat, 22 Jun 2013 09:51:48 -0400

25 lines

New Thread

鎵惧鍙.2 BR 2BA銆$380 姣忔湀锛 鎴垮瓙鍦↙akelansing , 婀栨櫙walkout patio

鎵惧鍙.2 BR 2BA銆$380 姣忔湀锛 鎴垮瓙鍦↙akelansing , 婀栨櫙walkout patio

Jingwei Kong

Fri, 7 Jun 2013 14:24:49 -0400

48 lines

New Thread

鎵緎partan village 瀹ゅ弸

鎵緎partan village 瀹ゅ弸

robbin song

Mon, 10 Jun 2013 17:04:43 -0400

14 lines

New Thread



Yiran Xue

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 11:36:12 -0400

12 lines

New Thread




Fri, 7 Jun 2013 21:26:27 -0400

17 lines

New Thread




Tue, 4 Jun 2013 10:59:57 -0400

34 lines

New Thread



Duan Li

Wed, 5 Jun 2013 09:27:37 -0400

17 lines

New Thread



[log in to unmask]

Fri, 21 Jun 2013 14:46:24 -0400

15 lines

New Thread




Sat, 8 Jun 2013 22:23:08 -0400

43 lines

New Thread



[log in to unmask]

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 15:51:37 -0400

17 lines


[log in to unmask]

Thu, 27 Jun 2013 19:35:10 -0400

17 lines

New Thread


Re: 姹傚姪锛氳闂湁浜哄姙杩囧叆鍙拌瘉鍚楋紵


Mon, 17 Jun 2013 05:18:17 +0800

17 lines



Sun, 16 Jun 2013 22:15:39 +0800

13 lines

New Thread




Mon, 3 Jun 2013 20:24:36 +0800

12 lines

New Thread

姹傝喘浜屾墜car seat锛6宀佸皬瀛╋級

姹傝喘浜屾墜car seat锛6宀佸皬瀛╋級


Wed, 26 Jun 2013 07:30:03 +0800

12 lines

New Thread



Qi Wang

Thu, 13 Jun 2013 17:37:46 -0700

12 lines

New Thread


Re: 姹傝喘鍥藉鍏洯鑱旂エ

Chuihui Zhou

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 12:27:20 +0800

17 lines



Sat, 22 Jun 2013 07:52:41 +0800

12 lines

New Thread




Fri, 14 Jun 2013 02:13:39 +0800

13 lines

New Thread




Thu, 13 Jun 2013 01:49:13 +0800

11 lines

New Thread




Fri, 14 Jun 2013 02:21:23 +0800

11 lines

New Thread

姹傝喘AA (American Airline)鐨勭Н鍒 55k @1.9 obo

姹傝喘AA (American Airline)鐨勭Н鍒 55k @1.9 obo


Mon, 24 Jun 2013 11:23:37 -0400

13 lines

New Thread



qianying hu

Sun, 30 Jun 2013 10:55:15 -0400

12 lines

New Thread

鐚尗寰呴鍏 绱ф

Re: 鐚尗寰呴鍏 绱ф

Ming Gu

Sun, 30 Jun 2013 16:21:20 -0700

49 lines

鐚尗寰呴鍏 绱ф


Sat, 29 Jun 2013 09:49:18 +0800

27 lines

New Thread

鐭湡鍑虹Spartan Village涓涓埧闂($300/鏈)

鐭湡鍑虹Spartan Village涓涓埧闂($300/鏈)


Mon, 24 Jun 2013 23:59:50 -0400

30 lines

New Thread


Re: 鑷姩涓嬭浇涓婁紶杞欢

Zhen REN

Sat, 1 Jun 2013 11:27:41 -0400

45 lines

New Thread




Wed, 19 Jun 2013 10:09:44 -0400

14 lines

New Thread




Mon, 10 Jun 2013 20:01:55 -0400

15 lines

New Thread

杞village apartment 2013-2014

杞village apartment 2013-2014

lk lk

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 20:40:22 -0400

54 lines

New Thread

杞AT&T 2Wire DSL Wireless Router Modem 2701HG --$40

杞AT&T 2Wire DSL Wireless Router Modem 2701HG --$40

yaling liu

Sat, 15 Jun 2013 08:15:36 -0700

26 lines

New Thread



yaling liu

Sun, 16 Jun 2013 08:01:45 -0700

23 lines

New Thread



kai zheng

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 23:21:03 -0400

19 lines

New Thread

锛坲pdated)Huge moving sale

锛坲pdated)Huge moving sale

Marry zhen

Tue, 4 Jun 2013 21:56:08 -0400

49 lines

New Thread

$300 Sublease apartment in Landings July 1 to August 8

$300 Sublease apartment in Landings July 1 to August 8

Rose Lin

Mon, 10 Jun 2013 15:29:50 -0400

36 lines

New Thread

$300 Sublease apartment in Landings July 7 to August 8

$300 Sublease apartment in Landings July 7 to August 8


Tue, 18 Jun 2013 14:28:14 -0400

36 lines

New Thread

$40/week! Sublease one room out of three-bedroom apt in Castle Pointe

$40/week! Sublease one room out of three-bedroom apt in Castle Pointe

John Li

Wed, 5 Jun 2013 10:56:17 -0400

49 lines

New Thread



Karen Tang

Tue, 4 Jun 2013 11:27:04 -0400

200 lines

New Thread

&#25151;&#38388;&#20986;&#31199; BY Grand River &#19996;&#26041;&#24066;&#22330;

&#25151;&#38388;&#20986;&#31199; BY Grand River &#19996;&#26041;&#24066;&#22330;

