

Friday, September 9 at 11:30am
Room 1400 Biomedical and Physical Sciences Bldg.
Refreshments at 11:15

Haixu Tang

Department of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University

Next Generation Software Tools for
Next Generation Sequence Analysis

The rapid advance of the massively parallel sequencing (often referred to as the Next Generation Sequencing, NGS) technologies has revolutionized DNA sequencing by reducing both its throughtput and cost by several magnitudes in the past few years. As a result, DNA sequencing has become available for not only large genome centers, but also individual biological labs, a trend called the democratized genomics. With the fast-growing applications of NGS on a wide spectrum of biological problems, ranging from gene expression analysis (i.e. RNA-seq) to metagenomics, pressures are mounting on the bioinformatics community to come up with software systems to analyze such data. In this talk, I will present a few case studies to address the computational challenges to design and implement these sequence analysis systems, with focuses on the requirements of Simplicity, Scalability, Speed and Security of the systems.

Helen Geiger
Administrative Assistant
Quantitative Biology Graduate Program and
Gene Expression in Development and Disease
502B Biochemistry Building
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI   48824
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