

I posted the following item on the Impact of The Elections on Diversity 
and Affirmative Action on my blog and I was wondering if you could read 
in over and let me know what you think.... If, in fact, you even think 
the elections will have any impact.

Thanks Tracey

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I would love to have you feedback on the subject.  You can post a 
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Over the past few years, states that have overturned affirmative action 
have seen a marked drop of enrollment of minorities at state 
universities. Now, despite higher education and corporate support, 
Michigan has joined the anti-affirmative action band-wagon. With the 
percentage of minorities in our country growing, I think this signals an 
impending disaster for recruiting college educated, entry-level hires if 
nothing is done.

I think (hope) with the Republicans losing the mid-term elections and a 
large number of Democrats taking office a few changes may take place:

1. Maybe Washington  will come up with some solution that will replace 
affirmative action. Affirmative Active is a very flawed solution that 
unintentionally serves to alienate White males. However, contrary to 
popular rhetoric, it is a problem that still needs to be addressed. (I 
think this is unlikely to happen nationally, but California is stepping 
up to the plate. Perhaps other affected states will as well)

2. Democrats have pledged to create incentives designed to help the 
middle class with college costs. This will hopefully correct the 
legislation that made getting grants and student loans harder. 
Ultimately, if implemented the majority of the middle class from every 
ethnic group will be affected.

3. The Democrats have also promised to correct the legislation that took 
millions of dollars away from Head Start. This really impacted single 
women in the workplace hard. If corrected, we might see a rise in 
enrollment of women in continuing education, as well as some re-entering 
the workplace.

4. Maybe equal pay for women legislation might be back on the table, 
since the Republicans came into power, No one has even raised the issue, 
despite the fact that the numbers show it is a real problem.

5. The raising of the minimum wage may have a serious chance now. This 
could mean millions of Americans - including a large number of 
minorities might climb out of poverty.

6. I think Republicans, as a strategy to garner votes, often prey of  on 
the insecurities and fears of the voters and run on hate platforms… hate 
of gays, hate of of minorities, hate of immigrants, hate of Arabs. The 
use of fear to gain consensus is a powerful political tool. 
Unfortunately, it usually works. Ultimately the social policies that 
benefit the majority (not just the targets of the hate message) are 
victims of the success of these campaigns.  As the party in power, I 
think this allowed the Republican strategists to ensure that these 
subjects dominated what was covered in the media. Hopefully a change of 
agenda will change the subject of our national discussion and maybe 
these wedge issue fears of the electorate will be calmed. (Hopefully, at 
least not stimulated.) We all have our biases, but I think we have been 
going through a period in history where we have been encouraged to 
embrace our biases. My wish is that words like diversity and inclusion 
stop being dirty words.

This strategy has also served to allow many Americans to believe that 
bias and discrimination are a thing of the past and a dead issue, 
despite compelling evidence to the contrary. Hopefully this phase in our 
history will loose steam and Americans will continue with the positive 
efforts they made in the past.

This is just my wish list doesn't mean anything will change.

Tracey de Morsella
The Multicultural Advantage
Phone: 305-407-3803
Email: tdemorsella AT
Publisher of The Diversity Recruitment Advertising Toolkit
Diversity Staffing Center
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