Jing quan jiang

Sat, 22 Jun 2013 18:24:10 -0400

45 lines

New Thread

&#27714;&#21152;&#20837;Family Plan

&#27714;&#21152;&#20837;Family Plan


Tue, 18 Jun 2013 13:28:36 -0400

28 lines

New Thread

&#32039;&#24613;&#65281;&#26377;&#27809;&#26377;&#20154;&#20303;hui an lee&#65292;Ann&#30340;&#25151;&#23376;

Re: &#32039;&#24613;&#65281;&#26377;&#27809;&#26377;&#20154;&#20303;hui an lee&#65292;Ann&#30340;&#25151;&#23376;

Jin & Wang

Mon, 3 Jun 2013 14:36:06 -0400

33 lines

&#32039;&#24613;&#65281;&#26377;&#27809;&#26377;&#20154;&#20303;hui an lee&#65292;Ann&#30340;&#25151;&#23376;

Gmail Lesliechivas

Mon, 3 Jun 2013 14:11:05 -0400

29 lines

New Thread

&#35802;&#25307;&#23460;&#21451; Looking for a Roommate Aug 2013 - Aug 2014

&#35802;&#25307;&#23460;&#21451; Looking for a Roommate Aug 2013 - Aug 2014

Weida Sun

Wed, 26 Jun 2013 00:32:30 -0400

129 lines

New Thread



Karen Tang

Sun, 2 Jun 2013 22:50:46 -0400

23 lines

New Thread

2 bedroom 2.5 bath deluxe townhome withattached garage

2 bedroom 2.5 bath deluxe townhome withattached garage


Sat, 15 Jun 2013 23:00:38 -0400

24 lines

New Thread

2 couches, $5 & $10.

2 couches, $5 & $10.

Jin & Wang

Fri, 21 Jun 2013 10:40:49 -0400

34 lines

New Thread

2000 nissan sentra 134,000 miles for sale (with pictures)

2000 nissan sentra 134,000 miles for sale (with pictures)

He (Helen) Jiang

Fri, 14 Jun 2013 14:41:47 -0400

37 lines

New Thread

2001 Ford ZX2 Coupe鈥時educed!$2400

2001 Ford ZX2 Coupe鈥時educed!$2400


Fri, 7 Jun 2013 06:12:52 +0000

27 lines

2001 Ford ZX2 Coupe鈥時educed!$2400


Fri, 7 Jun 2013 05:59:54 +0000

26 lines

New Thread

2002 Volkswagen Beetle

2002 Volkswagen Beetle


Wed, 19 Jun 2013 13:14:09 +0800

24 lines

New Thread

2002 Volkswagen Beetle for sale

2002 Volkswagen Beetle for sale


Fri, 14 Jun 2013 09:37:32 +0800

24 lines

New Thread

2005 Ford Crown Victoria LX for sale!

2005 Ford Crown Victoria LX for sale!

Xiao Yang

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 23:24:11 -0400

38 lines

New Thread

2005 Scion xA with only 57k+ miles for sale

2005 Scion xA with only 57k+ miles for sale

Yingying SHI

Fri, 21 Jun 2013 15:21:09 -0400

65 lines

2005 Scion xA with only 57k+ miles for sale

Yingying Shi

Fri, 21 Jun 2013 15:02:15 -0400

40 lines

New Thread

2007 Honda Accord EX-L

2007 Honda Accord EX-L

Jing Xiao

Sun, 9 Jun 2013 00:21:36 -0400

25 lines

2007 Honda Accord EX-L

Jing Xiao

Sun, 9 Jun 2013 00:27:59 -0400

28 lines

New Thread

2012 Macbook Air 11.6 inch @ 599 only

2012 Macbook Air 11.6 inch @ 599 only

Song Song

Mon, 10 Jun 2013 20:50:54 -0400

32 lines

New Thread

2013 Fall 鏂扮敓鎺ユ満鎶ュ悕鍙婃帴鏈哄織鎰胯呮嫑鍕熶腑锛2013 Fall new student pick up & call for volunteers

2013 Fall 鏂扮敓鎺ユ満鎶ュ悕鍙婃帴鏈哄織鎰胯呮嫑鍕熶腑锛2013 Fall new student pick up & call for volunteers


Mon, 17 Jun 2013 15:44:26 -0400

55 lines

2013 Fall 鏂扮敓鎺ユ満鎶ュ悕鍙婃帴鏈哄織鎰胯呮嫑鍕熶腑锛2013 Fall new student pick up & call for volunteers


Thu, 13 Jun 2013 15:18:09 -0400

56 lines

New Thread

2013 Trans-Pacific University Students Mini Documentary Competition

2013 Trans-Pacific University Students Mini Documentary Competition


Mon, 24 Jun 2013 16:45:56 -0400

247 lines

New Thread

6鏈16鍙锋湁鎵撶畻鍘籦irch run 鐨勫悧锛熸眰鎼溅

6鏈16鍙锋湁鎵撶畻鍘籦irch run 鐨勫悧锛熸眰鎼溅


Mon, 3 Jun 2013 20:22:18 +0800

14 lines

New Thread

7-cup rice cooker for sale

7-cup rice cooker for sale


Sat, 1 Jun 2013 21:45:46 -0400

51 lines

New Thread

<No subject>

<No subject>

Yiqing Hou

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 00:47:24 +0800

28 lines

New Thread

A bedroom at the Village at Chandler Crossing is available from now to Aug 10, 2014

A bedroom at the Village at Chandler Crossing is available from now to Aug 10, 2014

Kelin Xia

Mon, 17 Jun 2013 20:49:08 -0400

51 lines

A bedroom at the Village at Chandler Crossing is available from now to Aug 10, 2014

Kelin Xia

Sat, 8 Jun 2013 22:59:38 -0400

52 lines

New Thread

A big moving sale.

Re: A big moving sale.

Tianxiang Zhang

Wed, 12 Jun 2013 00:23:06 -0400

49 lines

A big moving sale.

Tianxiang ZHANG

Sat, 8 Jun 2013 09:54:46 -0400

33 lines

New Thread

A female roommate needed in SV

A female roommate needed in SV

Lisha Chu

Tue, 11 Jun 2013 00:24:04 -0400

25 lines

New Thread

A microwave oven and a dust bin for sale

A microwave oven and a dust bin for sale


Fri, 7 Jun 2013 22:15:52 -0500

16 lines

New Thread

About STT 441

About STT 441

Q Kang

Sat, 8 Jun 2013 00:33:56 -0400

29 lines

New Thread

already got it-RE: [CSSAMSU] 姹傝喘AA (American Airline)鐨勭Н鍒 55k @1.9 obo

already got it-RE: [CSSAMSU] 姹傝喘AA (American Airline)鐨勭Н鍒 55k @1.9 obo


Mon, 24 Jun 2013 14:38:49 -0400

18 lines

New Thread

An used tennis racket and a set of new badminton rackets for sale (including the cover)

An used tennis racket and a set of new badminton rackets for sale (including the cover)

Keyin Wang

Sat, 8 Jun 2013 23:16:33 -0400

33 lines

New Thread

Anyone go back to Beijing this weekend? 璇烽棶杩欎釜鍛ㄦ湯鏈夊洖鍖椾含鐨勬垨鑰呭湪鍖椾含杞満鐨勫悧锛

Anyone go back to Beijing this weekend? 璇烽棶杩欎釜鍛ㄦ湯鏈夊洖鍖椾含鐨勬垨鑰呭湪鍖椾含杞満鐨勫悧锛

Tao Zeng

Thu, 20 Jun 2013 11:35:28 -0400

20 lines

New Thread

anyone wants a discount on Amway's 瀹夊埄products?contact me! :)

anyone wants a discount on Amway's 瀹夊埄products?contact me! :)

Sophie Li

Thu, 20 Jun 2013 14:15:07 -0400

129 lines

New Thread

anyone wants to buy Amway's 瀹夊埄products? contact me! :)

anyone wants to buy Amway's 瀹夊埄products? contact me! :)

Sophie Li

Wed, 19 Jun 2013 19:45:38 -0400

127 lines

New Thread

Appeal traffic ticket

Re: Appeal traffic ticket


Tue, 11 Jun 2013 19:51:30 -0400

25 lines

Appeal traffic ticket

mingang wang

Tue, 4 Jun 2013 10:36:50 -0400

25 lines

New Thread

Ask for ride from Chicago to Lansing (or East Lansing)

Ask for ride from Chicago to Lansing (or East Lansing)


Sat, 1 Jun 2013 00:11:44 -0400

30 lines

New Thread

AT@T phone needed

AT@T phone needed

Zhenzhen Wang

Thu, 20 Jun 2013 18:56:12 -0400

24 lines

New Thread

Baby Stroller and Car Seat for sale

Baby Stroller and Car Seat for sale

Danna Yu

Wed, 5 Jun 2013 12:15:08 -0400

33 lines

New Thread

Big discount on new mattress and boxing!

Big discount on new mattress and boxing!

Anna Song

Thu, 27 Jun 2013 01:32:54 -0400

44 lines

New Thread

Big moving sale

Big moving sale

Yingying SHI

Fri, 21 Jun 2013 20:42:51 -0400

44 lines

New Thread

big sale

big sale

He (Helen) Jiang

Wed, 26 Jun 2013 10:37:15 -0400

25 lines

Re: Big sale


Sat, 15 Jun 2013 17:59:49 -0400

51 lines

Big sale


Sat, 15 Jun 2013 13:43:49 -0400

43 lines


Ying Liu

Sun, 9 Jun 2013 17:20:10 -0400

99 lines

New Thread

Brand new 13-inch Macbook Air for sale (very good deal)

Brand new 13-inch Macbook Air for sale (very good deal)


Sat, 29 Jun 2013 12:12:44 -0400

17 lines

New Thread

Brand new ipad 3 16GB for sale.

Brand new ipad 3 16GB for sale.

Tianxiang ZHANG

Sun, 2 Jun 2013 23:45:34 -0400

24 lines

New Thread

Bunch of baby stuff on sale.

Bunch of baby stuff on sale.

Tianxiang ZHANG

Wed, 26 Jun 2013 00:13:34 -0400

22 lines

New Thread

Bunch of household stuff on sale.

Bunch of household stuff on sale.

Tianxiang ZHANG

Thu, 27 Jun 2013 23:03:32 -0400

23 lines

New Thread

car for sale

car for sale

He (Helen) Jiang

Thu, 13 Jun 2013 12:36:59 -0400

37 lines

Car for sale

Jiazheng Yuan

Sat, 8 Jun 2013 23:56:00 -0400

28 lines

New Thread

Car for sale (2007 Audi A4)

Car for sale (2007 Audi A4)


Sat, 15 Jun 2013 13:43:19 -0400

47 lines

New Thread

Car Sale 2007 Saturn Ion3 姣曚笟鍗栬溅

Car Sale 2007 Saturn Ion3 姣曚笟鍗栬溅

qianying hu

Wed, 19 Jun 2013 20:11:31 -0400

23 lines

New Thread

Car sale 2007 stature Ion 3 with photos updated

Car sale 2007 stature Ion 3 with photos updated

qianying hu

Wed, 19 Jun 2013 21:50:33 -0400

24 lines

New Thread

Carfax/Auto Check needed

Carfax/Auto Check needed

Mingyi Zhou

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 03:47:33 +0800

29 lines

New Thread

Carpool Available From MSU To Purdue

Carpool Available From MSU To Purdue

Yan Wang

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 21:10:00 -0500

20 lines

New Thread

Carpool from CHI to East Lansing @23th July is needed (name your price)

Carpool from CHI to East Lansing @23th July is needed (name your price)


Tue, 18 Jun 2013 01:27:22 +0800

27 lines

New Thread

Carpool from CHI to East Lansing is needed (name your price)

Carpool from CHI to East Lansing is needed (name your price)


Sat, 15 Jun 2013 10:46:17 +0800

26 lines

New Thread

CCU Website Promotion Email to Student

CCU Website Promotion Email to Student


Fri, 28 Jun 2013 22:37:03 -0600

36 lines

New Thread

Chicago Fri. 6/21

Chicago Fri. 6/21

Paul Sweitzer

Thu, 6 Jun 2013 23:03:15 -0400

36 lines

New Thread

Christmas Tree for sale 鍑哄敭鍦h癁鏍

Christmas Tree for sale 鍑哄敭鍦h癁鏍


Thu, 20 Jun 2013 22:02:27 +0800

16 lines

New Thread

Clothing sale, VERY CHEAP

Clothing sale, VERY CHEAP

Tatyana Li

Fri, 7 Jun 2013 22:53:12 -0400

30 lines

New Thread

college towne 鎴垮眿鍑虹

college towne 鎴垮眿鍑虹

[log in to unmask]

Fri, 14 Jun 2013 22:33:32 -0400

18 lines

New Thread

Crib needed

Crib needed

Haiming Wen

Fri, 21 Jun 2013 01:15:37 -0400

23 lines

New Thread

CSSA-MSU calling for your participation in picking up new students

CSSA-MSU calling for your participation in picking up new students


Mon, 24 Jun 2013 09:51:16 -0400

62 lines

New Thread

Dinette table and chairs

Dinette table and chairs

wellington ow

Mon, 3 Jun 2013 15:29:46 -0400

26 lines

New Thread

External CD drive needed

External CD drive needed


Thu, 27 Jun 2013 02:49:04 +0800

26 lines

New Thread

Final sale $7500 for a Toyota Matrix

Final sale $7500 for a Toyota Matrix

Jiazheng Yuan

Tue, 25 Jun 2013 22:35:02 -0400

31 lines

New Thread

From Bowen Kou

From Bowen Kou

Bowen Kou

Thu, 6 Jun 2013 11:49:50 -0700

24 lines

New Thread

furniture sale ( with free items)

furniture sale ( with free items)

Lei Wang

Thu, 20 Jun 2013 13:56:31 -0400

34 lines

New Thread

Fwd: 2000 nissan sentra 134,000 miles for sale (with pictures)

Fwd: 2000 nissan sentra 134,000 miles for sale (with pictures)

He (Helen) Jiang

Wed, 26 Jun 2013 11:03:08 -0400

30 lines

New Thread

Fwd: big sale

Fwd: big sale

He (Helen) Jiang

Wed, 26 Jun 2013 10:57:05 -0400

30 lines

New Thread

Fwd: Fwd: BIG SALE

Fwd: Fwd: BIG SALE

Ying Liu

Mon, 17 Jun 2013 09:17:41 -0400

100 lines

New Thread

Fwd: Monthly Meditation Class for Beginners, 6/15, 9:00am - 12:00pm at Amitabha Village

Fwd: Monthly Meditation Class for Beginners, 6/15, 9:00am - 12:00pm at Amitabha Village

Lina Wu

Mon, 10 Jun 2013 19:24:09 -0400

98 lines

New Thread

Fwd: MSU鐣欏鐢熸牎澶栧叕瀵撲紭鎯犱俊鎭

Fwd: MSU鐣欏鐢熸牎澶栧叕瀵撲紭鎯犱俊鎭

World Elites

Mon, 3 Jun 2013 08:54:10 +0800

36 lines

New Thread

Gillette Fusion Hydra Gel at half price (Moving Sale)

Gillette Fusion Hydra Gel at half price (Moving Sale)

Snehan Peshin

Sat, 1 Jun 2013 12:02:07 -0400

36 lines

New Thread

Gillette Fusion Shaving Gel

Gillette Fusion Shaving Gel

Snehan Peshin

Tue, 4 Jun 2013 22:02:23 -0400

33 lines

New Thread

Graco Baby Stroller to Sale $20====Graco濠村効鎺ㄨ溅鍑哄敭====

Graco Baby Stroller to Sale $20====Graco濠村効鎺ㄨ溅鍑哄敭====


Mon, 17 Jun 2013 06:01:42 +0800

26 lines

New Thread

Help Wanted with AutoCAD

Help Wanted with AutoCAD

Bin Gao

Wed, 5 Jun 2013 10:17:01 -0700

32 lines

New Thread

House for rent

House for rent

Shu Yinan

Tue, 11 Jun 2013 12:59:18 -0400

51 lines

New Thread

Hueiwen Tang

Re: Hueiwen Tang

Hueiwen Tang

Mon, 17 Jun 2013 02:43:21 -0700

22 lines

New Thread

Ipad Mini Leather Stand Folio Magnetic Case +Pen

Ipad Mini Leather Stand Folio Magnetic Case +Pen

Snehan Peshin

Tue, 4 Jun 2013 21:55:14 -0400

32 lines

New Thread

Is it safe to walk from CHI union bus station to CTA Clinton station in the middle night(5-min walking distance)????

Re: Is it safe to walk from CHI union bus station to CTA Clinton station in the middle night(5-min walking distance)????

Jerry McAllister

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 08:47:58 -0400

41 lines

Is it safe to walk from CHI union bus station to CTA Clinton station in the middle night(5-min walking distance)????


Mon, 24 Jun 2013 02:22:27 +0800

22 lines

New Thread

items for sale

Re: items for sale


Fri, 14 Jun 2013 02:09:45 +0800

46 lines

items for sale


Thu, 13 Jun 2013 23:33:51 +0800

16 lines

New Thread

ITPA 12 .NET position Available with the State of Michigan

ITPA 12 .NET position Available with the State of Michigan

Jack Zhang

Tue, 18 Jun 2013 16:14:24 -0400

30 lines

New Thread

Job Opening: System (Algorithm) Engineer

Job Opening: System (Algorithm) Engineer

Paul Li

Fri, 28 Jun 2013 15:51:29 -0700

55 lines

New Thread

King size memory foam mattress for sale

King size memory foam mattress for sale

Xianbo Yang

Thu, 6 Jun 2013 12:01:18 +0800

28 lines

New Thread

Lease takeover with low rent, free furniture

Lease takeover with low rent, free furniture


Thu, 13 Jun 2013 07:36:52 +0800

32 lines

Re: Lease takeover with low rent, free furniture


Tue, 4 Jun 2013 20:38:35 +0800

54 lines

New Thread

Leasing my apartment for the next school year

Leasing my apartment for the next school year

Xinyi Dai

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 22:16:52 -0400

38 lines

New Thread

Light Bulbs for Sale

Light Bulbs for Sale


Tue, 4 Jun 2013 23:24:40 +0800

22 lines

New Thread

Look for a bedroom/studio

Look for a bedroom/studio

Na Qin

Mon, 10 Jun 2013 21:18:41 -0400

13 lines

New Thread

Look for a room

Look for a room


Wed, 19 Jun 2013 13:18:02 -0400

33 lines

New Thread

looking for a bedroom

looking for a bedroom


Thu, 13 Jun 2013 00:06:08 -0400

35 lines

New Thread

Looking for a bedroom from July in SV or Glenwood

Looking for a bedroom from July in SV or Glenwood


Wed, 19 Jun 2013 10:13:50 -0400

31 lines

New Thread

Looking for a bedroom from July or August

Looking for a bedroom from July or August


Tue, 18 Jun 2013 15:42:14 -0400

37 lines

New Thread

Looking for a female roommate from now till December 2013 or January 2014, move in and move out dates negotiable

Looking for a female roommate from now till December 2013 or January 2014, move in and move out dates negotiable

Hui Yang

Thu, 20 Jun 2013 10:43:27 -0400

24 lines

New Thread

looking for a female roommate in ashton lake apartment

looking for a female roommate in ashton lake apartment


Tue, 11 Jun 2013 10:23:20 -0400

51 lines

looking for a female roommate in ashton lake apartment


Tue, 11 Jun 2013 10:17:04 -0400

51 lines

New Thread

Looking for a female roommate to stay in my two-bedroom apartment

Looking for a female roommate to stay in my two-bedroom apartment

Jingyao Sun

Tue, 25 Jun 2013 10:57:48 +0800

15 lines

New Thread

Looking for a male to join a lakeshore trip

Looking for a male to join a lakeshore trip

Yan Li

Sun, 9 Jun 2013 12:17:14 -0400

41 lines

New Thread

Looking for a Memory Foam Mattress Topper - 闇瑕佷竴寮犳斁搴婂灚涓婄殑璁板繂妫夊灚

Looking for a Memory Foam Mattress Topper - 闇瑕佷竴寮犳斁搴婂灚涓婄殑璁板繂妫夊灚

Lin Baihong

Sat, 1 Jun 2013 05:17:04 -0400

16 lines

New Thread

Looking for a mini washing machine

Looking for a mini washing machine


Tue, 11 Jun 2013 08:23:04 -0400

22 lines

New Thread

looking for a room

looking for a room


Tue, 4 Jun 2013 11:03:06 +0800

26 lines

New Thread

looking for a room from 2013.6.27

looking for a room from 2013.6.27


Sun, 9 Jun 2013 10:41:18 -0400

23 lines

New Thread

Looking for a room in spartant village

Looking for a room in spartant village


Sat, 15 Jun 2013 13:26:42 +0800

29 lines

New Thread

Looking for a room to stay from July 16th to August 11th

Looking for a room to stay from July 16th to August 11th

Hui Yang

Wed, 19 Jun 2013 14:06:56 -0400

58 lines

New Thread

Looking for an used bike

Looking for an used bike

Pedro Nariyoshi

Tue, 4 Jun 2013 10:37:21 -0400

25 lines

New Thread

Looking for furnished bedroom or female roommate in Spartan village from August

Looking for furnished bedroom or female roommate in Spartan village from August

Fei Li

Sat, 1 Jun 2013 00:18:55 -0400

21 lines

New Thread

Looking for one male person to join a lakeshore trip

Looking for one male person to join a lakeshore trip

Yan Li

Thu, 6 Jun 2013 14:21:02 -0400

41 lines

New Thread

Looking for room

Re: Looking for room


Tue, 4 Jun 2013 20:34:41 +0800

48 lines

Looking for room


Sat, 1 Jun 2013 22:30:37 +0800

31 lines

New Thread

Looking for sublease from July 20th to the end of August

Re: Looking for sublease from July 20th to the end of August


Sun, 16 Jun 2013 21:44:19 +0800

35 lines

Looking for sublease from July 20th to the end of August

Lishuang Wang

Sat, 15 Jun 2013 23:09:26 -0400

23 lines

New Thread

looking for temporary housing from Aug 12th to 25th

looking for temporary housing from Aug 12th to 25th


Sat, 8 Jun 2013 10:40:35 +0000

34 lines

New Thread

Looking for two female roommate

Looking for two female roommate

Jianing Shao

Tue, 18 Jun 2013 17:23:45 -0400

25 lines

New Thread

mattress and box for sale

mattress and box for sale

Snowie Xue

Fri, 7 Jun 2013 15:58:38 -0400

25 lines

New Thread

Mattress for sale

Mattress for sale


Thu, 27 Jun 2013 11:27:31 -0400

36 lines

Mattress for sale

Green Woods

Thu, 20 Jun 2013 12:57:29 -0400

32 lines

Mattress for sale

Green Woods

Fri, 7 Jun 2013 14:01:31 -0400

28 lines

New Thread

mini refrigerator, laser printer, and microwave for sale

mini refrigerator, laser printer, and microwave for sale

Yingxue Quan

Thu, 27 Jun 2013 21:45:34 -0400

31 lines

New Thread

model+wifi for sale, logitech 2-speaker for sale

model+wifi for sale, logitech 2-speaker for sale


Mon, 3 Jun 2013 20:50:31 -0400

41 lines

New Thread

Moving sale

Re: Moving sale

Jinzhu Chen

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 14:17:17 -0400

39 lines

Re: Moving sale


Sat, 29 Jun 2013 14:04:47 -0400

35 lines

Moving sale

Jinzhu Chen

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 14:00:21 -0400

31 lines

Moving Sale

Jing Xiao

Sun, 9 Jun 2013 00:27:17 -0400

35 lines

Moving Sale

Jing Xiao

Sun, 9 Jun 2013 00:15:40 -0400

33 lines

Moving Sale


Sat, 8 Jun 2013 17:53:10 -0400

33 lines

Moving sale

Yuanzhen Wang

Tue, 4 Jun 2013 17:45:37 -0400

42 lines

New Thread

Moving sale (4905 Dunckel Rd APT-306)

Moving sale (4905 Dunckel Rd APT-306)

xiexiong deng

Fri, 14 Jun 2013 23:27:06 -0400

30 lines

New Thread

Moving sale (GPS, rice cooker...and some free stuff)

Moving sale (GPS, rice cooker...and some free stuff)

Huiling Yuan

Thu, 27 Jun 2013 19:10:01 -0400

20 lines

New Thread

MOVING SALE - New items

MOVING SALE - New items

Snehan Peshin

Wed, 19 Jun 2013 10:57:33 -0400

29 lines

New Thread

MOVING SALE - New items unopened

MOVING SALE - New items unopened

Snehan Peshin

Fri, 14 Jun 2013 20:04:56 -0400

29 lines

New Thread

Moving Sale 6/18/2013

Moving Sale 6/18/2013


Tue, 18 Jun 2013 21:45:52 -0400

44 lines

New Thread

moving sale update

moving sale update

yaling liu

Sun, 2 Jun 2013 16:43:37 -0700

55 lines

New Thread

Moving Sale updated 4905 Dunckel Rd 306

Moving Sale updated 4905 Dunckel Rd 306

Xiexiong D

Sat, 22 Jun 2013 09:48:33 -0400

25 lines

New Thread

Moving Sale-Desks/dining table/sofa/microwave/shoe cabinet/bed/vaccum cleaner and more

Moving Sale-Desks/dining table/sofa/microwave/shoe cabinet/bed/vaccum cleaner and more

Angela Cai

Sat, 1 Jun 2013 10:43:11 -0700

57 lines

New Thread

Moving sale: (Matress, car lock, Texas poker, luggage, storage boxes...)

Moving sale: (Matress, car lock, Texas poker, luggage, storage boxes...)


Fri, 28 Jun 2013 00:55:07 -0400

42 lines

New Thread

Moving Sales

Moving Sales

Dan Cheng

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 10:03:05 +0800

29 lines

New Thread

Moving/Garage sale this Saturday (9:00am to 3:00pm, 6/29, rain or shine)

Moving/Garage sale this Saturday (9:00am to 3:00pm, 6/29, rain or shine)

JZ Chen

Wed, 26 Jun 2013 23:49:37 -0400

31 lines

New Thread



World Elites

Fri, 28 Jun 2013 23:57:58 +0800

32 lines

New Thread

MSU鐣欏鐢熸牎澶栧叕瀵撲紭鎯10%off 淇℃伅

MSU鐣欏鐢熸牎澶栧叕瀵撲紭鎯10%off 淇℃伅

World Elites

Tue, 25 Jun 2013 21:47:36 +0800

34 lines

New Thread

National park annual pass for sale鍑哄敭鍥藉鍏洯骞寸エ

National park annual pass for sale鍑哄敭鍥藉鍏洯骞寸エ


Mon, 24 Jun 2013 12:36:21 +0800

18 lines

New Thread

need a car

Re: need a car

Zhen REN

Sat, 1 Jun 2013 11:24:15 -0400

39 lines

need a car


Sat, 1 Jun 2013 22:31:27 +0800

14 lines

New Thread

Need a Car Pool to Detroit Airport on June 12

Need a Car Pool to Detroit Airport on June 12

Xing Zoey

Tue, 4 Jun 2013 13:59:13 -0400

24 lines

New Thread

Need a car pool to Detroit Airport on June 13

Need a car pool to Detroit Airport on June 13


Wed, 5 Jun 2013 03:09:33 +0800

24 lines

New Thread

Need a Dehumidifier

Need a Dehumidifier


Mon, 17 Jun 2013 10:41:05 -0400

15 lines

New Thread

need a female bike

need a female bike

Lejiang Yu

Wed, 26 Jun 2013 11:43:51 -0400

39 lines

New Thread

Need a ride to Birch run outlet after July 9

Need a ride to Birch run outlet after July 9


Mon, 24 Jun 2013 12:41:19 +0800

14 lines

New Thread

Need a ride to Birch Run Outlet on June 15 (this Saturday)

Need a ride to Birch Run Outlet on June 15 (this Saturday)


Wed, 12 Jun 2013 05:32:22 +0800

21 lines

New Thread

Need a ride to Detroit Airport on June 19

Need a ride to Detroit Airport on June 19


Sun, 9 Jun 2013 06:17:27 +0800

22 lines

New Thread

Need a ride to Detroit Airpot on June 19

Need a ride to Detroit Airpot on June 19


Fri, 7 Jun 2013 10:15:02 +0800

13 lines

New Thread

need a room convienent to campus from July 1 to Aug 15

need a room convienent to campus from July 1 to Aug 15


Thu, 27 Jun 2013 18:18:48 -0400

28 lines

New Thread

Need a room for a female student

Need a room for a female student

Na Qin

Fri, 14 Jun 2013 18:46:35 -0400

25 lines

New Thread

Need help for moving

Need help for moving

Joanna Lin

Sat, 15 Jun 2013 12:30:56 -0700

32 lines

New Thread

need sublease in spartan village from now to the end of July

need sublease in spartan village from now to the end of July

Shuai Zhang

Mon, 10 Jun 2013 19:16:43 -0400

26 lines

New Thread

nice house for rent

nice house for rent


Mon, 3 Jun 2013 04:41:19 -0400

57 lines

nice house for rent


Mon, 3 Jun 2013 04:28:06 -0400

58 lines

New Thread

Oil change with tire rotation coupon and Wildlife Park coupons for sale

Oil change with tire rotation coupon and Wildlife Park coupons for sale

Huiling Yuan

Tue, 4 Jun 2013 12:54:06 -0400

28 lines

New Thread

Panasonic UHS-1 Class 10 4GB SDHC Memory Card, 90MB/s Transfer Speed

Panasonic UHS-1 Class 10 4GB SDHC Memory Card, 90MB/s Transfer Speed

Snehan Peshin

Fri, 7 Jun 2013 23:23:43 -0400

34 lines

New Thread

Piano tutor

Piano tutor


Thu, 6 Jun 2013 15:49:44 -0400

24 lines

New Thread

Prepaid SIM card needed

Prepaid SIM card needed


Tue, 25 Jun 2013 00:26:18 -0400

27 lines

New Thread

Price reduction: dinette table and 4 chairs

Price reduction: dinette table and 4 chairs

wellington ow

Thu, 6 Jun 2013 10:40:21 -0400

31 lines

New Thread

Refrigerator for sale.

Refrigerator for sale.


Tue, 25 Jun 2013 21:54:33 -0400

32 lines

New Thread



Na An

Wed, 26 Jun 2013 08:18:53 -0400

31 lines

New Thread

Replacement bulbs for desk lamp needed

Replacement bulbs for desk lamp needed


Fri, 7 Jun 2013 20:39:09 +0800

26 lines

New Thread

Research Technologist Position at MSU

Research Technologist Position at MSU

Andres Contreras

Fri, 7 Jun 2013 11:06:45 -0400

35 lines

New Thread

ride offered to Columbus OH on 06/04

ride offered to Columbus OH on 06/04

Wu Zhang

Fri, 31 May 2013 23:17:05 -0700

22 lines

New Thread

Roommate needed

Roommate needed


Sat, 29 Jun 2013 03:27:05 -0400

32 lines

New Thread

Roommate needed. 2br/2baths. Lake view. Only $380.

Roommate needed. 2br/2baths. Lake view. Only $380.

Jingwei Kong

Tue, 18 Jun 2013 18:12:08 -0400

40 lines

New Thread

Sale a KOBO Vox eReader (new) for 50$

Sale a KOBO Vox eReader (new) for 50$

Liling Huang

Tue, 25 Jun 2013 22:31:22 -0400

30 lines

Sale a KOBO Vox eReader (new) for 50$

Liling Huang

Tue, 18 Jun 2013 22:19:38 -0400

42 lines

New Thread

Sell magazines 鍗栨潅蹇 $1 for 5 issue

Sell magazines 鍗栨潅蹇 $1 for 5 issue


Tue, 18 Jun 2013 02:20:29 -0400

52 lines

New Thread

Sell magazines/periodicals 鍗栨潅蹇

Sell magazines/periodicals 鍗栨潅蹇


Sun, 9 Jun 2013 21:14:17 -0400

57 lines

New Thread

Sell my car: 2000 Mazda Protege LX Sedan 4D

Sell my car: 2000 Mazda Protege LX Sedan 4D

Lai Jun

Tue, 11 Jun 2013 16:16:03 -0400

30 lines

New Thread

sell refrigerator and microwave

sell refrigerator and microwave


Thu, 13 Jun 2013 01:42:27 +0800

18 lines

New Thread

sell slow cooker, rice cooker, microwave oven, night stand

sell slow cooker, rice cooker, microwave oven, night stand

yuesheng wu

Mon, 3 Jun 2013 01:47:39 -0400

24 lines

New Thread

Sell TV, couch, microwave, dining table and study desks.

Sell TV, couch, microwave, dining table and study desks.

Xiao Yang

Sun, 30 Jun 2013 22:51:39 -0400

42 lines

New Thread

Selling 2008 smart coupe

Selling 2008 smart coupe


Wed, 26 Jun 2013 17:05:55 -0400

22 lines

New Thread

Several office/bedroom items for sale

Several office/bedroom items for sale

Min Chen

Mon, 3 Jun 2013 13:06:07 -0400

41 lines

New Thread

Share gas with someone to outlet

Share gas with someone to outlet


Sun, 30 Jun 2013 15:46:56 -0400

27 lines

Share gas with someone to outlet

Rose Lin

Tue, 11 Jun 2013 11:32:50 -0400

27 lines

New Thread

Short-term sublease from now until June 26

Short-term sublease from now until June 26

Qing Yang

Tue, 4 Jun 2013 21:16:45 -0400

33 lines

New Thread

sofa bed $50

sofa bed $50


Thu, 13 Jun 2013 15:18:09 -0400

33 lines

New Thread

sofa for sale $ 50

sofa for sale $ 50


Sat, 1 Jun 2013 22:05:09 -0400

14 lines

New Thread

sublease $1345 deluxe townhome 2-bed 2.5-bath with garage

sublease $1345 deluxe townhome 2-bed 2.5-bath with garage


Tue, 11 Jun 2013 10:50:35 -0400

27 lines

New Thread

SUBLEASE $1345, luxury 1200ft townhome with garage

SUBLEASE $1345, luxury 1200ft townhome with garage

Xiaoqian Xu

Tue, 11 Jun 2013 09:53:18 -0400

140 lines

New Thread

sublease a nice bedroom

sublease a nice bedroom


Sun, 2 Jun 2013 17:32:09 -0400

42 lines

New Thread

sublease a room starting from July or August in college Towne

sublease a room starting from July or August in college Towne

Tiger Cao

Tue, 18 Jun 2013 22:20:26 -0400

56 lines

sublease a room starting from July or August in college Towne

Yin Cao

Tue, 18 Jun 2013 22:08:03 -0400

49 lines

New Thread

Sublease from Jul.18-Aug.14 needed

Sublease from Jul.18-Aug.14 needed


Sun, 9 Jun 2013 16:13:57 +0800

18 lines

New Thread

Sublease from July 18 to Aug.14

Sublease from July 18 to Aug.14


Sun, 9 Jun 2013 15:59:03 +0800

16 lines

New Thread

sublease from June 30 to Aug 20, super close to campus!

sublease from June 30 to Aug 20, super close to campus!

qianying hu

Wed, 26 Jun 2013 09:46:18 -0400

31 lines

New Thread

sublease my apt from July10th to Aug 20

sublease my apt from July10th to Aug 20

qianying hu

Thu, 13 Jun 2013 17:03:42 -0400

34 lines

New Thread

Sublease one bedroom apartment near Meijer

Sublease one bedroom apartment near Meijer


Thu, 6 Jun 2013 20:15:19 -0400

36 lines

New Thread

summer room lease

summer room lease


Tue, 11 Jun 2013 13:11:43 -0400

12 lines

New Thread

summer sublease- apartment with privacy bathroom

Re: summer sublease- apartment with privacy bathroom


Mon, 24 Jun 2013 22:40:07 +0800

56 lines

Re: summer sublease- apartment with privacy bathroom


Thu, 13 Jun 2013 01:34:28 +0800

56 lines

summer sublease- apartment with privacy bathroom


Tue, 4 Jun 2013 23:32:53 +0800

28 lines

New Thread

table with chairs, wireless modem for sale

table with chairs, wireless modem for sale

Aierken Abudu

Fri, 14 Jun 2013 12:41:01 -0400

33 lines

table with chairs, wireless modem for sale

Aierken Abudu

Fri, 14 Jun 2013 12:24:52 -0400

34 lines

New Thread

Update: College Towne sublease from July or August

Update: College Towne sublease from July or August

Yin Cao

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 12:45:13 -0400

63 lines

New Thread

Upright piano for free.

Re: Upright piano for free.

Tianxiang Zhang

Tue, 25 Jun 2013 22:27:30 -0400

35 lines

Upright piano for free.

Tianxiang ZHANG

Tue, 25 Jun 2013 22:23:48 -0400

20 lines

New Thread

Urgent!!!&#26377;&#27809;&#26377;&#20154;&#20303;hui an Lee,Ann &#30340;&#25151;&#23376;&#65311;

Urgent!!!&#26377;&#27809;&#26377;&#20154;&#20303;hui an Lee,Ann &#30340;&#25151;&#23376;&#65311;

Gmail Lesliechivas

Mon, 3 Jun 2013 14:07:57 -0400

29 lines

New Thread

Used IP4 or IP4s needed.

Used IP4 or IP4s needed.

Jie Wang

Sat, 22 Jun 2013 12:04:27 -0400

28 lines

New Thread

Vacuum needed

Vacuum needed


Wed, 19 Jun 2013 04:16:30 +0800

26 lines

New Thread

Verizon Family Plan members needed

Verizon Family Plan members needed

Mickey Yue

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 08:10:31 -0700

47 lines

Verizon Family Plan members needed

Mickey Yue

Tue, 11 Jun 2013 13:34:43 -0400

39 lines

New Thread

wanna buy a small fridge

wanna buy a small fridge

Wu Zhang

Sun, 30 Jun 2013 08:56:22 -0700

24 lines

New Thread

Want to buy a small refrigerator

Want to buy a small refrigerator


Fri, 7 Jun 2013 11:09:55 -0400

27 lines

New Thread

wireless router and cable modem for sale

wireless router and cable modem for sale

Jikai Lei

Sun, 16 Jun 2013 19:26:01 -0400

29 lines

New Thread

Yoga mat for sale 10$

Yoga mat for sale 10$


Tue, 25 Jun 2013 22:39:41 -0400

25 lines

New Thread

[ VERY URGENT !!! ] Looking for one female/male roomate

[ VERY URGENT !!! ] Looking for one female/male roomate

Gisele Yongrong Shen

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 20:25:36 -0400

38 lines

New Thread

[Roommate needed] new 1-year lease available with only $305/month rent

[Roommate needed] new 1-year lease available with only $305/month rent

John Li

Wed, 5 Jun 2013 14:40:35 -0400

63 lines

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